Rating:  Summary: "To live is Christ, and to die is gain." Review: As Christians we are constantly put to test our faith in Christ. Yet I've never been asked if I would die for it, nor had I ever asked myself that question. I recieved Jesus Freaks as a gift. This book of course touched my heart and spirit. To read of these beautiful beings who stood strong for the Lord no matter the circumstance was inspirational. What is amazing is not only do the stories in this book impact, but are true. I even found Jesus Freaks somewhat difficult to read. I was impressed by the people who were fired up for Jesus Christ. I also found my spirit uplifted and thirsty for more at the end of each story. I recommend this book to those who have never asked themselves how much they truly love the Lord. I, a Christian can now proudly say that I am willing to die for my Father. He who has given me everything.
Rating:  Summary: Extreme Christianity Review: This has been a hard book to read. Not because of how it is written, but because of the knowledge that all of the poeple chronicled were either killed or tortured (or both.) It's merit is in the challenge it lays down to the casual Christians of today as well as the awareness of persecution it brings. If you think persecution is something of the past, this book will bring to light a reality of what Christians face all around the globe. For Christians who have fallen into the rut of "comfortable Christianity" where being a Christian entails no more committment than joining a social club, this book will be a wake-up call. You see what true faith in Christ is all about. You see the depth of the committment these martyrs have had throughout the centuries. In an age that people are trying to deny the very existance of God, every page of this book testifies that not only is God real, but devotion to Him is worth any price. Even that of your life. Read this book, then examine your own faith.
Rating:  Summary: What more proof can you ask for? Review: This amazing book is one of the most life considering books of all time. The whole book consists of true stories of people who died for what they believe. Sounds boring that that's all there is? On the contrary. If you read the just the first story, it is almost a guarantee your view on apologetics and Christianity in general will be changed. Atheists should take it as a challenge to see if they will not be changed. But I recommend it to all. There are many books on historical, physical, and philosophical evidence proving or disproving Christianity. But this book gives first hand spiritual truth. You don't see mass-martyrdom in any "religion" except Christianity. Many of these stories are accounts of people who actually took on impossible positions of survival, that to even the healthiest person alive could not withstand physically or mentally. Just for example a story of a Christian who was put out in the cold to double-digit, below zero temperature, every night, wearing his summer gear, because he didn't disclaim Jesus. Yet, if he made just that virtually effortless confession, he would be set free. No man would physically survive without the intervention of God. Even if they could, they wouldn't have the mental power to not say those few words to disclaim God- provided the pain they would be going through. There are many inspiring and down right out of this world stories that are sure to make you think twice about your whole life. I don't care what your intentions are or what "religion" you are or aren't- this book should be read by anyone who is able to obtain it.
Rating:  Summary: Awesome book! Review: Once again, it's a book that will bring you to your knees at the feet of Jesus Christ. We here in America have no idea what persecution is. I treasure this book and have read it twice. The incredible example of these martyrs is just amazing. It has really challenged my relationship with Christ and brought me to realize how much more I should stand up for him and take advantage of the freedom I have. This is an awesome book to help strengthen your faith. Their stories must be told!
Rating:  Summary: Things every Christian should think about Review: Fewer more compelling books have ever been written. The books tells the stories of believers through the ages and around the world who suffered torture and (usually) death for their faith in Jesus Christ, from Stephen to Columbine. Many of the stories are quite gruesome -- most of us in the Western World can not begin to comprehend death by steamroller, gouging out of eyes and tongue, or flogging and flaying -- but at the same time it was encouraging to hear of the martyr's steadfast faith, and God working in them and through them, so much that they would even love and share with tormentors up until their last breath. Often the persecutors themselves came to faith through the martyrs' testimonies. The book also contains descriptions of what is going on today in the countries where persecution takes place, more so now than ever, and what believers can do. The role that DC Talk actually played in the creation of this book is unclear, but their presence will certainly draw more attention to the book itself, especially that of younger people, which is great as every Christian can use having this information serve as a wake up call.
Rating:  Summary: Lies, Anti-Catholicism and Paranoia. Review: Let me see first off the legend of the Coloumbian Girl. Boy I wish people would get it striaght she didn't die a martyr she was asked "Do you belive in God?" AFTER being shot. It was just the actions of boys High School had pushed over the edge not an attack on Christianity.Also Christianity not getting what it wont isn't an example of attacks either. Even thou that's how every country in the world is branded Hostile and dangerous if memory serves me right. Finally there's the biased against Catholics not once do you read of a Catholic that died for the faith. I belive one reviewer said the Catholic Martyrs were turned into Protastent once. So much for the Commandment against bearing false witness...
Rating:  Summary: a well-intended, great book with a great flaw Review: I would have nothing but praise for this book if it weren't for the painfully obvious anti-Catholic elements. (although they officially claim to be inter-denominational) To reiterate the point made by several other reviewers, there are some very obvious martyrs missing in the book (St. Thomas More, Maximilian Kolbe) and it antagonizes the Catholic Church. 'Their stories must be told', yes, I agree, it opened my eyes and I absolutely love everythihg else about the book. couldn' there have been less of a bias so to make it open for believers of all denominations? (not that I classify the RCC as another denomination)
Rating:  Summary: It took me to my knees. Review: The stories in this book are compelling on so many levels. The one thing that I can say is that this book took me to my knees. So many times I felt compelled to pray for people in other countries who do suffer because of persecution. This book shows you that even though Christians in America are persecuted it is nothing compared to the people in other countries or in other times. This book showed me what is to come, even in America. If you are a Christian I would recommend this book. If you are not a Christian I would hope that you buy this book to see what people are willing to endure for their beliefs in Christ.
Rating:  Summary: This book should come with a warning. Review: Don't read unless you are prepared to have your life changed forever.
Rating:  Summary: seemingly good intentioned, blatantly anti-Catholic Review: I picked up this book to write a review of it for a youth publication. At first, I was moved by the stories of martyrs, young and old, of all Christian denominations, dying for their faith. But then I started to notice that every third story was about the persecution of Protestants at the hands of Catholics, most notably in England during the reign of Bloody Mary, and the Spanish Inquisition. Not a whisper of the countless Catholic martyrs who have died at the hands of Protestants. Not to mention there was absolutely *no* mention of the countless Catholic saints who have earned their canonization through martyrdom. The bias doesn't stop there. I started to recognize many of the stories of modern Catholic martyrs--except titles of "Father" were changed to "Pastor", and "priest" to "preacher". A young (the audience at which this book is geared) Catholic reading this book would have thought that there were no Catholic martyrs, in fact, the Catholics are the ones doing the martyring! I appreciate non-denominational books and music as much as the next person. But this book is so blatantly anti-Catholic, that it makes it very non-denominational-except-for-one. I couldn't continue past half. I hope DC Talk, a band I respect, will reconsider tacking their name to something that is supposed to promote peace, but is really a blatant tool of anti-Catholic propaganda.