Rating:  Summary: A great book for anyone Review: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets is the sequal to Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone. J.K. Rowling is a very talented writer. Some say this book is not as good as the first. I strongly disagree. This book is incredibly interesting and fun to read. I could hardly put it down. It is very diffrent from the first book but is still great. The author describes things vividly and write creatively. There is no way you could guess who has opened the Chamber of secrets and is petrifying people so they look dead. It starts with Harry Having an awful summer with the Dursley's and fools them into thinking he is aloud to do magic in the "muggle" world, but when they find out he isn't its trouble for Harry!
Rating:  Summary: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Review: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets is the sequel to Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets is about a boy named Harry Potter. It's his second year at Hogwarts but his mean Aunt and Uncle wont let him go to his magic school. So his best friend Ron Weasley comes and pretty much kidnaps him. Harry is very happy with Ron's family because they care about him. Once Ron and Harry get to Hogwarts they have a mystery on their hands because there is a monster on the loose. When they here about the monster they want to go see the action up close so they go looking for the Chamber of Secrets were the monster lives. To see if they find the monster and how the chamber was opened you will have to read the book.My Opinion I think Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets is a very good book. I think that because the plot of the story is amazing. I also think J.K Rowling did an excellent job on righting the book because she didn't leave any details out. The book is better than alot of other books because you are able to picture the scene in your mind. Harry Potter is a good book for kids around eight or older because in some parts it could be pretty scary. Even though most of my friends read this book, I would defiantly recommend this book to any one else. The Harry Potter book series probably did such a good job selling the books because there are not many good books with suspense and magic. That's why I would recommend this book to others.
Rating:  Summary: What a Kid! Review: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets is too wild for adults. It has a way of getting everyone's attention and thrills of horror. It utterly surprised me of who opened the Chamber of Sectrets. I think there should be more than just seven books!
Rating:  Summary: A Fantastic, Fun Filled Novel! Review: Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets opens up another world with new events and happenings not even an adult would want to miss this action packed sequel. There are many new secrets to learn, many more chalenges for Harry to achieve, and many new places too! Harry finds the simplest solutions to problems even a "muggle" could figure them out, but there are many more tasks that no "muggle" coulde ever figure them out. You find out the secrets of The Chamber of Secrets and have a fun filled reading experience while reading this great novel bye J.K. Rowling
Rating:  Summary: Another Potter Classic! Review: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Opinion by John Walikainen This book is about a 13-year-old boy who has many incredible adventures inside a school for wizards. I like this book because it has a great mix of action and mystery. It also includes a neat sport that is played on flying broomsticks. This book is a real page-turner with many weird happenings, such as Harry being able to talk to snakes, people getting petrified solid, and a haunted bathroom. It also has an exciting and surprising ending. This book would be good for anyone (of any age) who has an imagination.
Rating:  Summary: You'll never guess the ending ... again. Review: HARRY POTTER AND THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS picks up the summer after SORCEROR'S STONE, a terrific book, leaves off, with Harry back at the Dursleys' house on Privet Drive suffering through another miserable birthday. Soon, though, the prospect of returning to Hogwarts School brings him the promise of more adventure and, of course, mortal danger. With this book, J.K. Rowling showed that the first book wasn't a fluke, that she knows how to craft an involving children's fantasy that doubles as complicated, twisted and dread-filled mystery. She also shows that she's creating a universe for her readers full of endearing, believable characters and plot cornerstones. It's no mistake that each book follows roughly the same course, starting in pretty much the same place each time. The things Rowling is able to do within the plot structure and pattern that she sets up in HARRY POTTER is nothing short of remarkable. These are great books, and, though CHAMBER OF SECRETS isn't my favorite or the most complicated and satisfying, the ending, which you won't see coming at all ... unless you've seen the movie, is startlingly inventive.
Rating:  Summary: Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets Review: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Review by Kelly Bond Caption: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Rating: 4 stars I thought that the characters were interesting. I thought that Harry was the best because he played tricks. Harry kept getting away with everything even though his uncle treated him bad. The dwarf kept coming up in strange places and no one else saw him except for Harry. There was one part when Harry was at school. Harry and his friends were trying to get something upstairs. He was not allowed to go upstairs but he did it anyway by waiting until everyone else was asleep. He got caught but again got out of trouble. He is a good person to play sneaky tricks. Harry could also use his magic cape to get anywhere he wanted to go. I think other teenagers would like to hear or read Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.
Rating:  Summary: DA BEST BOOK EVER Review: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets was a book about a young boy who finds out he is a famous wizard.Harry and his freind Ginny go deeper into the underground "maze" beneath his school Hogwarts than in book one.Harry and Ginny go down the drain to get to the Chamber of Secrets and finds out that thats where the evil lord Voldamort is hiding.Voldamort tries to kill Harry and Ginny but fails. I thought it was a good book and rated it five stars.I would reccomend it to anyone not just a magic kind of man.
Rating:  Summary: We think Harry Potter is great! Review: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets was a fantastic book! My son and I read it aloud. We enjoyed it even more than Harry Potter and the Sorceror's Stone. We can't wait for J.K. Rowling to come out with another Harry Potter book. Harry is such a great character.
Rating:  Summary: I think the book was Excellent! Review: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets was a lot like the first one (Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone) in the beggining. Once you got to the middle the book was really entertaining!