Rating:  Summary: Best Book Yet Review: Harry Potter IS the best series i have ever read. The magic continues in book 4 when harry finds out there is a secret tournament this year. J.K. Rowling prints out another thrilling book that you cannot put down. I finished this book in a week and i dont read much. I recommend this book to anyone who likes adventure and fantasy. If you have read the other 3 books and didnt like them you still have to read this because it has some new thrills that havent happened before. Overall you must continue the series and read this book.
Rating:  Summary: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Review: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire has to be my favorite out of all four Harry Potter books.Yes, it is longer(700 something pgs.) but it is so good it is worth the time to read it.J.K. Rowlings once again brings a masterpiece of a book.Of course you have to read the first three to understand what is going on, but those books are well written too.This book is an adventure and mystery book for those who like those types of books.It is also an witchcraft and wizardry type book.Before I read this book and the other Harry Potter books I didn't like to read much, but now I love it!
Rating:  Summary: Best So Far of the Series Review: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire is by far my favorite of the four published books in this series. For readers who thought that Harry had grown a lot in the third book, the fourth book shows even more how much he is maturing and growing up. Harry still finds that there is a lot about the wizarding world that he doesn't know, but he is learning and growing every day.In the fourth book, Harry gets his chance to see a professional Quidditch game for the first time--at the Quidditch World Cup! The Weasleys have invited him to go with them, which also means that Harry gets to leave the Dursleys sooner than he had expected. Harry loves watching the professional teams and seeing so many wizards and witches in one place together, but two things upset the end of the night for everyone: a group of Death Eaters appear, followers of Voldemort, and Voldemort's Dark Mark is conjured in the sky--by Harry's wand, which he had lost sometime during the night. Despite the appearances of these things, Harry's return to Hogwarts is filled with excitement when the students learn of what will be coming up during the year at their school. Harry soon finds himself wrapped up in the events, though he is below the required age limit. Sirius is convinced that someone is after Harry and put his name into the drawing themselves. With all of the foreign students, teachers, ministry members, and reporters running around Hogwarts, Harry can't figure out who may be trying to get him killed. Harry is determined to show the person that he can get through the tasks ahead alive. Also within this book, more is revealed about Hagrid's past and Harry discovers the identities of several Death Eaters. Voldemort returns and Harry faces a battle with him, meeting the ghosts of his parents during the events. This book always leaves me crying at the end. There are deaths of innocent people in this book, possibly preparing us for more to come in later books. Harry matures rapidly in The Goblet of Fire, becoming a much older and wiser Harry at the end than he was when we first join him at the beginning.
Rating:  Summary: The best book ever Review: Harry Potter And The Goblet of fire is the best book ever. This book is different from all the other books but thats what makes it so good. No Matter what kind of books you read you will love this book. You will not be able to put this book down. The only problem is you dont want to finish it because it is so good and there is not another book out YET. This book is exciting, adventuers, fun, interesting, magical, and so amazing. This will be the best book you have ever read. I would recommend this book to anyone who can read even if you cant read your parents should read it to you. In this book Hogwarts isnt doing Quidditch but a special event that hasent been done in quite some time to find out what they have to do, what happens or just to read the best book you'll ever know read Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire. Now it's time for you to get lost in a magical fantasy.
Rating:  Summary: Harry Potter And The Goblit Of Fire Review: This Book is different from them all and is the best of all. There is a tri wizard compatition this year. Two other Schools are rivaling them this year So there should be three champions but instead there are four there was kind of an accedint becase harry was chosen. So throughout this book harry has to go through three hard tasks that he wishes he didnt half to. The first he has to get past a dragon. In the second one he has to find what he will surely miss. In the third he has to get through a maze with enchantments all over them he gets there and finds out out that the trophy is fake and waps him to lord voldamort then harry has to duel hime. but harry escapes just in time. When he gets back to the castle nobody believes him eccept dumbledor. Soon they find out that moody is actualy barty croutchand has been taking poly jouice potion to transform.
Rating:  Summary: One of thr Best Books Ever! Review: I loved "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire!" My personal favorite in the serise. I would recomend this book to anyone who likes fantacy, adventure, or Mysteries. This book grabs the reader from the first line and doesn't let go until the last. I personaly read the book non-stop for four days. The mystery will keep you guessing, and the tasks will keep you on the edge of your seat! Although the only quitich is of the quitich world cup, the triwizard chapionship will more then make up for it. I rated this book a five out of five because it is my favorite book, and made me love reading. It is Harry's fourth year at Hogwarts and something is different about this one. They are holding a triwizard tournment. a tournment that has been banned for years(people have died). The tournment is a competition between three schools Hogwarts, Durmstrang, and beuxbattons. They have one student from each school compeat, but this year there is a fourth competetor-Harry Potter.
Rating:  Summary: This book Is awesome Review: I loved this book. It was my favortie out of all the Harry Potter books. This is the book out of all four packed with the most excitment and intesity. It has a great plot and I love the story line. It had great and exciting new characters. I loved almost the whole book. It had everything you could ever want in a book. Romance, adventure, action, and secrets. It is the best.
Rating:  Summary: This book Is awesome Review: I loved this book. It was my favortie out of all the Harry Potter books. This is the book out of all four packed with the most excitment and intesity. It has a great plot and I love the story line.
Rating:  Summary: good book Review: In this book, like none of the others, there is a tournament to see which wizards are the best at the school. This event only happens every other hundred years. Also, what else is wierd is that there are only suposed to be 3 wizards doing this tournment, and the wizards have to be 18 years old or older. Dumbledore is wraping things up when Harry (15 years old and the 4th wizard) has his name taken out of the goblet. Will Harry win the tournament or will he be taken out of the picture? This book is very long and about a 7th grade reading level.
Rating:  Summary: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Review: this was Awesome...it was scary...and tricky. i didn't think Hermione was going to go to the yule ball with krum. i thought she was asked out by this nerdy guy that liked smart people. the truth is he really did like a smart persone but he wasn't nerdy. that was really werd when harry's parents came from voldemorts(he who must not be named) wand.