Rating:  Summary: By George, She Did It! Review: Ms. Rowling is to be commended on another great adventure. She has certainly joined the ranks of Milne, Lewis, White, and Tolkien in her creation of a secondary fantasy world.What's more, she makes these 700 pages simply fly by as Harry undergoes further obstacles and surprises. As a teacher, I'd love to have my students read this one with me, but I have a feeling that they will have completed it when I return in September. And for those who wonder if Harry Potter is solid literature, the answer is, of course, yes. All one needs to do is read a paragraph or two from any of her books to see that Rowling is a wonderful storyteller and a fine stylist. Her writing is raising the comprehension scores of students throughout America. In fact, if schools spent more time with Rowling than with prepping for Standardized Reading Tests, the "reading crisis" in America would be solved. Bravo, Ms. Rowling. I can't wait to read Book V.
Rating:  Summary: The Best book of the Milliume! Review: This is about Harry in his forurth year at Hogwarts where helearns to be a wizard.In this book the major things happen as such as... the Quidditch is cancelled.The reader will shiver at the ending Miss Rowling has magiced up.The worst part of this book is the first few chapters.They were so dull to me.
Rating:  Summary: Definately not up to par. Review: While this book was longer than the first three, it seemed tocontain so much less. There was a lot of story, but no poignancy orrichness. The book lacked the verbal paintings J.K. Rowling did so well in the first three. Hogwarts felt a bit old hat, like there was nothing new to show us there. I also felt certain characters had been built up just for martyrdom, instead of the drama of a involving a character for which we already cared . Harry seemed crabby and moodier in this book, but he is becoming a teenager! On the positive side, it did seem like this book was a gateway to better, more exciting books. Several different plotlines were developed for the future books in this entry. Harry Potter is going to face a lot of difficult battles in the future! While I did not think the book was great, or as good as the last three, it is definately a must read if you want to fully experience what I suspect will be a great 5th book. When does that one come out again?
Rating:  Summary: It was great! Review: This book was the best of the series, with plenty adventure and mystery. There were plenty of twists to keep you interested, and also to keep you interested! Many previous questions set by the previous three books are readily answered in this novel, and many chilling events help stem the flow of questions one might ask. Very well writen book!
Rating:  Summary: Like catching up with old friends... Review: It's been a long, tough wait since the 3rd book in J.K. Rowling's "Harry Potter" series came out, but reading this newest installment has been such a wonderful treat. I'm constantly amazed by the imagination and fun that Rowling condures up for her stories. Yes, this book is much, much longer than the previous three, but don't be intimidated by it. If anything, the added length extends the pleasure of reading it. I'd hoped to be able to spread out my reading of this book, but I'm done already and I wish I was back in the middle of it... stomach full of butterflies hoping Harry, Ron, and Hermione (Her-my-oh-nee... I'd been pronouncing it wrong in my head) would make it out ok; hoping Snape and Draco Malfoy would be squashed by some random monster that had escaped from Hagrid's pen; trying to figure out who the hidden bad-guy is... Absolutely love these books. Definitely classics that I'll read to my kids someday. Can't wait till Harry Potter V!
Rating:  Summary: She does it once again! Review: J.K. Rowling has done it once again. This book is well worth the wait and very much up to the pre-release hype! The book begins much differently that those in the past--it is very obvious that Lord Voldemort has returned! The chapter leaves us wondering just what could possibly happen next, and then we are sent right back to the previous books with another glimpse of life within the confines of Privet Drive. However, we are quickly submerged in the wonderful lives of the lovable Weasley family and entralled with the latest inventions of Fred and George. Harry comes face to face with Charlie and the very COOL Bill Weasley and the suspense begins at the Quiddich World Cup! We even see Harry and Ron's friendship tested and we are left with a very positive feeling that Ron has serious feelings regarding Hermione! Harry has a huge crush on, you guessed it, Cho Chang, and we find that Snape may not be as evil as we always believed! We also learn that Lucius Malfoy is exactly as we have always believed him to be! Harry is in contact with his Godfather, Sirius Black, and we find out why Harry must endure the Dursleys every summer rather than spending them with those that love him. We also find out why Lord Voldemort's curse did not work on Harry! There is one great sadness, a character, does in fact die! Even so, I advise all to begin this book and never put it down until the last page is finished! I know that's what I did! Enjoy!
Rating:  Summary: wonderful addition to the series Review: I had read speculative articles about this book before it was released, saying that it was darker in tone and perhaps less appropriate for children. I "pre-read" it so that I could decide whether or not my son should read it (although I would have wanted to read it anyway after thoroughly enjoying the first three!). It is clear that Ms. Rowling has carefully planned all of Harry's seven years of Hogwarts adventures, and this novel seems to be a pivotal point in the continuing story of the series, requiring the addition of some dangerous plot elements. Although as an adult reader I look forward to seeing resolutions of these dangers in later books, young children may find this book more frightening than the first three. The intricately detailed wizarding world continues to delight, through vivid descriptions, more mature development of relationships, and nonstop action. It is a wonderful addition to the series.
Rating:  Summary: "Pivotal" in many ways... Review: The flap of the dust-jacket of the fourth installment of Harry Potter calls the book "pivotal" -- and it is. Harry Potter's latest adventure finds our hero growing up. He's discovering girls, having nasty arguments with friends, learning of the greater wizarding world and becoming quite powerful as well. But just as Harry is coming of age, so is the material. The previous three books have treated the presence of Voldemort as a foil, rather than a deadly enemy. Harry has had many close calls in the past, but the violence has always been offstage and often vague or vaguely comical. But in this book, Harry faces the consequences of evil action directly. Never has the devastation caused by evil been so powerfully described, in this series or any other book. It is the horrendous consequences (lost families and friends and the emotional toll of such loss) that are the important descriptions, not the circumstance. When people lose parents or friends, it takes one sentence to describe the death but pages to describe the emotional and psychological damage. Based on responses to the previous books, I imagine that there will be a great deal of anger and outrage expressed about the content of this book. Yet it is the unflinching examination of good and evil that gives this book, and the series itself, the power to capture the imagination. Although terrible events occur, the author extols the virtues of bravery, integrity, honesty and compassion in the face of such horror. The events themselves are narrated without artifice nor are they filtered through a morally ambiguous viewpoint. It is by directly and honestly contrasting the qualities of heroism and villainy that Ms. Rowling has managed to reinforce the importance and necessity of such qualities. More so than any other book, this book examines the nature of right and wrong and human frailty, and demands that good people actively choose to perform good deeds. I cannot imagine that there is a better lesson to be learned, or a better series to teach that lesson.
Rating:  Summary: Best book EVER Review: Well, for those that haven't read it, I won't spoil a thing. But the tornament for the Goblet of Fire was totally cool! In this book, Harry is faced with many challenges and overcomes many obsticals. Also, he gets to go to the Quittich World Cup which was phat! There are many twists and turns in this book, and as my brother predicted, someone dies. He was a cool guy too! But n e wayz, I would recommend this book to anybody over the ages of 13 or so. Because any younger, and teh content my go over their heads.
Rating:  Summary: Harry potter4 Review: Excellent, cant put the book down. a must read series!