Rating:  Summary: Coming of Age Review: I think that with this fifth installment, "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix," J.K. Rowling proves her literary merit by providing the reader with a thoroughly entertaining, dramatic, poignant and sad tale. It is in this year of Harry's literary life that he must at last rise from his extraordinary childhood and enter into the adult world. Yet as Harry realizes he must enter into this world without the total privledges of a full adult however with nearly all of the responsibilities of one.This is Harry's "Empire Strikes Back" journey, it is in this tale that he faces the grayness of good and evil and must affirm that reality. By doing so, he will rise from his anger and depression and find the extraordinary hero that we have already seen growing inside of him. The Harry in Book Six and Seven will no longer be the one who is merely "watched over" or "guided to greatness" he will be the one who is getting very close to taking total control over his own destiny. And this book documents that transition of dependence to independence remarkably. It may not be as audience pleasing as the previous books but in this case that is a wonderful thing and a definite example of just what J.K. Rowling is actually doing with this classic series.
Rating:  Summary: Not as good as the previous 4 books Review: After all the expectation, finally I had the chance to read the fifth book of the series, still I think it's good but not great. In this book J.K. Rowling finally stopped explaining elementary stuff such as the rules of Quiditch, how Uncle Vernon looks like, how Hogwarts is divided into 4 different houses, and many other things whose explanation I considered unnecesary in the second, third and fourth books. During Harry's fifth year at Hogwarts, many vital information is shared to the reader, nevertheless it doesn't reveal too much because we know that the end of the Dark Lord will have to wait until Harry's graduation. Even though I think it is not the best one of the series you cannot stop reading it.
Rating:  Summary: Order of the Phoenix ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Review: What can I say about this book that I can contain in a thousand-word review??? Put simply, it rocks. J.K. Rowling lets us see quite clearly that Harry Potter is going through unique phases in his teenage years. She shows us how Harry's moods are suddenly getting shifty and erratic, and he is no more the young dorky boy that he used to be. He's growing up! Plus, the laughs are even bigger this time, what with Fred and George taking their business to the next level with their Skiving...oops, you'll have to find that out for yourself! I particularly enjoyed a moment in the book when Professor Umbridge (the new, disgusting, repugnant, evil Defense against the Dark Arts teacher) was questioning Hagrid as to how he sustained certain injuries, and Hagrid says shiftily "I-I um...tripped." That was hilarious! This book is also slightly depressing at certain moments, but this is not because of the quality of the book. This is simply because Rowling does a terrific job of portraying Harry's feelings to us, letting us feel a bit of his angst, anger, and disquietude (O.W.L.s are coming!!!). Plus, Hermione goes to the next level with SPEW (which is sure to irritate all of us), and Ron (to everyone's dismay) becomes a pr... oops, almost let that slip! This book is absolutely addictive, you'll want to read through the night (which is what I did; I read this bad boy in 3 days!!!)! Trust me, if you want a good read (for a looooooooooooooong time), you WILL want to pick up the latest Harry Potter.
Rating:  Summary: Good Story, too long a wait Review: In my opinion, she could have edited this book and gotten rid of some of the chapters. I am glad I was not on the Harry band wagon, cause I did not wait three years to read the fifth book. The story is compelling and I do wish she had planned better how she was going to handle these sequels. She really should not make fans wait so long to enjoy the story of the boy wizard.
Rating:  Summary: By Far, not the best Harry Potter book Review: Like most i was expecting the best book of all. Since book five took so long to be released. I felt J.K. was cooking up something big. Boy was I completely wrong. just when I thought the book could get no darker, then does my faviote character take a turn for the worst. Also explainations seemed rushed and somewhat unimaginative. In this book I also began to hate Harry Potter as a character most of all. In the books before he seemed to be the under dog, who no body understood. The reader hates snape for his mistreatment of Harry. Then Harry's personality seemed to do a 180 spin. He now seemed more angry, selfish, egotistical, and most of all hard headed. In fact it is these four things that get him into trouble.I began to see snapes hatred of Harry as not just pure jealousy. I also found myself putting this book down and doing other things with my life. This was not the case with the other books, which i read until my eyes bled. This book was just too depressing for me to be able to move quickly through. I hope this book sets up a great book six. Maybe i won't have such high expectations. I guess when your writing a seven book series one or two have to stick out as not being the favorites. I also want the next one to come out sooner so i can get this book off my mind.
Rating:  Summary: Great Book Review: I thought that Harry Potter and the Order of the of the Pheonix was awesome. It was alot different from some of the other Harry Potter books because there weren't little things that came together in the end solving the mystery. But I guess that J.K. Rowling couldn't do the exact same thing for every book and wanted to come from a different angle. I was glued to this book from beginning to end. I loved, but hated at the same time, how smilingly villainous Dolores Umbridge was. Rowling made it very realistic how Harry is changing as a teenager. I would recommend this book to anyone. Harry Potter fan or not. This book is the a must have.
Rating:  Summary: Better Then The 4th Book Review: I could not wait for this book to come out, I was one of those people who waited for the book to be sold at 12:00 midnight. I enjoyed this book so much more then the 4th book. This book did not disappoint me, I enjoyed reading the adventures they went through it was a different from the other 4 books, I think it goes more to the dark side, It is still a great read. Happy Reading Lisa
Rating:  Summary: Order up some Phoenix....its bloody brilliant!!!! Review: Okay...we've waited forever and after reading book 5, I've got to admit it was well worth the wait. I was worried a bit, concerned that maybe Ms. Rowling would not be able to continue the magic that she had conjured up in the first four books. My worries were put to rest upon starting chapter one. I am continually amazed at this author's creativity---her imagination is incredible, lucky for all of her fans. In "Phoenix", she shows us a teenage Harry, moody and testy with his friends, going through a great deal of anxiety like most kids his age. He, however, has much more to worry about than the average kid....namely Lord Voldemorte. There are lots of new things happenings---a new Defense of Dark Arts teacher, lots of politics at the Ministry of Magic, a love interest---enough to keep any Harry Potter fan happy. Rowling is allowing the readers to grow up with Harry and experience his gradual maturing into young adulthood. My only regret is that I'm finished with this book and now have to wait for book 6. This is an incredible read and I highly recommend it to anyone who enjoys reading----I couldn't put it down!
Rating:  Summary: Wonderful, of course! Bring on #6! Review: After waiting 3 years for this book to come out, I must say that I was pleased with J.K. Rowling's continuation of the Harry Potter saga. This book definitely added a lot to the series, and while Harry is quite moody - what 15 year-old boy (or girl, for that matter) isn't?!? I think she got it right on the dot with that. Yes, we'd all like Harry to stay the sweet little 12 year-old he was in the first book, but that's not really realistic now, is it? (Not that trolls, house elfs, and talking hats are, but come on, now...) I am very much looking forward to book six - I just hope I don't have to wait another 3 years!
Rating:  Summary: Almost worth the wait... Review: There is no question about it, this book was not at all what I had expected. The previous books in the series seemed more complete, more satisfying. This book just meandered around, giving little hints, half-stories, and layering it with Harry yelling at the world in all too frequent intervals. In the other books, Harry was actually trying to solve problems (ex: Chamber of Secrets, the Philosopher's Stone), whereas in this book, Rowling seems to be constantly setting up everything for the next book by laying out a jumble of information which makes this book seem jagged and incomplete. In Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, the story slid into that rut a couple of times, but managed to pull its self out, and into a satisfying read. At the end of The Order of the Phoenix I felt let down, there were far fewer revelations in this book than the previous books especially considering the 800+ pages this was. It felt like I was driving on a highway filled with tollbooths, whenever I felt like the book was really taking off, it would stop, explaining some triviality. One could make the argument that its these little trivialities that come together to make J.K. Rowling's books such a satisfying read, but in the way the J.K. Rowling presented these little tidbits was throughly discomforting and might lead one to question her writing prowness. But, even through the trudging, Rowling does show some of her characteristic sly humor, and excellent observations of the human character, which redeems the book a little to make it worth 4 stars. Although I can no longer relate to Harry, Hermione and Ron are still refreshingly relatable and their actions throughly understandable. If you enjoyed the previous books in this series (as I have), do not prevent yourself from buying this latest hefty volume, it is still an okay read, and better than the concoctions of other authors.