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Rating:  Summary: 199, well, er, 60 anyway... Review: I bought this book with great anticipation -- not exactly in need of a new profession, but always looking for new ideas and profitable opportunities. "199 Great Home Businesses" started well, the first few chapters providing me with the necessary motivation to really want to begin a new business in my home. This is going to be great, I thought. I'm already primed to get started! Now give me some info and I'm ready to fly!And then, abruptly, the book took an unexpected and disappointing turn. The author, in an effort to sound friendly and supportive, makes an offer to help you with your business start up. "Call me anytime," he insists -- and if you subscribe to his newsletter he'll even answer some of your questions. What's more, he adds, if you have a good business idea, he'll even help finance it for a reasonable interest rate. What? That felt strange. I ignored it though, and plodded on to the meat of the book -- the 199 Great Home Business suggestions. It definitely needs saying: THERE ARE ONLY 60 ideas detailed in this book. The remaining 139 are simply business titles and potentional salary ranges listed in capsulized charts. Not exactly helpful, but I guess 199 sounds better than 60. No big deal, 60 ideas should be enough. Besides, if I'm going to run a business, I better get used to occasional numeric disappointments. Maybe that's what the book was trying to do deliberately -- give me an early lesson in the world of business. I had to chuckle. Learning business was easy! I had one lesson already mastered. I was well on my way to finance freedom! But the 60 Great Ideas turned out to be just 60 shameless plugs for "Business Kits" that, of course, the publishers are willing to sell you if you're interested. Peppered throughout the book, and summarized at the back, are countless advertisements for the various kits and pamphlets you can purchase if you require any true info about these businesses. They range in price from $12 to over $100. Interesting. Yes, interesting. And shameless. And disappointing. When I purchased the book, I expected to receive some valuable information -- not a handful of new opportunities to spend even more money to get the info I already paid for. The book is entrepreneurial, indeed, and the author is probably making money hand over foot. But one lesson in business, one which this book has failed, is that you should provide your customer with value for his money. You WILL feel cheated by this book. Avoid.
Rating:  Summary: This Book Should Be Banned. Review: I never before in my 28 years have read a book more useless and pathetic than this. The business ideas are a real joke. Hardly any of these ideas could be developed into an real business. Whatever you do DO NOT WASTE YOUR MONEY. You would be better off buying an 1975 map of south Mississippi. It could help you start a business better than this book. I will sell you my copy for [money amount](the cost of a small bundle of fire wood).
Rating:  Summary: I took him up on his offer to call -- very disappointing. Review: Please be careful! Ty Hicks is a kind of swindler: he encouraging reader to begin his own business without any helpful information. Although the title of this book promises something useful but unfortunately it doesn't show up. So do not buy this book! Ty Hicks is not here to help you as he claims on the cover of the book. He is only looking to get people to subscribe to his newsletter and buy his other books and kits he sells by mail. All the information in this book is very general and well-known for kids. And I think his potential earnings were all inflated.
Rating:  Summary: This Book Should Be Banned. Review: The 3 reasons not to buy this book: 1. The earnings potential in this book are very unrealistic. It seems as if you can be rich with almost no work. 2. Some of the business concepts are absurd(i.e. a service that uses dogs to chase ducks away from your property) 3. The author does not have your success in mind, he just wants to sell you his books and newsletters.
Rating:  Summary: THIS BOOK ISN'T WORTH THE PAPER IT'S PRINTED ON Review: The 3 reasons not to buy this book: 1. The earnings potential in this book are very unrealistic. It seems as if you can be rich with almost no work. 2. Some of the business concepts are absurd(i.e. a service that uses dogs to chase ducks away from your property) 3. The author does not have your success in mind, he just wants to sell you his books and newsletters.
Rating:  Summary: Not very helpful. Review: The title of this book promises helpful information but unfortunately it doesn't deliver. While the author provides many home-based business suggestions, many are rather unreasonable and/or impractical. For the few seemingly legitimate suggestions he provides, he gives no real practical information in how to get started. I found this book so useless that I returned it!
Rating:  Summary: The Truth About Ty Hicks - Is He For Real? or a Swindler? Review: Why You Should Buy This Book: If you are really serious about your financial health, here is someone who not only has done the things he teaches you, but who is actually there to help you when you need answers to questions, or individual help. If you know anything at all about the usual "courses" and "seminars"....for getting rich in real estate, etc... you know that what happens when you buy them, no matter the quality (or lack of quality!) of the information you are given, you are either left to "sink or swim" or your questions are "answered" by a group of people hired by the course or seminar business to do customer service. Sometimes you are allowed to question the "big guy", but even then, it is usually a "stand-in-line-after-the-lecture" deal. IWS is different, because Ty Hicks is different. Tyler G. Hicks is a mulit-millionaire; a NewYork kind of guy: he talks fast, talks plain, and doesn't like wasting time. I recently saw him criticized by some skeptic who called Ty and insisted on being given "proof" that what Ty teaches "really works". The man was upset because Ty did not want to play that game. But notice: the man WAS ABLE to get Ty Hicks on the phone. That is because, when you call Ty Hicks, you do not get a customer service clerk, or even a secretary... you get Ty Hicks! And Ty did not refuse to help the man make money; Ty refused to waste time "proving" ..for free... that what he has successfully done for over 30 years DOES in fact, work. I suspect the reason Ty reacted that way is because if the man had done his homework at all, he would know that what Ty teaches works. A better thing to do would have been to call Mr. Hicks and ask a REAL QUESTION. I'm sure Mr. Hicks would have helped him beyond his wildest dreams. I know, because Mr. Hicks helped me, many years ago. At that time, skeptics surrounding me claimed Mr. Hicks would never talk to me, and that I was a fool to even try. Because I was a VERY POOR mother with a bunch of kids; I had zero to offer Mr. Hicks. However, I had bought one of his books and a one year subscription to his newsletter. I had decided to try and find a mentor from the many authors I had read, so I took a chance and called. Mr. Hicks. Imagine my shock when Mr. Hicks himself answered the phone! When it became obvious that Mr. Hicks not only would talk to me, but encouraged me to call him back when I needed help....and then DID HELP ME, the skeptics changed their tune to claiming Mr. Hicks was "only trying to make money off of me". At the time I found that hysterically funny. I pointed out that if that were his plan, he wasn't very bright...because at that point, Mr. Hicks was possibly earning pennies an hour ..in book royalties...counseling me! Everything Mr. Hicks did was helpful and ethical and logical. He is an incredibly wonderful person. When I called Mr. Hicks, I had actually been on welfare (put on welfare at the insistance of my husband, who then abandoned his kids)...and was living in a town that was in the middle of a depression, with it's major industry shut down. I had six kids, three of them pre-schoolers, no job, and almost no experience. I had some ideas, but no courage and no idea how to actually implement them. As if he were my brother, Mr. Hicks took time to help me, step by step. Mr. Hicks answered questions I would have thought would have frustrated a successful man like him. My experience with Mr. Hicks is that he is one of the kindest, most generous men I have ever met. In the end, he helped me to purchase a brand new home of my own, with nothing down, begin a child-care business which was to blossom into a chain of child care businesses where the operators were trained and licensed, purchase rental properties and find good renters for them - BEFORE I BOUGHT THEM ....by being a good landlord and giving tenants what they need... and to use venture capital to take over a small energy-conservation company. That's not all Ty Hicks did for me; he is an incredible man. But this gives you some idea. Don't get me wrong: Ty Hicks expects the people whom he helps to WORK. Ty Hicks cannot do it for you. He did not waste hours yakking on the phone. Instead, he did something more important: HE HELPED ME LEARN HOW TO MAKE THESE THINGS HAPPEN FOR ME! I believe: if there is anyone in the entire world - besides you - who can teach you how to become rich - ethically - Ty Hicks is the man. You have to ask yourself: why did Ty Hicks do this for me? I was a complete stranger; I did not even have a job, and I lived thousands of miles away from Mr. Hicks. Those who have actually gone and taken action to learn and do what Ty Hicks teaches know why. If you want to find the answer; if you REALLY WANT to become wealthy and are seriously willing to do what it requires, I suggest you follow a route explained by Ty Hicks!
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