Asia has the fastest growing economy on the globe, so it's no surprise that professional women are traveling there with greater frequency. But doing business in Asia is a delicate balancing act for a woman, since the region's traditional attitudes about a "woman's place" can pose special problems. In Asia for Women on Business, authors Tracey Wilen and Patricia Wilen try to give their readers some sound practical advice on cracking the culture barrier. The focus of this book is on "the Four Tigers": Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, and South Korea; the first three chapters give overviews of the four countries in terms of culture shock, doing business, and after-hours entertainment. Chapter 4 presents strategies for handling discrimination and sexual harassment, while chapter 5 discusses the importance of dining, a huge part of doing business in Asia. The rest of the book is divided into chapters that deal with the Four Tigers individually. Each of these chapters contains anecdotes from women who have conducted business in the country, general rules of etiquette that cover business, dining, and gift-giving, and a list of recommended hotels, restaurants, and nightspots. There's also information about safety, transportation, and sightseeing. So before you head out on that next business trip to Asia, pick up a copy of Asia for Women on Business.