Rating:  Summary: Read it! Review: This book will change your outlook on the world. Get it now
Rating:  Summary: The Book That Changed my Life Review: I should write to Korten himself, granted, yet let us share something here.Rather than an educated comment, let me just tell that reading When Corporations Rule The World on Tet (February) 2000 triggered such a stir in my life that I have happily quit from a general management role in an oil company, forfeited the cash and got a life with my much-too-overlooked family. I took up graduate studies in economics and began to read Paul Hawken, Herman Daly, H. T. Odum, but also Toynbee, Jared Diamond, Wendell Berry, Douthwaite. The world is at a turning point, and it is up to us to make things better.
Rating:  Summary: An insightful and important book for the 21st century Review: Mr. Korten expresses the feelings I've had for many years. Like him, I'm basically conservative. But as a CPA, I've seen first hand the damage that corporate greed, as practiced by senior management and the boards of directors, has done to individuals, communities and the environment. The helplessness we all experience in the face of this annonymous threat requires that we gain as much knowledge about the situation as possible. I also recommend consensualdemocracy.com to readers.
Rating:  Summary: The Most Eye Opening, and Concious Stirring Book I Ever Read Review: Everyone says..."A must read..." For this book-It truely is the literal truth In this educated and logical review of our capitalist/elitist system of commerse, Korten put into words everything that I had ever thought or felt wihtin the past 5 years. He carefully and rationally tracks our path of self destructive system of global economics with seemingly endless real life examples and unmistakable truths. I was quite emotionally moved, nearly to tears, as I had to hold myself ethically and philosophically responsible for furthering our planets current demise in the way I lived my life and thought in the past. I now have planned steps to relieve my burdened soul of responcibility which include returning myself to a more spiritual and simple life. With all sincerity I can say that I experienced a very real paradigm shift in my life. I now see that I was not, and am not, alone in my uneasiness with where our planet is heaed environmentally and socially. I will never be able to thank Korten enough for writing this book and freeing my soul.
Rating:  Summary: A well written proponent of Democratic Pluralism Review: David C. Korten does a fine job mixing both analysis with history. This well referenced book cites the inherent flaws found within both the systems of Marxism and Free-Market Capitalism. The author clearly demonstrates a repulsion for these two "extremist ideologies." Korten puts forth a well stated argument for Democratic Pluralism, while criticizing the inherent flaws of western societies growing economic system. Ironically, Korten uses Adam Smith (among many others) to support the ideas of a "regulated-market economy." An idea which recognizes the important roles that the Civic sector, Government sector and the Market sector all play in operating society. Korten propose a way to improve the quality of life for majority (not he minority) of people on this planet. While doing so he repeatedly stresses the importance of creating economic sustainability, through ecological sustainability. The reviewer frmokehee 's comments regarding Korten as a communist, and his long drown out environmental criticism seem blatantly unfounded with in the texts of this book. Although his review seems to have some facts straight (regarding the environment), in regards to this book he does not. Whether or not this individual has even read this book or anything about it, aside from some negative reviews, seems questionable.
Rating:  Summary: THE primer on capitalism vs. the market Review: This book is the most complete and concise volume on the continuing synergistic attempt by the corporate powers-that-be to completely overwhelm the cultures, markets and resources of the peoples of the world. This is no "conspiracy theorist"- he backs up all his claims in great detail, and invites the reader to find the proof in their own observations of the market, media, and political realms. Most interesting is his proposal that the corporate form of globalization is (paradoxically) ideologically opposed to the ideas set forth by Adam Smith and David Ricardo. The last chapters deal with locally-based market alternatives to global capitalism A must read for anyone for or against the global trade agreements. Also highly recommended is "The Case Against the Global Economy". A huge tome, but highly compelling.
Rating:  Summary: An Important Time to Read this Book Review: Korten has great credentials and experience in the working and academic world to cover this topic. Not an idealist or rebel, just a qualified individual who's writing about what he's experienced and studied. The history and development of our corporate-run world is explained, and the results examined. This is a subject that affects us all. People must be careful to note that this is not an anti-capitalist piece of work, but an axamination into what corporate-globalism is doing today and will continue to do in the future. (Were the WTO protesters in Seattle, IMF protestors in DC, London, and Prague malcontents? Yes, some of them were, but the right, center and left were united.) As for a lack of humanism in globalism it is paramount. And to the left, the Communist nations were exploitive and destructive as well. The Soviet Government was a corporation itself. This book makes us want to go back to a decentralised, locally controlled way of life, and that is something that will not return. I highly recommend this book. It is excellent, and provides a basis for further reading.
Rating:  Summary: what if communists ruled the world? Review: David Korten Though the author never comes out and says he's a communist he certainly sounds like one. Of course this is funny because communism and environmentalism mix about as well as oil and water. National geographic (hardly a mouthpiece for Capitalism) has called Siberia the "most polluted place on earth." (see the March 1990 issue). Imagine, all the downsides of environmental destruction with none of the material gain. Just another one of the many evils attributed to communist/socialist practice to add to a long list - events that resulted in 50 - 100 million murded human beings and economic stagnation. Of course the old Soviet Union isn't the only polluted place. China is severely polluted. I remember traveling through East Germany in 1989 - the whole country was covered with an orange sky. Yet to Korten corporations are the big evil. Korten also ignores the importance of wealth. With money people are housed and fed and can spend time thinking about environmental issues. In fact, they may even have the means to do something about it. As for Korten I agree with a fellow reviewer - it's a shame that Stamford wasted an education on this guy. He has no redeeming value.
Rating:  Summary: Conspiracy theorists' unite Review: Mr Korten displays an breathtaking lack of historical and economic knowledge. This appalling book is a badly written collection of conspiracy, misunderstanding and Politically Correct blame. Korten never lets historical fact get in the way of philosophy. Apparently, 'Europe thrived on the backs of its colonies', while Japan 'colonised through aid and investment'. No doubt a surprise to the relatives of the 40 million raped, murdered and enslaved by the Japanese empire, one of the most brutal in history. There are too many historical and economic inaccuracies to mention. It is plain, however, that Korten is not a stickler for detail. By nit-picking through history, pulling out individual events, it is possible to prove almost anything. Yes, corporations are very very bad; but so are businesses and individuals. Trying to shift the blame onto one section of society is as futile as it is silly. But every conspiracy theorist needs a scapegoat. One could equaly blame problems on men/Europeans/cpaitalists....or your favorite ethnic group. Korten is, in essence, a socialist with centrist leanings. Almost all European socialist government have been thrown out of office. Countries that practised the very beliefs he espouses, have universally rejected them. Do the voters know something he doesn't? Perhaps most ludicrous, despite endless harping on world hunger and poverty, is the omission of population growth, undoubtedly the most important issue facing the 3rd world today. If America had India's population growth, it too would be facing great poverty. Not fitting his comspiracy theory, this is rejected. Rather like a lung cancer specialist refusing to mention tabacco. This fairy tale view of good poor countries, verses bad rich counties, displays a simplistic, childish world view. Little attention is paid to corruption, mismanagement and population that are the true causes of poverty in the 3rd world. If all world debt was eradicaed tomorrow, its effect would be limited. One of the best kept secrets is that 75% debt has alreaady been forgiven, (100% in the UK). Though important and oft-repeated issues are raised in this book, Kortenn's fixation with one section of business denies any validity of his argument. Undoubtedly, the IMF and World Bank have wreaked terrible damage and need to be severely restricted; few would despute this. But dressed up in neo-socialist pipe dreaming, this criticism looses validity. Korten harks to a socialist era, where the thrust of capitalist endevour is tamed and social planning takes presidence. If corporations are all powerful, all corrupting, why are environmentalists, feminists, race campaigners, safety campaigners and liberals infinitely more powerful and popular than 40, 60 or 80 years ago? Because conspiracy theories, are just that. This book will warm the hearts of any liberal ready to blame their woes on sinister corporations. But do little for those with a rudimentary understanding of world politics and history. A missed opportunity.
Rating:  Summary: A Must Read Review: David Korten has done an admirable job of defining the challenges presented by the emerging global economy. He leads us through the root causes of these challenges and he shows us the outcome if our course does not change. Yet, while Korten helps the reader understand the reality of our predicament, he also helps us see this is not the inevitable result of forces outside our control. He provides models for living in a healthy, sustainable manner and provides the encouragement to do so. This book should be read and discussed by concerned people throughout the world.