Rating:  Summary: Why are debt collectors trying to destroy this book? Review: I have to laugh when reading these reviews: This book gets 5 stars from consumers, yet it appears several debt collectors wrote reviews (they probably didn't even read the book) and give it a star or two. Gee, I wonder what is happening?Not one review by any debt collector actually goes to the substance of the book: That debt collectors have laws they have to follow. When those laws are broken--and this happens frequently--you, the cosumer, can sue the debt collector. There is no reason to be afraid, no reason to screen your phone calls. We, as consumers, have tons of rights against debt collectors, many of them we don't even know. This books tells us what those rights are-nothing more, nothing less.The author does not say all debt collectors are bad. What he says, in plain, easy to read language, is that debt collectors cannot abuse and harass consumers, and he gives us exact cases that explain what the law is. There are only a handful of books out there on this subject. Debt collection is largely a "dark" industry and has never been exposed. And the debt collectors just can't stand the fact that someone finally exposed them and their cheap bag of tricks. Consumers have rights they don't even know about, and the debt collection industry simply doesn't want us to know what those rights are. Debt collectors use desk names, caller id, talk to our neighbors, threaten to sue us. Much of this is illegal. Why are debt collectors so afraid of this book? My prediction: some "consumer" will give it an iffy review. The reviews right now are 5 star consumer based, 1 star by the debt collectors. Gee, I wonder how much farther the collectors will go. The word is out about you, debt collectors. I know it makes you burn. You're not all bad, so you say--but why are you so afraid of a book that simply tells the consumers what their rights are? What are you trying to hide? As members of our wonderful open society, do you not want your fellow citizens to be fully informed on laws? Or do you break those laws so often, exposure could really, really hurt you? You "cross the line" all the time, and many consumers don't even know when you do. When you cross the line, for example, use vile language, you can get sued. That's right--a consumer can go to the National Consumer Law Center in Boston, find a lawyer that makes a living suing debt collectors, and sue--but isn't this what you do? Don't you make a living suing people--people who have gone through a divorce, gotten ill, lost a job? Please. It's about time you face your responsibility.
Rating:  Summary: What a Joke! Review: I must say, upon reviewing all the negative criticisms on both sides of the issue, an informed observer should tend to agree with the economics major from below. As he stated in his post, he is in collections to finance an education, not as a switch from a job as an economist. The mean-spirited an callous tone of the author's response reveals his intent to circumvent a system that is ultimately beneficial to everyone, not just the institutions he criticizes. The author of the book would do well to read more carefully in the future, lest he make a similar mistaken identity in the future. It is important to keep in mind that that banks ultimately exist, at least in the 21st century, to help people. Banks do not have to loan you money, it is entirely at their discretion. They would be much better served by simply making overnight loans to corporations with guaranteed repayments. When individuals attempt to avoid paying off obligations that were agreed upon with the financial institution and the individual, the individuals only makes matters more difficult for other individuals to obtain loans, forcing banks to charge higher interest rates to make up for the individuals who refuse to repay. If you're not comfortable repaying borrowed funds, do not seek those funds, and leave them for those who are willing. Additionally, boasts of TV appearances do little to enhance one's credibility, especially in an age where people like Geraldo, Charles Grodin and Ann Coulter are readily granted shows and will interview anyone who shares their extreme viewpoints.
Rating:  Summary: What a Joke! Review: I must say, upon reviewing all the negative criticisms on both sides of the issue, an informed observer should tend to agree with the economics major from below. As he stated in his post, he is in collections to finance an education, not as a switch from a job as an economist. The mean-spirited an callous tone of the author's response reveals his intent to circumvent a system that is ultimately beneficial to everyone, not just the institutions he criticizes. The author of the book would do well to read more carefully in the future, lest he make a similar mistaken identity in the future. It is important to keep in mind that that banks ultimately exist, at least in the 21st century, to help people. Banks do not have to loan you money, it is entirely at their discretion. They would be much better served by simply making overnight loans to corporations with guaranteed repayments. When individuals attempt to avoid paying off obligations that were agreed upon with the financial institution and the individual, the individuals only makes matters more difficult for other individuals to obtain loans, forcing banks to charge higher interest rates to make up for the individuals who refuse to repay. If you're not comfortable repaying borrowed funds, do not seek those funds, and leave them for those who are willing. Additionally, boasts of TV appearances do little to enhance one's credibility, especially in an age where people like Geraldo, Charles Grodin and Ann Coulter are readily granted shows and will interview anyone who shares their extreme viewpoints.
Rating:  Summary: Not all debt collectors are ruthless, this book is misleadin Review: I picked this up at a local library and read most of it looking for information on my field... that was a mistake. This book is simply capitalizing on groupthink and stretching the truth about the industry, painting all collectors with a bad brush and saying you can get away with things that you can't. The company I work for, OSI, is very good at training us to respect the consumer, respect the FDCPA and even go above and beyond the FDCPA and help the consumer through hardships. Example: If you simply SAY that you want us to stop calling you, we will mark that number bad and stop calling you. The FDCPA actually requires a written letter to be recieved, but we go beyond the laws to protect the debtor. Honestly, if you're mad at us why would you want to clean up your debt or even listen to us at all?
Rating:  Summary: Collection agency harassment Review: I purchased this book off ebay to see what it was all about, I have been in the credit/colelction industry and wrote a book myself about 3rd party collection agencies for the consumer. I was very impressed with the layout and information Mr. DiMaggio has put in this book. I can tell you from someone that is experencied in this area that this book is very informational when it comes to the consumers right against a 3rd party collection agency. I do look forward to more books and information from Mr. DiMaggio. I have had the opportunity to personally speak with Mr.DiMaggio and was very impressed with his knowledge in the collection industry.
Rating:  Summary: The best book on consumer's rights and coll. agents' tactics Review: I read this book and consider it to be the best book written on the FDCPA and the consumer. This attorney/author informs the average consumer of laws the collection agents have to follow. He does it in a very easy-to-understand and friendly manner. There are even forms you can use to write your own letters! The coward who didn't leave his name on a couple of reviews below is a perfect example of the narrow-mindedness of many of the average debt collectors. That is one of the reasons congress enacted this law. If this so-called economics major knew anything about economics he would realize the credit industry LOVES it when people pay their bills late and default! It gives them reason to raise the interest rate and charge additional fees! The deliquency and default rate are fairly constant and thus built-in to the cost of doing business. Its also a loss against their revenue, thus offsetting taxes on profits. The creditors win every which way but loose! And as for learning to pay one's bills....I seem to recall a few years ago, Mr. Econ. major, when a vast amount of banks couldn't pay their bills and had to go running to congress in order for us, the taxpayer, to BAIL THEM OUT! I hope you are as morally indignant toward the banking industry as you are the consumer who gets behind in their bills. If you are not, please explain the difference. And the next time you feel the need to illustrate your stupidity, try reading a book and writing something remotely similar to a review of that book.
Rating:  Summary: The best book on consumer's rights and coll. agents' tactics Review: I read this book and consider it to be the best book written on the FDCPA and the consumer. This attorney/author informs the average consumer of laws the collection agents have to follow. He does it in a very easy-to-understand and friendly manner. There are even forms you can use to write your own letters! The coward who didn't leave his name on a couple of reviews below is a perfect example of the narrow-mindedness of many of the average debt collectors. That is one of the reasons congress enacted this law. If this so-called economics major knew anything about economics he would realize the credit industry LOVES it when people pay their bills late and default! It gives them reason to raise the interest rate and charge additional fees! The deliquency and default rate are fairly constant and thus built-in to the cost of doing business. Its also a loss against their revenue, thus offsetting taxes on profits. The creditors win every which way but loose! And as for learning to pay one's bills....I seem to recall a few years ago, Mr. Econ. major, when a vast amount of banks couldn't pay their bills and had to go running to congress in order for us, the taxpayer, to BAIL THEM OUT! I hope you are as morally indignant toward the banking industry as you are the consumer who gets behind in their bills. If you are not, please explain the difference. And the next time you feel the need to illustrate your stupidity, try reading a book and writing something remotely similar to a review of that book.
Rating:  Summary: Every Consumer Should Read This Book Review: I think this book was extremly helpful. Mr. DiMaggio has inside knowledge of what goes on in collection agencies. Some of the things he talks about are things I already suspected, such as the "power over" tactic in which a debt collector calls himself Mr. or Ms. and then calls you by your first name (Chapter 4;page 21). He says this is done to make you think that you are talking to a superior. He also gave some advice that I wish that I had used. When these debt collectors call tell them that you are taping the conversation for "quality control" purposes (Chapter 3;page 13). I would suggest that those who have a speaker phone turn it on and let the debt collector know that it is turned on. I suspect that some of them will try to tell you that they can't talk to you on a speaker phone in order to protect your privacy. I would suggest reminding them that you are in your own home and privacy is not a problem. You may even tell them that the handset is broken in case they try to get you to turn the speaker off. If I had known this information two years ago I probably would not have filed for bankruptcy so soon. But I will tell everyone I know about this book and then maybe we can all give these jerks a taste of their own medicine. I believe all consumers should read this book because you never know when hard times will come and having this information beforehand will make things a little easier.
Rating:  Summary: Very pleased costumer Review: I wish I could rate this more than 5 stars. This book has given me the knowledge I didn't know when it comes to these collection agency's. The harassment from these collection agency's are really ridiculous. Mr. DiMaggio GREAT WORK!!!
Rating:  Summary: Very pleased costumer Review: I wish I could rate this more than 5 stars. This book has given me the knowledge I didn't know when it comes to these collection agency's. The harassment from these collection agency's are really ridiculous. Mr. DiMaggio GREAT WORK!!!