Rating:  Summary: Serve others Review: Not so fast! The other reviewers have not even opened the book!Do yourself a favor and read it! You will come away with positive self talk and that is important! Speak to yourself! You are an excellent person! Brian Tracy has a plethora of awesome material available to help build your life. Check it out.
Rating:  Summary: Change Your Thinking Disappoints Review: The cover of this book and the high-powered quotations on the back of this book caught my attention, but I have to say the inside did not live up to its cover. Unfortunately, the book is a compilation of platitudes gathered from numerous sources and are repeated over and over again. For example, "Use your time well", "Your time is limited", "Trading your time" are just worn out! The other problem with the book is that it does not flow in any logical fashion. The book does not lead the reader in any real step-by-step process to improve his/her thinking. Chapter titles such as "Change Your Life" and "Dream Big Dreams" don't really tell me much or inspire me. The book does include action exercises at the end of each chapter which are intended to solidify the material, but they seem rather superflous and vague. They almost appear to be added as a second thought to make the book appear to have some calculated process. In fairness, the book does offer some uplifting advice about setting priorities and having integrity in the business world, something this country definitely needs. As reference items, this information is helpful. However, it does appear that the author has set a lofty goal with the title. Yet, maybe I have lofty expectations as I 'Change my thinking...and my life'.
Rating:  Summary: Can you really change your life by changing your thinking? Review: The late great Earl Nightengale was famous for saying "You become what you think about." In the bible it says; "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he." So how important is thinking? It determines your outcome. Change your thinking and you will change your life and let Brian Tracy show you how. Great book. MAybe his best.
Rating:  Summary: Repackaged Ancient Wisdom Review: There is an abundance of self-help books on the market. Some have been around for a long time, reissued on a regular basis. Others are new, but deliver the same wisdom in a new package. Brian Tracy is internationally known for his work as a motivational speaker and sales trainer. He has earned the respect of his colleagues because of his ability to translate the ancient wisdom and obvious truths into forms that help his customers build better lives for themselves. His speeches, seminars, books, tapes, training packages, and more have enabled thousands and thousands of people to improve their lot in life. This book delivers that proven wisdom-and some thought-provoking ideas-in a short-burst format. Readers will find a lot of old material here-seasoned material handed down through the ages. Before you discount it, remember that we all forget that advice-no matter how simple or obvious-that we don't review frequently. A spin through this book will stimulate some old memories that may inspire you to do something new and different to make some changes in your life. Don't expect the lightning bolt of dramatically new material. It's not here...and you probably don't need it. You still have plenty of room to grow from application of the advice you've heard before but haven't acted on. This is the kind of book that makes great reading for the airplane or the bathroom. Short explanations-easy to read a little, then put the book down to pick up again later. Why not put it on your bedside table to read-and think about-one piece of wisdom as you drift off to sleep. There are exercises in the book to guide you in some applications, but you can create these practice sessions on your own. Accept this book as a compilation of well-known stories, advice, and inspirational vignettes and apply the content in your own life. Reading Brian Tracy's latest will not change your life. Applying what you read, however, could have a profound effect. My rating is based on this book providing a good collection of nuggets of wisdom, not on any expectation that the book would be something new and different. If you feel you could benefit from a good dose of the insight that's helped thousands of people through the ages, this book will meet that need.
Rating:  Summary: A collection of fortune-cookie wisdom Review: This book is a dull and incoherent mess. Mr. Tracy appears to be hopelessly addicted to cliches. This book is chock full of them. From the smarmy personal story where he reminds of of his oh-so-humble orgins to the trendy business-speak aprohisms like "people don't plan to fail--they fail to plan". At one point, he spends pages giving an overview of somebody else's book. I should've saved the $20 and bought the other book instead. Most frustrating is Mr. Tracy's inability to focus. This whole book has a stream of consciousness feel to it. His section headings have noting to do with either the text that follows them or the chapters that contain them. The book is merely a collection of random thoughts. ...
Rating:  Summary: Just the Facts! Review: This book may come across as somewhat dry and lacking in excitement, but that's why its worthwhile. Its not a shallow ra ra motivational book. Its an excellent, clearly written distillation of all the common "self-help" advice you'll find in a broad range of other books. This shouldn't be the only book of this genre you should read, but it does complement those that are more passionate and inspirational quite nicely.
Rating:  Summary: How to Change the Way You Think and Make Lasting Changes -- Review: This book shows you how to change the way you think and make lasting changes to unrealized possibilities. For those not that familiar (or yet impressed) Brian Tracy is Chairman and CEO of Brian Tracy International, a consulting and training organization with affiliates in twenty-two countries. Based on thirty years of experience sharing his philosophy with more than two million people, Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life focuses on the importance of setting goals, expanding your thinking, and imagining your own unlimited potential. Brian presents twelve very powerful principles that will help you get on the road to a better, more fulfilling professional and personal life. I took the time to seek out this book after reading this comment from Ken Blanchard who said: "Outstanding! Brian Tracy's Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life is a must-read. Use the powerful 'mental software' program in this book to tap your vast inner resources and bring the life you've been dreaming about into reality." from Ken Blanchard, coauthor of The One Minute Manager and Full Steam Ahead! Brian reveals how to dream big dreams, take charge of your life, become wealthy, and achieve every goal you can set for yourself. He speaks not as one who simply wants to write a book, rather he has walked this road himself. As a business magazine publisher (AboutBizz Magazine & www.AboutBizz.com)I was quite surprised to read of Brian's history from his presidential website. In it I discovered that Brian wasn't always a wealthy, successful management guru, churning out a few self-help books a year. He left high school without graduating and worked as a plate & glass technician (dish washer), before moving on to washing cars and then a janitorial stint. He has served as a crewman on a Norwegian freighter, worked in sawmills - cutting timber with a chain saw. It all changed one day for Brian when he sat down and wrote out an outrageous goal for himself: to earn $1,000 a month in door-to-door and office selling. He folded up the paper, put it away, and never saw it again...but obviously SOMETHING worked. Brian has realized the American Dream in ways many people with far less odds stacked against them have realized. He truly walks the talk. This book provides answers for those willing to glean them from this verbal treasury of success.
Rating:  Summary: Holy Cow Review: This is a great "how to" book for success. It gets right to the point and all the topics are broken up into short sections. These are easily readable and if you are a fan of Brian's audio programs you'll recognize a lot of the stories and concepts. The book has been a great refresher for me and I plan to use it as a reference guide as I work on my goals and success plan.
Rating:  Summary: Great book, *IF* it's your first Brian Tracy book Review: Yup, I agree with a lot of the other reviewers. I haven't read his 'old' books, but several of his works in the last few years all have a tendency to recycle the same thing. Again, if it's your first Brian Tracy book, you'll probably benefit---which is why I gave it a 2 star, not a 1. (it's strikingly similar to his previous book "Create your Future") But I suppose thats business.....if you build it, they will come...