Rating:  Summary: Great book even if you haven't read Trading For A Living Review: Elder does a terrific job of touching on all of the critical areas that make one a successful trader. He is even more concise in this edition than he was in his first book. Regardless, the information is invaluable for any new or even intermediate-level trader. I highly recommend it. You may want to temper the concepts presented in this book with other successful strategies like the 1-day Breakout Method from Eddie Kwong. I think this book is profitably complementary to either of Elder's books and will probably save you a lot of time finding your way to profitability if you are new to trading. In any case, you can't go wrong with either of Elder's books.
Rating:  Summary: One of the two best books on trading. Review: I have just finished Dr. Elder's new book, 'Come Into My Trading Room' and have enjoyed it very much. I have previously read 'Trading For A Living' and considered it the best of the dozen or so books on trading and investing that I have read. There were several new ideas that I believe will be very useful in the new book. The 'Safe Zone' stop method which is very similar to one I developed myself which uses a factor of ATR(10) back-off from the low. I adjust the factor according to the past behavior of the particular stock I am trading. I believe that the Safe Zone will overcome some problems that I had with my method and look forward to looking into it more closely. I also started using the ABC method for documenting my trading plans as soon as I finished the book and already see its beneficial results.This new book came at a particularly good time for me. I am presently living off my investments and spending about 6 hours a day trying to learn to become a good trader. I started off slow with a small percentage of my total assets. I had very good results over several months and decided to scale up. I was using a combination of fundamental and technical analysis to pick my trades. However, I was finding that increasingly the fundamental analysis was leading to thinly traded stocks. After a couple of 'head fakes' and a series of three Monday morning 'long squeezes' as eloquently described on page 172 of 'Come Into My Trading Room', I paused and decided it was time to rethink my strategy. (If you are interested, see CBRL which I bought on 3/14/02 at 27.33 and sold 2 days later in an obvious long squeeze at 27 ' the squeeze took the stock down to 26.25). I am presently buying 'cats and dogs', as define in the new book, with the idea that if 20% of them 'pop' each quarter, I can earn a good return. This book has helped put this all in perspective and provided lots for me to think about. I recommend 'Come Into My Trading Room' it highly.
Rating:  Summary: Cost/Benefit = Excellent Review: This new book has become my current best friend, I'm now reading it for the second time , it is a great stepping stone from trading for a living, which lives on my desk as I keep refering to both of them, they have now got me looking at the market from a much different perspective and thing like my indicators are getting a real work up as a result. The writting style is very infectious and the content was just what I was chasing, I have cut myself off from financial press lately and find that when I do pick up a paper, my indicators have already told me the same story.
Rating:  Summary: every page was talking to directly to me Review: I started out photo copying the pages of the book that I thought were important ( to keep and read again after I returned the book to the library ) ....when I realized that I had been copying every page, and really didn't want to return the book to the library, I ordered the book, even though I had already read it. For a guy as cheap as me...this is saying something.
Rating:  Summary: Good Place to Start or Restart Review: Mr. Elder has done a great job at presenting the material that a beginner trader needs to know and an experienced trader needs to review. I think he has the right emphasis on the money management versus the technical analysis.
Rating:  Summary: Strong Buy! Review: I read Dr. Elder's first book, Trading for a Living back in 1994 and have reread it several times since then. It truly set the standard for defining the psychology of the market and why understanding this will help you beat the market. His level of thinking on defining the math of a technical indicator, then articulating the mass psychology that drives the indicator was truly groundbreaking. It's been the one book that I consistantly refer to, while the other 30+ books I've read on investing are comingled in a large bookshelf collecting dust. His second book, Come into my Trading Room, is the essential follow-through on the best way to apply the first book. In delivering the basic goal of helping you make money in the capital markets - it's even better. He clearly explains how to take the ideas of the first book (and a lot of new ideas) and make money with them. Day to day, trade by trade - how do you keep records? Which exact indicators to use? What do they mean? When to get in? When to get out? How to get out? What seperates the amatuers from the pros? What to avoid? Yardsticks of performance? The list goes on....... At the same time, he points out that there aren't any recipes, magic wands, exact procedures ....that good trading remains a product of good judgement, hard work, discipline, wisdom, and artwork. On top of all this ... he gives solid perspective on making the jump form a corporate job into a profession of trading ..and other psychology gems that I found useful and generating self-reflection. This book (or the first one) is the very next book you should on investing. You can't afford not to.
Rating:  Summary: If you want to LEARN how to trade, order this book now! Review: My copy of "Come Into My Trading Room" arrived the day before I left for two weeks in Hawaii. I was thrilled to have something to read during the long flights over and back. Well, not only did I read this excellent book on the way over to Hawaii, but I was reading during nearly every spare minute while I was there, and finished up on the plane flight home! After I work through the study guide I'm going to re-read the book. "Come Into My Trading Room" has completely changed me as a Trader. I discovered that I'd been focusing only on entry/exit points and support/resistance levels while ignoring the overall trend. By combining the first screen of Triple Screen (using a 26-bar weekly EMA) with the Price Channels as described I passed on placing two long trades this week that have since fallen by an additional 15%! Based on my previous trading system (that, in retrospect, was pretty 'hit and miss') I would be in both of those trades trying to figure out what happened to me. The drawdown I just avoided saved me 50 times the price of the book. Now THAT'S what I call a good investment! Dr. Elder shares his own, successful, trading strategy in a clear, concise, and easy to understand format. Most trading books talk about how somebody else did it, "Come Into My Trading Room" gave me an education in how I could do it. It's just what the Doctor ordered!
Rating:  Summary: If you wish to be a trader - study this book! Review: This is one of, if not the finest book on developing trading skills. It is very interesting to read because the prose does not get in the way of understanding - in other words it is grammatically correct so is easy to understand and read. This is in contrast to many of the books on trading that appear to have been written by highschool drop-outs. It expands on the methods presented in "Trading for a Living" and makes the triple screen concept very clear. If you have the makings of a trader, then this is the book to do it! Stan Graham
Rating:  Summary: Good, But Somewhat Disappointing Review: Dr. Elders first book, "Trading for a Living" made a significant impact one me. I must have 10 "throw away" trading books for each of the 10-12 key books that have had most influence on me and that I keep close. Trading for a Living is one of those books I keep close. So, it was with great expectation that I dove into my early release copy. I must say that I came away somewhat disappointed. A lot of the material in this book was presented in Trading for a Living. Price-MACD histogram divergences are still one of the strongest signals. The triple screen trading method was discussed (but now uses a moving average instead of weekly-histogram.) Force Index is still used to define entry points. So, there was a lot of ground covered that appeared in Trading for a Living. Having said that, I must also say that some new things are introduced. The Chandelier method of stops has already replaced my ATR stop method. He introduces a new way to enter a trade, the "Impulse Method." (Appears to trade a lot so one might be better of with a discount broker using this one.) And he does expand his discussion on money management from the first book --which is good. Am I glad I bought this book? Yes. I was like revisiting an old friend. Glad to see him again and know that they are still alive. For those who have not yet read anything from Dr. Elder, I would suggest you get Trading for a Living and its workbook. Ton of stuff there and will teach you how to trade using multiple time frames, -- something few authors discuss. After that, use some of your profits and buy this book to thank Dr. Elder for writing the first one.
Rating:  Summary: Come into my trading room -The must read for serious traders Review: My first impression of this book was that it is a useful traders tool, packed with useful information on every page. My last impression on completing the book was that it is a "must read" for every serious trader. Irrespective of whether you are a beginner or an expert this book will benefit you as it is written on several levels. Beginners will learn the basics and experienced traders will learn little gems that will take them to a new level. It will also remind them of many things they already knew but perhaps forgot or pushed to the recesses of their memory.This book is a serious and successful attempt to put it all together in one book. I had ceased to buy books on technical analysis as many I bought recently were obviously written to cash in on a boom in interest in the subject. Some of these books were written by people, well known in this field. This book is a genuine attempt to pass on the knowledge of a trader with twenty years experience learnt the hard way. It is worth more than its modest purchase price.