Rating:  Summary: Proactive Thinkers know how to use Unlimited Power: Get it! Review: Tony Robbins is one of my favorite success and personal achievement mentors. He has a lot of wisdom when it comes to understanding how people think and act Even before you finish reading Unlimited Power for the first time, you will be a changed person - it's that incredible. I say first time because you will want to read it again and again. Everytime I pick it up I gain new insight. I believe that I will be learning from this book for years. Tony Robbins covers all of the proactive bases: smart thinking, system thinking, futuristic thinking, and positive thinking. If you are truly seeking the kind of success and abundance that makes your life 100% livable - you must read this book. Many of his ideas are found in SUCCESS BOUND, another book built on learning how to be responsible and live proactively. Everything that I have put into practice that Tony Robbins has recommended has worked. The NLP philosophies in this book will bring you success. Read it and you will believe that you can do anything that you set your mind to. My copy is well worn with highliter and pen marks all through it from the numerous times that I've returned to it in order to study it again. One of the most helpful parts of his book is the section on beliefs. Tony Robbins has studied those that successful people have and he recommends that you incorporate them into your belief system too. They are: 1. Everything happens for a reason and a purpose, and it serves us. 2. There is no such thing as failure. There are only results. 3. Whatever happens, take responsibility. 4. It's not necessary to understand everything to be able to use everything. 5. People are your greatest resource. 6. Work is play. 7. There's no abiding success without commitment. You will find that this exciting book becomes a part of you. Don't hold back - let it happen. In fact, you should spend 10 to 15 minutes every morning focusing your thoughts on the truths of this book, thereby allowing them to seep deep into your subconscious mind. If you do this I guarantee this wisdom will most assuredly bring you the success and abundance you deserve. Enjoy the book and your new proactive life! My best regards, Randy Gilbert P.S. - I like to review non-fiction books that help people to succeed both personally and professionally. If you have one that you would like me to review please email me at Randy@DrProactive.com
Rating:  Summary: Interesting techniques but ultimately shallow Review: There is no doubt that Unlimited Power offers certain useful techniques that could potentially improve your thinking and outlook on life. For that reason alone I give it three stars. Nonetheless, for several reasons I ultimately don't recommend reading it. First, I object to Robbins' overly-simplified characterization of the personal improvement process. Although he states or implies that the simple use of certain NLP techniques essentially guarantees success, of course in real life it's not that easy. Second, much of the prose reminds me of text that you find in overly agressive multi-level marketing materials. It's kind of annoying and distasteful to me. Third, there are alternative, superior places where you can find out about the techniques (which may also be more up to date). You'll need to do a bit of research on NLP, so it will require more work than just reading Unlimited Power. But if you are not just looking for easy answers, in the end you will have to do the research anyway if you are really interested in these subjects. So you may as well do it now. If you do wish to do the research, perhaps you could get started by reading a book by Richard Bandler or David Grinder (there are lots of choices). Better yet, go...and find some Richard Bandler MP3s to download.
Rating:  Summary: Truly the Unlimited Book Review: This book is truly one of my favorite Personal Development books. This book is not only inceredibly motivating but it shows the key steps towards becoming the successful person one wants to be whether it deals with becoming confident, financially free, mentally intelligent, and spiritually developed. It shows the formula that can be implemented into all areas of life and that's what I love about this book. He is not just some guru who teaches people in a boring sophisticated way. He teaches with so much vibrant energy that through his words, I can totally feel his confident and exciting energy through me. He talks about the importance of modeling the people you want to be and when I think about models, the one person who I always think of is Anthony Robbins himself. This is one powerful book. Get it, understand, and most importantly USE IT!
Rating:  Summary: A roadmap to success Review: I have the 1986 version and I regard this book as a classic: as a hard cover reference copy for my private library. This book is so well written, inspirational, motivational, and sets forth principles with many clear examples. I have marked up my paperback version with notes and highlights; each page is concentrated with so much information designed to educate and empower the reader. It includes the famous persistence story of Colonel Sanders, who started off with a chicken recipe and a big dream. I get the sense from Anthony Robbins' writing that this is a guy who transcends mere materialism to genuinely give and share what he sees and experiences- As Gary Zukav would say, a "multisensory" personality, rather than five-sensory, and as Abraham Maslow would say, a "self-actualized" personality. In light of this book, any criticisms would appear as self doubts; for it really is UP TO ME AND YOU: to keep an open mind and to decide on what it is we really want. For, in the end, everybody gets what they really want, as master-trader Ed Sekota would say. I found this book most effective when I took just a few pages a day, rather than trying to assimilate everything in one or two readings. I can effectively couple this book with the works of Dennis Waitley and Guy Finley, and it doesn't have to be about money or fame at all; it could also be about seeking "...treasures that don't fail." With knees shaking and staff raised as did Moses (or Charleston Heston), I can approach boldly to the throne of God and know that faith, even simpler than a mere mustard seed, is in the speaking, "...the substance of things hoped for and the conviction of things unseen." As the surprisingly insightful Starfleet Daily Meditational Manual states, "...when we risk the first step toward our dreams, the next step will become clear, then the next, and the next- as if a light begins to illumine our way." Anthony Robbins walks the talk, but it is up to me and you to take the first step and balance what he says with some of our own study and search, because there's always more than one way to do things. For example, a master web designer can share an approach, but it's always a good idea to get a second professional opinion.
Rating:  Summary: Only buy this book if you have a desire to change Review: I first got this book when I was in my second year of college and used the anchoring system to beat a friend in a tennis game. Understand that he and I were evenly matched. He was 4 games ahead of me and in the past dozen games, whenever one of us was that far ahead, he won. This time around and for the first time, I won 7-5. He was shocked and ticked. I was shocked but in a good way. That told me there was more to this book than just words. Since then, I've been a hug fan of TR. I have gotten all of us his books and more importantly, listened to his tapes. The guy is phenomenal. You must get his tapes; he's ten times better on tape than by book b/c he's soooo charged. If you can't afford them, get them at your library or split things up with some like minded friends. Problem is: most people are fat and happy and don't want to change until they've gone through some serious pain. In UP, you'll learn that your mind is like a computer and you can do certain techniques that will delete disempowering actions or thoughts and then you can fill it in with the good stuff. If the book works for you, try to get his UNLIMITED POWER cassettes or CDs. If you do all the exercises on them (something that less than 10% of most people do), it will change your life for sure. Just remember to keep working at this techniques thereafter with a list you can review daily or weekly. It can be short like half a page. Just as you wouldn't expect to run hard once and stay in shape forever, the same applies to these technique. Get it, learn it, love it and watch your life open up to many positive possibilities. Think I'm lying? Think again, bubba. :)
Rating:  Summary: This stuff really works Review: I'm now reading this book for the third time, it's that good. I want to give you three concrete examples of how this book has helped me. After I first read this book, I wrote down that I wanted to lose weight. Within 7 months of doing so I had lost nearly 11 Kg. Today I weigh 73 Kg, which is a good weight for my age, height and sex. I then wrote down "Speaking a foreign language fluently" as a goal. Within seven months my ability in that language was good enough to cope with job interviews, and I got the first job abroad I was interviewed for. My third example: when I read the book I was living in a tiny one-room flat, with a bathroom and kitchen too small to turn around in. I was sleeping on an old futon base on the floor. The flat was inundated with ever-multiplying dust, partly from the polluted road outside. Within 6 months of reading the book I had a larger, dust-free flat with two rooms, a bed, and a larger bathroom and kitchen.
Rating:  Summary: It is up to you what you do with it Review: If you start this book as a non believer and finish it as a non believer, then you are a basket case. What more can be written about how you should approach your life? The book has a very logical arrangements of chapters. It gives many hints and touches many different aspects of life. The most important messages are: take your life in your hands and help other people. But as I said, if you do not believe you can do it or that you should not do it, than you predetermine the results of your life. I recommend to combine Tony Robbins books with books by Zig Ziglar and Deepak Chopra.
Rating:  Summary: the book that finally did it where others failed. Review: This book is by far my favourite book ever! It contains so much information to immediately change your life the way you want it, and the bottom line is, the stuff WORKS! Tony is one of the most sincere, caring, motivated guy that i have ever seen. And he's a great role model for me. This guy is congruent. I've read hundreds of self-improvement books, none that comes close to this. This book got me to take MASSIVE ACTION, where before i was just reading but never really applying. I see quite a few bad reviews of Tony's book. The truth is, these people are looking for a quick fix- WITHOUT wanting to apply Tony's stuff in their lives. If you wanna change something no matter how small it is, you gotto ge WILLING to TAKE THE ACTION to change it. Many people finished reading the book and say,"Hey my life's still the same, no change".This is the clearest example of the saying that Tony always say " Many people know what to do, BUT they don't do what they know." The thing is, IT'S ACTION THAT CHANGES YOUR LIFE, NOT JUST KNOWING IT. Ralph Waldo Emerson said "What you do shouts so loudly at me that I cannot hear what you are saying." It's an age old problem. So don't blame the author if you haven't changed your life. Take responsibility for your own non-action. Your LIFE is in your hands... all he'd doing is giving you the tips and knowledge that IF AND ONLY IF YOU ARE WILLING TO APPLY, then you can have a change. Get this, IF YOU JUST READ FOR KNOWLEDGE BUT DONT TAKE ACTION, YOUR NEXT 5 YEARS WILL BE THE SAME AS THE LAST 5. If people are not willing to use what they know (cos they think just knowing is enough), then NOTHING can help em!
Rating:  Summary: MASSIVE CONTRADICTIONS Review: When you read his books, they seem like they're great, right? But didn't you ever get the feeling that you didn't know how to apply all of that into your life? That's because his teachings are packed with contradictions and if you read his 2 major books very carefully, you cannot possibly miss them. Try it! I've found at least 17 contradictions, i.e., there are things that he says in a certain page that contradict things on other pages. I was very dissapointed with that.
Rating:  Summary: I PUT MY LIFE ON COURSE TO SUCCESS!! Review: I came across Tony Robbins in an infomercial in Los Angeles in December 1991. I was there training for my Commercial Pilot's Licence and having a few problems keeping up with the speed of the aircraft. I went out and bought Unlimited Power and learnt about Neuro-Associative Conditioning, I tried this by modeling my instructors phisiology and duplicated his instrument approaches, I got my licence and am now a professional airline pilot. I then read all of Tony's books and bought all the power talk and personal power tapes and I must say they are an excellent investment!