Rating:  Summary: Robbins will change your life! Review: This book is priceless to me. I have read almost every self-help book I can find, yet I wasn't changing. I knew a lot about self esteem etc, but it's as if I was waiting for ONE FINAL PIECE, the missing part of how to succeed - in a big scale. And this book gave that to me. It's called Personal Power. If you're like me, having read a lot, know a lot as well, then you need that final piece. This book also gave me lots of effective STRATEGIES to control my mind, and it's scientific. From this book, I used the NLP 'swish technique' to get rid of my nail biting habit in just 2 minutes! That was just 2 months ago and I never bit it since( it actually feels unnatural to do it now). Learn how to increse your energy level and see your vitality 'explode'! There are many strategies in this book, many of them from Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) a science that can change your life, habits, fears, attitude, beliefs etc so quickly (in minutes!) that you'll be surprised. How do you motivate yourself to do the things that are good for you (eg study for that exam earlier) and feel happy doing it, and how to de-motivate yourself (eg to eat that pizza). Once you learn the skills in this book, your mind will be at your command literally (instead of letting it run you). How do you create rapport with people and even strangers so easily that they fell like they know you for a lifetime? Another essential formula I learned from this book got rid of my fear of failure that used to stop me from taking action. Since then, my life, my confidence changed so much that I can hardly believe it.
Rating:  Summary: If you want to create positive results, read this book Review: Tony Robbins is an absolute genius. While reading this book, I have achieved so much. He taught me how to live a healthy, happy life that is full of goals that I can achieve. I am only half way through this book and I have now started a daily exercise routine that I can now enjoy and a low fat healthy diet that I love as well. I now enjoy every aspect of life like I never have before. This man is a god!!!!!! All of those negative people out there who can even say Tony is a crook should have never purcahsed the book in the first place because they must have been reading with a closed mind. How can he be a bad guy when I am living proof that he is a life saver. He taught me some things that I already knew, but never understood how to apply. If ou have only fourteen dollars in your pocket, buy this book and I promise it will save your life as it has mine. I would empty out my entire bank account to go to one of his seminars.
Rating:  Summary: THINK BIG + WORK HARD + STAY FOCUSED = SUCCESS Review: I love this book! This book is a must for anyone who wants success. I believe that formula for achieving success is:THINK BIG + WORK HARD + STAY FOCUSED = SUCCESS for THINKING BIG read The Magic of Thinking Big, by David J. Schwartz for WORKING HARD read this book for STAYING FOCUSED, use The Motivational Blueprint (you can get it free from my website) Zev Saftlas, Author of Motivation That Works: How to Get Motivated and Stay Motivated & Founder of www.CoachingWithResults.com
Rating:  Summary: A winner from the world's greatest "life coach" Review: I think Tony Robbins is brilliant. He's simple and very logical in everything I've ever read or heard by him. When I hear of what some of his critics say, I have to wonder if they've ever even read his books. There's nothing spooky here, folks. Most everything he teaches is a "no brainer"--things you can't believe you wouldn't think of on your own. More than anything else, Tony reveals the obvious, things we were probably too busy or wrapped up in our daily lives to see on our own, hence the term "life coach." "Unlimited" is a classic, probably the most important book written on personal life strategies. (This or "Awaken the Giant Within.) It this book, we are introduced to Anthony Robbins, whom I consider to be the worlds leading authority on self improvement and motivation. He's straight forward and balanced to the utmost. No mind manipulation or emotional hype here, folks. Tony isn't a spooky guru. He's not a cult leader. He's simply a man who has studied and successfully practiced self improvement to the degree that he has become a master in the feild. Get this book. You'll be glad you did! More than 5 stars if I could!
Rating:  Summary: I am now dumber from having read this Review: I can't stop reading a book once I start, because if I do I feel that I've wasted my time. Well I decided to cut my losses and give up about a hundred pages shy on this one. It is completely outdated, in contrast to modern medicine, and otherwise fluff with a bit of commons sense thrown in. Imagine sitting through the worst class in school you've ever had and that is what reading this book is like. He admits right at the start that he threw this book together in a very short amount of time due to publishing deadlines and it shows in the content. Some of his "new science" is downright ridiculous to the point of being funny. It appears he wrote this book because someone offered him a book deal based on his reputation and his work is lazy and misleading. If I could rate this book a "no stars" I would. Save your money. Dr. Seuss is more helpful than Mr. Anthony Robbins. However, if you are stupid and gullible, you may enjoy this book.
Rating:  Summary: If you want to create positive results, read this book Review: Tony Robbins is an absolute genius. While reading this book, I have achieved so much. He taught me how to live a healthy, happy life that is full of goals that I can achieve. I have now started a daily exercise routine that I can now enjoy and a low fat healthy diet that I love as well. I now enjoy every aspect of life like I never have before. This man is a God!!!!!! All of those negative people out there who can even say Tony is a crook should have never purcahsed the book in the first place because they must have been reading with a closed mind. How can he be a bad guy when I am living proof that he is a life saver. He taught me some things that I already knew, but never understood how to apply. If ou have only fourteen dollars in your pocket, buy this book and I promise it will save your life as it has mine. I would empty out my entire bank account to go to one of his seminars.
Rating:  Summary: A step above positive thinking Review: Some books teach just to be positive. Certainly having a positive attitude is better than being negative, but positive thinking is not enough. Anthony Robbins teaches positive thinking but goes beyond that to positive doing. That is what personal power is all about, it is the ability to ake action and get the results you want. Unlimited Power is an excellent book to show you how to bring out that power. Robbins advice works. Try it you'll ove it.
Rating:  Summary: The New Science of Personal Achievement Review: Anthony Robbins is the absolute best personal development trainer out there right now. No one delivers as much power packed useful information for rapid and lasting change as Anthony Robbins. With Unlimited Power: The New Science of Personal Achievement you will learn how to change your limiting beliefs, elicit someone's strategy, trend creation, the five keys to wealth & happiness, reframing, how to anchor yourself for success and so much more. What Robbins has done is he has taken the best of the personal development gurus (like Jim Rohn) and combined it with NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) and created The New Science of Personal Achievement. It works.
Rating:  Summary: One of the best books on achievement Review: If your goal is to achieve maximum success then you can't go wrong with this groundbreaking book by Anthony Robbins. In fact, if you were to buy just one book on personal success, this could be that one book. You will learn everything you need to know from being your best, overcoming fears and phobias to developing rapport and creating better relationships. I also recommend Awaken The Giant which goes into even more detail the actuall techniques to use to develop personal power.
Rating:  Summary: Buyer Beware Review: I am tempted to give this book fewer stars, but that would not be fair, as this book certainly contains dozens of interesting concepts, and a certain type of person apparently benefits greatly from the Tony Robbins approach to self-improvement. There is a danger, however, in believing that this book paves a sure-fire path to success. People with poor self-esteem or psychiatric problems (the latter which Robbins thinks are generally the product of running defective mental programs) will find a way to fail within the framework set by Robbins. Competent therapy, the kind that Robbins labels as inefficient, would be much more appropriate for people in this category. Also, I believe that in order to get where you're going, you have to start from where you are, not from where you think you should be. Robbins's approach, although excellent for some, pretty much presupposes we all start at the same place. Additionally, despite Robbins's great success coaching various high-profile people, some of what he says is flat-out wrong, particularly as it relates to diet. In his "Energy: The Fuel of Excellence" chapter, Robbins states that the body converts foods into energy in the following order: carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. (This is to support his low-protein diet theory.) A first-year course in biology informs us that the body actually uses proteins before fats. This portion was obviously not proofread by someone with a scientific background... and the this raises the question of how factually sound the rest of Tony's advice is. Also, Robbins's declaration that 30 grams of protein are quite sufficient for an adult is suspect, to say the least. Use personal experience and observation to decide for yourself whether good health can be maintained on such a low protein intake. Even most vegans try to get more than that. Remember, Robbins produces, by his own account, an abnormal amount of human growth hormone, so the "laboratory" of his body will likely not resemble yours. Similarly, the concept of food combining is based upon a limited understanding of how the digestive system works. (An article in the Feb. 2004 issue of Discover Magazine contains an article entitled "What Does Science Say You Should Eat" that provides dietary advice based on the most comprehensive scientific study ever undertaken, overseen by Harvard's Walter Willet. This would be a better source for health information.) Much of Tony's theories, although presented via complex explanations, just seem kind of bogus in actual practice. On the other hand, many others are unique, helpful insights that can easily be verified by common sense. And again, maybe something that brings no results whatsoever for me may be helpful to the right person. If you're particularly drawn to this book, I'd recommend you buy a copy and read it with a critical mind. To anyone else I might suggest you talk with someone who's familiar with Robbins's work and see if it's right for you before buying. I genuinely like Tony Robbins and believe he is sincere. Still, I think a "buyer beware" approach to his teachings is certainly justified.