Rating:  Summary: The Art and Science of Deep and Pervasive Mental Surgery Review: Although many of Gardner's core concepts were first introduced and developed in earlier works, notably in Multiple Intelligences and Frames of Mind (1993) and then Intelligence Reframed (2000), he breaks important new ground when examining the process by which we can change others' minds (assumptions, premises, mindsets, convictions, opinions, etc.) and, of even greater importance, how we can change our own minds wherein resistance to such change can be especially formidable. This is precisely what Jim O'Toole has in mind when discussing "the ideology of comfort and the tyranny of custom" in his brilliant book Leading Change. As Gardner advocates, "One can -- and must -- go through an exercise of deep and pervasive mental surgery with respect to every entrenched view: Define it, understand the reasons for its provenance, point out its weaknesses, and then develop multiple ways of undermining that view and bolstering a more constructive one. In other words, [in italics] search for the resonance and [also in italics] stamp out the resistance." It seems to me imperative that we never underestimate the nature and extent of resistance which results from "the ideology of comfort and the tyranny of custom" Gardner identifies seven factors ("sometimes I'll call them levers"), most or all of which may influence a mind change: research (relevant data), resonance (the affective component), redescriptions (mutually reinforcing images of what will result from the change), resources and rewards (perceived cost-benefit relationship), real world events (wars, hurricanes, terrorist attacks, depressions, etc.), and resistances (motivation stimulated by opposition). When we attempt to change our own minds or others' minds, or when they attempt to change theirs or ours, the process of persuasion usually involves concepts, stories, theories, and skills. How we (or others) use logic and/or evidence, for example, is determined by our (or their) age, intelligence, education and training, and experience. Young children who fully understand various fables and fairy tales will probably not understand concepts of gravity, democracy, photosynthesis, and pride. How parents attempt to convince their children to take proper care of their toys is obviously quite different from how the same parents attempt to persuade each other when disagreeing about financial issues. Gardner asserts (and I agree) that over time, people become more resistant to change. Set in their ways, determined to protect their "comfort" and "custom." From my own perspective, entrenched views tend to fall within one of three categories: Those which remain unchanged by any of the seven factors (or levers), those which are improved (i.e. made "more constructive") by it, and finally, those beyond remediation. Moreover, all entrenched views (like nuggets of cheese) have an unsettling tendency to move around -- or be relocated -- by external forces. Therefore, presumably Gardner agrees with me that what he calls the process of "deep and pervasive mental surgery" should be continuous. Unless and until we understand how and why to change our own minds, it is possible but unlikely that we will be able to change anyone else's.
Rating:  Summary: Outstanding scholarship...highly absorbing Review: An in-depth analysis of how people change their minds. The author argues that this process happens gradually in ways that can be actively and powerfully influenced. Through dozens of examples from history, politics, business, science, the arts, and everyday life, Gardner reveals a systematic and transparent framework, involving seven levers, that can greatly improve success in changing other's-and our own-minds. The book displays outstanding scholarship, has practical application, and is highly absorbing
Rating:  Summary: Really Bad Book Review: As an industrial-organizational psychologist, I became a fan of Howard Gardner's work on intelligences in graduate school. I was very excited to see a book written by a such a respected cognitive psychologist. However, this book was beyond disappointing.
There was little structure in the book. It seemed like endless ramblings of an old man. Dr. Gardner certainly knows little about business. His few business examples were surface attempts of a person who did not know what he was talking about. So, he frequently used politicians to make a point. When you read this you will soon realize that all Democrats are examples of the good way while all Republicans represent the wrong way. I was looking for advice on change management, not political advice, thank you.
I wasted an entire three-day weekend certain that I was bound to find something of worth here, but to no avail. At the start, Dr. Garder talks about how Harvard Business Review has pushed him to write a book for some time. He tried but failed at earlier attempts. I'll bet they will not ask again.
Rating:  Summary: Contains insights into the intelligence and thinking process Review: Changing Minds: The Art And Science Of Changing Our Own And Other People's Minds is a guide to the seemingly impossible challenge of changing a person's mind. Psychologist and author Howard Gardner examines insights on what is required to actually break through long-held beliefs and persuade a person to re-examine their perspective. Progressing on to practical means and advice for changing people's minds in a logical, reasoned, and mannerly matter, chapters address how to lead a diverse population vs. a uniform population, changing minds indirectly through scientific discoveries or artistic creations, changing minds in a formal setting, and even changing one's own mind. Changing Minds is written in plain terms and accessible to readers of all backgrounds, but contains insights into the intelligence and thinking processes that affect everyone
Rating:  Summary: Interesting, but not terribly revealing! Review: For well over 10 years, Howard Gardner has been writing books exploring many aspects of the mind - from how the mind creates, to traits leaders have. Following this path, he has now written a book exploring the phenomenon of mind changing. How do we do it? What plays a factor in it? Why is it so dang hard to convincce people to give up well cherished (wrong) beliefs for new (right) ones?
The problem is that we get only the vaguest of answers to these questions. As I like to say, the best psychology tells us most of the things we already knew (but may not have known we knew). This book follows suit. It might explain which of the seven "factors" (listed by the reviewer below) plays a part in different mind changing situations, but hardly eluminates beyond that.
For instance, in a chapter devoted to how politicians try and change our minds, we hear about Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan (both iconoclasts who were successful in the end at mind changing). The explanation to their success in mind changin is that they were able to tell their story, their nation's story, and a vision for the country's future, in different conceptual language than their opponents (and convine us that their own story was better. That answer seems quite right, but I was hoping it would be followed by examples of how they did this - how they told stories different from their opponents, while gradually winning acceptance for them. Gardner hardly gives any.
Much of the book is like this. After he explains the general principles utilized in one situation, he doesn't bolster it with detail and example, but simply moves on to the next situation.
What it all makes for is a somewhat (somewhat!) interesting, but hardly revealing, book.
Rating:  Summary: Good Model for Changing Minds Review: Howard Gardner is an education thought-leader who has changed minds at many levels - among his students, with educators and society at large. In "Changing Minds", Howard Gardner re-examines concepts presented in his earlier works - i.e. multiple intelligences, the "disciplined" mind, the importance of integrating ethics with instruction/leadership, etc. He then presents seven "levers" for changing minds and discusses their application at various levels of mind change (from societal to intimate relationships). As usual, Gardner has produced an important, well organized book supported with excellent real-world examples. Unfortunately, the book stops short of providing specific tools and techniques for applying his model for changing minds. Perhaps in a sequel, Gardner will share more specific tools and techniques that may be used to "map the mental terrain", compile and present convincing research, build resonance and breakdown resistance. (Those looking for more detail may want to dig deeper into the tools/techniques used in organizational development, team-building, leadership development and self-awareness.) Nevertheless, a book worth reading for the model presented and reminder that one must keep both the mind and ears open to effectively change others.
Rating:  Summary: A difficult read, but worth the effort Review: Howard Gardner is probably best known for his theory that human intelligence has at least 8 dimensions, each dimension requiring acknowledgement and development. His work is generally considered part of the 'constructivist' school of psychology, which seeks to correct various failings in the standard American philosophy of mind: behaviorism. For the behaviorist, scientist can only discuss measurable and repeatable phenomena. 'Anecdotal' stories are explicitly disqualified, with particular emphasis on 'privileged insight' of our own 'self'. This leads to a favorite constructivist joke about behaviorists, which Gardener quotes early in the book: "So the two behaviorists had just finished making love, and the first one turns to the other, and says, 'It was good for you, was it good for me?'"
Constructivism seeks to remove the straightjacket behaviorism imposes on scientific dialog. It holds that learners impose meaning on the world, and so "construct" their own understanding based on their unique experiences. I mention this to put 'Changing Minds' in context. Constructivism is far from 'accepted' among academics or the general population. Despite Gardner's claims to the contrary, most academics would argue his theories are non-scientific, anecdotal gobbly-gook. He fails to obey the behaviorist dogma about relying on probability and measurable phenomena, and should not be allowed any voice in 'scientific academia'. Without this backdrop of academic controversy, the book's message will seem oddly out of balance. Gardner's themes don't really emerge naturally for the reader. This occurs because his arguments are designed to address an academic milieu the general reader will not know.
Gardener sidesteps the academic debates by addressing the needs of educators rather than psychologists. According to Gardner, the school is an environment for 'changing minds'. This is going to sound a bit odd to most, since most would argue school is for 'imparting truths' upon the 'blank slates' of student minds. It isn't a matter of 'changing minds', but putting something there in the first place. Though strange to see this material presented as 'business literature', the emphasis on education over 'theory' provides Gardner an escape from academic nihilism.
Changing the minds of students involves engaging the ideas occupying student attention and reshaping them to more closely approximate some goal. For Gardner, 4 classes of 'ideas' can be distinguished:
A. Concepts: the elementary units of logic. The notion 'dog' is a concept.
B. Stories: the narrative flow of conceptual units producing emotional response. For example, the feeling 'I understand' is an emotional response to a good story.
C. Theories: Stories, when generalized, become theories
D. Skills: Phenomena the 'self' or 'mind' can generate via an activating sequence of bodily motions.
The process of 'molding' involves 'representational redescription' of their attention. Gardner comes back to this theme over and over, again. Change can only take place when the representational models take new forms. This requires the 'change agent' (teacher) to engage the student in a process of tearing up the existing model and reconstructing it in a new form. This produces new theories about how the world works. These efforts are aided by 'resonance', an emotional experience reinforcing the 'new model'. They are inhibited by 'resistance', or attachments to the old models. Additionally, the teacher must be prepared for either abrupt or gradual change. Gardner unfortunately ignores the mental mechanics of 'changing minds', but he is quite willing to acknowledge it takes its own pace. The slow is just as effective as the fast.
Gardener argues there are 7 factors (levers). Each must be considered when the 'change agent' (teacher) designs the process of tearing up the old model and reconstructing something different.
1. Reason-the act of logical inspection
2. Research-the act of study
3. Resonance-the experience of 'understanding'
4. Representational redescriptions: with out the images. Nothing happens
5. Resources and rewards
6. Real world event
7. Resistance-persistent images which the audience is attached to
Additionally, the change agent must consider the social setting.
A. Is his presentation 'face to face' or indirect?
B. Is the presentation directed at a homogeneous audience, or one with significant disagreements?
C. Someone else, or the change agent themselves?
With this in mind, Gardner generalizes the realm of 'politics' as one where 'the change audience' is approached 'directly', the audience is diverse and the focus 'external' to the agent. On the other hand, a doctor's approach is direct; the audience has one frame of mind and is 'external' to the agent. In contrast, a scientist changes minds indirectly via his publications.
Finally, Gardner suggests being aware of the audience's initial state of mind. In some cases this is a matter of expectations, but other times the 'initial state' is a function of recent events. For example, at the start of the ideal class, the 'students' are all alert, well fed and eager to understand the teacher's logical presentation. The reality is that many students will be dealing with fear, distrust, dislikes, pain, language differences and disinterest.
After making some rather futile attempts to illustrate these ideas with 'the lives of famous people', Gardner offers a token plan: Before launching into a change program, answer the following questions:
1. What is the redescriptional goal: Do you want to 'redescribe' a concept? a story? a skill?
2. Who is your audience? Are they diverse?
3. What is your relationship with the audience?
4. What impact will the 'change plan' have on audience?
5. Which of the 7 factors (levers) is most important?
6. Is the change ethical? Is the world better off after the change has been made?
This above plan relies heavily on Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), a program widely derided by academics. In particular, the standard NLP question 'is the change ethical' represents something of a logical land mine for this somewhat academic presentation. Entire books are devoted to this topic.
Overall, 'Changing Minds' suffers an inability to focus on a straightforward message. Despite this, the suggestions are more than worthy of your attention. The book is well worth the effort required to tease out some meaning.
Rating:  Summary: Artfully written discourse on the mind and how it changes Review: Howard Gardner summarizes an impressive ensemble of information about changing minds. But perhaps more importantly, he recognizes the limits inherent in such an endeavor. Minds are not something we can readily study with a microscope or experiment on physically. A study of this topic must of necessity be anecdotal and philosophical. But rather than spend chapters defining taxonomies of thought or relentlessly hammering home his theories, he wittily teaches us with both fun with absurd illustrations of his ideas. He chooses a silly essay by Nicholson Baker alongside the far more practical 80/20 principle to focus on in Chapter 1. He names his levers of mind-changing with the starting letters "re" as if to artfully acknowledge that there could be 8 or 6 instead of the 7 he has arrived at.
And unlike many writers, Gardner adheres to the rule of writing about what he knows. Many of his examples hail from academia where he is an assured expert such as the successful attempt by Dartmouth's president to revitalize that institution. He regales us with political leaders that resonate with us: Margaret Thatcher, Bill Clinton, Gandhi, Mandela, and Thomas Jefferson to name a few. And one of his best examples serves as a powerful experiment in mind-changing (at least for me). He revisits the blow-up between the esteemed Cornell West and Lawrence Summers. I remember reading about this in the press and wondering what all the fuss could be about. Like Summers, I "believe in being direct, expressing my views, and letting the chips fall where they may." After reading Gardner's fictional account of how the meeting might have played out, I've changed my mind about the best way to influence others. And just as Gardner describes, this process started some time ago (with a trusted superior suggesting I work at being a little more "discrete"). Gardner's book has proven to be the tipping point in my own change-of-mind and a useful blue-print for how to change minds unlike my own.
Rating:  Summary: Empty envelope Review: I bought this book without first reading other customers' reviews. Big mistake. Had I done so I would not have spent the money for this "empty envelope"; that is, attractive title, well-known author. Unfortunately, very little depth inside -- in fact, empty.
Rating:  Summary: Social commentary and post-analysis Review: I purchased this book after hearing Mr. Gardner's awesome interview and commentary on NPR (you can download the show here: http://www.npr.org/features/feature.php?wfId=1829910 ). I was looking for a book that was a practical guide to leveraging people's opinions and beliefs, identifying modes and techniques for changing minds, and understanding how this relates to cognitive science. What I got instead was a social commentary on different famous leaders.. many many parables, while interesting, harder to relate to my own life. The system Mr. Gardner proposes for effecting mind change is sufficient for typifying or categorizing how people have accomplished this in the past.. but not as useful of a guide for learning how to do it yourself in the future. It is more for categorizing, instead of predicting and causing. Still an interesting book, and I like his writing style, but certainly not what I anticipated. If you'd like to understand people better, and meet some theories on how to better influence them, I'd instead recommend a great introduction to Carl Rogers and his theories, "On Becoming a Person: A Therapist's View of Psychotherapy". This presents concepts such as "congruence" that might help you better influence people.