Now, let the record show that is not, in fact, for dummies. It's good to see that for Dummies has finally arrived on our virtual shelves. This book will introduce even experienced customers to some of the less obvious features of the online emporium, such as corporate accounts, travel services, and the super-fun Friends & Favorites area. Read and learn from Mara Friedman how can provide you with information and (through zShops and the Associates program) make you money. Friedman briefly covers Amazon's collection of Web Services, which are utilities available to programmers who want to embed functionality (like book searches and popularity monitoring) in their own applications. What's here is clear and stylish (and sometimes funny), and will certainly make you aware of features you don't know about yet. is unusual as a business in that it rewards exploration and study. This book acts as your guide through the electronic aisles. --David Wall Topics covered: How to locate and buy the things you want. How to advertise and sell the things you have. How to meet people and have fun on