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Rating:  Summary: A guide book that is timeless Review: In an era where the primary role models for our children are self-absorbed entertainers, out of control professional athletes, and corrupt politicians, where does one turn to find credible examples of how to live one's life that you can point to when counciling your children? Granted, there are some fine modern role models, but they aren't usually being highlighted in the news, or being profiled on TV. However, Richard Williams, Jr. has provided us a handy book that gives us a glimpse at a role model that is timeless.Whether one believes Robert E. Lee fought on the right side of the War Between the States or not, his life is a great example of self-sacrifice, devotion to duty and always acting in a manner so as to do the right and honorable thing. Not by today's modern selfish, materialistic standards, but by standards that were the foundation of all that is good about Western Civilization. This book contains a treasure trove of maxims by Lee that he used to guide his own life and to influence the lives of his children as well as those who served under him in the military and were under his care while they attended Washington College (later Washington and Lee University). It is not a cumbersom tomb, but a simple, straight forward book that is broken down into sections that lend itself to being a quick reference book as well as a wonderful insight into a man whose life is truly an example to all. If more people followed R.E. Lee's maxims, this would definitely be a better world. I highly recommend this book for anyone looking to buy a special graduation gift for that special person graduating from high school or college. This is something that will last a lifetime.
Rating:  Summary: Author's Comments Review: Robert E. Lee has been a hero of mine since I was a small boy. With Confederate ancestors on both sides of my family, my father made sure that respect for Lee's character was instilled in my impressionable mind when I was just a lad. Growing up and playing on my father's ancestral home and land that was the site of an engagement between Federal and Confederate troops, love and respect for the gallantry of Lee came natural for me. I began collecting quotes and anecdotes from the life of Lee many years ago and started dreaming about a book in 1999. This book is the result of that dream. The book is specifically directed to "young gentlemen," or those who aspire to be, but I believe the book can be enjoyed by everyone. It is full of some of the better quotes culled from reliabile biographies and Lee's personal letters. Some were Lee's "personal maxims" that were found after his death in a worn military satchel by CSA chaplian, William Jones. The book also contains some little known anecdotes from the life of Lee that illustrate his sterling Christian character and humility. Many that have reviewed the book have been complimentary: "The Maxims of Robert E. Lee for Young Gentlemen is inspiring and full of anecdotes and quotes, some long forgotten, that will guide men of all ages towards the lost art of being a 'gentleman.' " ~ Joe Farah, Editor in Chief and CEO of WorldNetDaily.com. "I can think of no better guide for young men embarking on the adventure of life than the maxims of Robert E. Lee." ~ From the Foreword by Harry W. Crocker, III, author of Lee on Leadership and Executive Editor at Regnery Publishing. "The example of Robert E. Lee illustrates in stark colors what it means to be a man - a model essential for all of us who are products of this distinctly unmanly age. Rick Williams has placed us all in his debt with this wonderful anthology of Lee's wisdom and grace. Must reading for all fathers and sons." ~ Pastor J. Steven Wilkins, author of Call of Duty: The Sterling Nobility of Robert E. Lee. "This riveting collection of Lee's own stirring words and personal thoughts give amplified insight into the life of a rare and much-needed role model. Imagine for a moment the impact just one hundred young men could have on our land should they develop Lee's passion for personal purity and selfless pursuit of Christian honor. My prayer is that many will read these words not as antiquated or romantic philosophy, but rather as a challenge to humbly follow - and then boldly lead." ~ James McDonald, Publisher, Homeschooling Today® Magazine
Rating:  Summary: An Authentic Hero Review: Samuel Johnson once quipped, "Any man honored by both his enemies and his compatriots is a man worthy of our closet attentions-for in him you may be sure to find authenticity. After all, authenticity is the rarest of all human traits." Of all the men who fought during the un-Civil War Between the States only R.E. Lee stands out as universally praised by both sides. The English historian Paul Johnson had this to say about Lee: "General Lee has accomplished in both life and death what few, indeed, hardly any have ever accomplished in all of the annals of history: ubiquitous respect, renown, and acclaim." In this concise and handy little book of Maxims, Richard Williams Jr. has provided us a window into the man who accomplished ubiquitous respect, renown, and acclaim. In a generation dearth of real heroes it is vital that we put before our children men of valor, duty, and courage. One need look no further than to the example of Robert Edward Lee to see these principles brilliantly exemplified. This is a book that can be read in one sitting, but you will not want to read it just once. If you are like myself you will use this book over and over again. My copy is already marked up and the pages ruffled from where I keep drinking from the wonderful wisdom of the man. It's my hope that with the publication of books like this one, we may yet again see a generation of leaders who embody the principles of Robert E. Lee.
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