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Rating:  Summary: Revolutionary Strategy Applicable Today Review: By Any Means Necessary consists of lectures (including responses to audience questions) as well as interviews by reporters both hostile and friendly.Malcom's revolutionary strategy for confronting and overcoming the oppression of African-Americans in the 1960s is applicable today for the working class and oppressed people everywhere.
Rating:  Summary: A first hand look at the man himself Review: I recommend this book to anyone who is curious as to who Malcom X is. It is not a biography, but a collection of interviews and speeches that reveal the essence of a natural born leader. Malcom X lived in a time where his people where treated as second class citizens, where every genuine attempt to counter the mistreatment of blacks was met with opposition, either by supremacist groups or the Government's inability to protect the rights of his people. Naturally he develops a militant stand against the injustice, as every other measure seemed futile. The militancy undeniably made him notorious in the media circles and he was often misunderstood of misquoted by the establishment. By objectively reading his words as they are transcribed, one cannot help but agree that he is indeed a revolutionary philosopher and activist, unafraid and eager to change his views as he learns more about the struggle for universal human rights. This is a must read for people who are curious to learn more about the real civil rights struggle, a stark contrast from the rosy pictures that are painted every year in Febuary.
Rating:  Summary: A great source of information on Malcolm X Review: It will open your eyes to truths hidden for decades. Malcolm X made me see what crimes to humanity my race (yes i'm white) has comitted. But it goes deeper than that. There are civil right movements in all the countries of the world, and this book inspires and reminds us of what HAS TO BE DONE! I love it!
Rating:  Summary: Malcom's own words Review: Malcolm's own words REALLY THIS BOOK AND EVERYTHING ELSE BY MALCOLM X SHOULD HAVE SIX OR SEVEN STARS NOT JUST FIVE!!!!! Edited by the editor Malcolm selected to present his work, By Any Means Necessary contains speeches by Malcolm X about politics of struggle against Racism, Capitalism, and the Democratic and Republican parties. Read this book and you understand what Malcolm X meant when he said that African Americans and other people in struggle need to look at the US from the point of view of the oppressed majority around the world, not as an 'American.' This book like the other books published by Pathfinder Press is just Malcolm X speaking, writing, being interviewed. Just as good are Malcolm's works including Malcolm X Speaks, Malcol X: The Final Speeches, Malcolm X: the Last Speeches, Malcolm X Talks to Young People, Malcolm X on Afro-American History. Also read George Breitman's Malcolm X the Evolution of a Revolutionary, a great, honest, measured analysis of Malcolm's last year with Malcolm's program for the Organization of African American Unity as an appendix
Rating:  Summary: Want to know the real Malcolm X? Read his own words Review: Much has been written about Malcolm X, perhaps the foremost black leader in the latter half of the 20th century. But the best way to really learn about Malcolm, I think, is to read his own words. Then read them again. Malcolm was - and remains - so very popular because he possessed the gift of being able to cut directly to the heart of issues. He could describe them in terms that people can immediately understand. His ability to do just that is aptly compiled in this collection of speeches and an interview in the Young Socialist magazine. Malcolm discusses the loathsome nature of capitalism, the folly of the Democratic Party and the interrelationship of struggles in the Third World to the fight for black rights in this country. While scholars have written much about Malcolm's abilities as a public speaker, this book shows that Malcolm was much more. He was a doer. He was an organizer of Harlem blacks, and he constantly urged black people elsewhere to fight for their rights. Ultimately, it was because of his deeds as well as his ideas for which he was slain.
Rating:  Summary: Profile of a Racist Icon Review: The novel Malcolm X: By Any Means Necessary is a well written description of Malcolm's entire life including his troubles and his triumphs. The book is basically broken down into four stages of Malcolm's life. The first part of the book tells about Malcolm as a child, and all of his problems that his family encountered. The second part of the books talks about Malcolm as a teenager when he learned the streets and was often getting himself into trouble. The third part of the book describes Malcolm's interest in the Nation of Islam and his ability to influence other people. The final part of the book tells about Malcolm becoming a true Muslim and his split from the Nation of Islam. In the book Malcolm X proves to be a convincing hero because he has the will to lead others, his courage to spread his word and he searches for the best life could offer. Malcolm had an amazing power to lead people and have influence over people. Malcolm's leadership is evident throughout a large chunk of the novel. When Malcolm became a member of the Nation of Islam he was made a minister. As a minister Malcolm was able to preach in all of the temples involved in the Nation of Islam. Malcolm spread the message of the Nation of Islam to everyone he preached to. All of Malcolm's preaching was influencing many people and more and more African-Americans started to join the Nation of Islam. Malcolm had a "genius for reaching places in the African-American soul." (pg.88) His keen sense of leadership and influence made him a very powerful person in the United States. Later in the biography Malcolm has a split from the Nation of Islam and decides to become a true Muslim. Malcolm now had a new message to preach and a new reason to lead people. Malcolm then formed the Organization of Afro-American Unity. Because of Malcolm's split from the Nation of Islam and his uncanny ability to lead people, Malcolm was a powerful man. Throughout the book Malcolm shows signs of his courage which leads him to become a hero for everyone and a powerful leader. During Malcolm's time in jail after his ruff teenage years, Malcolm realized that he wanted to be a part of the Nation of Islam. He not only wanted to be a part of it he wanted to devote his whole heart to the Nation of Islam. Most African-Americans during this time were poor and led lives that weren't going anywhere. Malcolm saw this and he wanted to change it. Malcolm went above and beyond most blacks and started to teach blacks the message of the Nation of Islam. Malcolm was able to get many African-Americans to join the Nation of Islam and helped them realize that there was something in life to live for. Because of Malcolm's willingness to help the African-American race and his courageousness to be a minister in the Nation of Islam, Malcolm would be a hero to all African-Americans. Malcolm also shows courage when he splits from the Nation of Islam. Malcolm was living a fine life and was doing what he wanted to do when he split from the Nation of Islam. Malcolm decided that he wanted something more, and that he wanted to be a true Muslim. After he became a true Muslim he continued to preach to the African-American community and led his people with the same dignity as he did within the Nation of Islam. Malcolm had enough courage to leave the Nation of Islam because he wanted to find something more in his life. His courageousness in this example leads him to finding the truth and explaining what is right. Malcolm's search for what was best in his life was another example in the novel, which makes Malcolm a clear hero. There are two main examples of this. First, Malcolm wants to change his criminal ways as a teenager and become involved religiously in the Nation of Islam. Malcolm becomes the main minister and he builds many temples throughout the eastern part of the U.S. to spread the message of the Nation of Islam. Because of Malcolm's strong leadership he is able to recruit many African-Americans to join the Nation of Islam. Malcolm's search for a better life makes Malcolm a powerful and strong individual. Another example of why Malcolm's search for a better life makes him a hero is when he splits from the Nation of Islam. As Malcolm preached within the Nation of Islam, his ideas were becoming different than that of its founder, Elijah Muhammad. Because Malcolm's ideas are much different than the original ideas of the Nation of Islam, Malcolm decides to become a true Muslim. Malcolm makes the trip to Africa and takes the pilgrimage to Mecca. Malcolm becomes a real Muslim and is able to find a better life. Malcolm begins to preach his new message and gains respect from many African-Americans. Malcolm's becoming of a true Muslim shows that Malcolm wants to find the truth in life and that he wants the best for all African-American people. Malcolm X was indeed a great person and a hero to everyone he influenced. Malcolm was a powerful leader. He preached with the Nation of Islam and later with his own organization the Organization of Afro-American Unity. Malcolm was a courageous person because he was able to help blacks when they thought that nothing was left for them. Lastly Malcolm was someone who was always looking for a better life. He received a new life after his years in prison and also received a new life when he split from the Nation of Islam. All of Malcolm's characteristics are well depicted in this biography and show how great and heroic of a person Malcolm X really was.
Rating:  Summary: Profile of a Racist Icon Review: This book does not deserve any stars, not due to its technical profficiency as the book is well written. However this work does nothing to condemn the racist, anti-white attitude taken by the subject, or the subjects links with international black supremacist regimes and terrorist organisations. Those who fail to condemn racism, including black racism, are condoning it - the author has therefore taken the moral low ground.
Rating:  Summary: A great book! Review: This wonderful biography on Malcom X is an intriguing book talking about Malcom's life and greatest triumphs. It describes his life as a child, on the streets, in prison, and as a leader. It told me almost everything I wanted to know about his life, with a some interesting tidbits to keep it from getting boring, but not too many so it isn't a foot thick. The book starts out nicely, with a story about when Malcom made sure that a young African American man captured by the police is kept in good health. Although, after reading this grabbing article, the book slows down a little bit, don't stop, because ahead of you is a fun and informative novel containing everything you wanted to know about this wonderful leader.
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