Rating: Summary: Terror is a tactic not an enemy! Review: On page 139, Frum talks about how rescue workers at ground zero did not vote for Bush in 2000 and guess what- they still didn't vote for him in 2004! This should make people wonder if Bush is protecting us so well, why do the people of New York, biggest threat city, didn't go with Bush in 2004? On page 142, Bush says he is going to hold responsible not only the terrorists but the governments that aid, abet, finance and shield terrorism - does this mean Bush's good friend "Bandar Bush" from Saudi Arabia? Bush says "Every nation, in every region, now has a decision to make. Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorist." I can't really blame Germany, France, Russia for turning away from us - Bush's good ole it's MY way or the HIGHWAY. All you people who follow Georgie blindly need to go back and read page 147 and tell me that he finally got his reason to invade Iraq on 9/11. "We're finished on taxes, except maybe for capital gains - if we win the war, we'll get our recovery." What a great strategy! And my personal favorite was the 2 paragraphs with Tom Ridge in them. Bush made Tom Ridge head of Homeland Security because he was governor of the state that a flight 93 went down in on 9/11. What since does this make? Guess if you like Bush then it makes perfect sense but there are 48% of voters who know better! For a book that was suggested to me to see the good in George Bush, this book only highlighted the very reasons that I am so afraid of him being the President of the United States.
Rating: Summary: Proving the addage "They Fear What They Do Not Understand." Review: What made this book interesting was the author wasn't a Bush fan to begin with. This was an educational book for me, offering a look at the man and the administration that some Democrats and the news media loves to hate. I agree with one of the other reviewers that the first few chapters do paint an administration that may have been mediocre but today there is no questioning the strong leadership and values of a successful administration. I finally understand why his critics hate him so -- It's because George W. Bush did not live up to their expectations of failure, because he has turned this country around to a powerful country with a strong (and getting stronger) economy and a proud and powerful military, because he has a positive vision and truly believes in that which he says and he believe in his country, but most of all, because his critics can't figure him out. They just don't get how someone could want a strong and free America and world. George W. Bush is, beyond all words and without a doubt, the right man for the job. He has earned my respect and support.