Rating:  Summary: "I fear this little, gravely-voiced man... Review: as a moslim from the east, i found this book very informative about the natur of the believes of the nation of islam. from this book i understood how NOI is different from the true islam as practiced by more than a billion muslim. the book exposed Elijah Muhammed and his undivine role in careating a very distored version of islam, with clearly helped him in ceating great wilth and power. the book is a must read for any individual who is confused about the true natur of NOI
Rating:  Summary: not "wonderful" at all nothing wonderful bout' karl evanzzz Review: from SALAAM ALLAH NATION OF ISLAM, June 3, 2004, ministersalaamallah@lycos.com not wonderful at all this book is a disaster! what is wonderful about what is happening to the black nation today? the black man and the black woman freed slaves and that is all is supposed to believe that this awful idiot karl evanzzz has some clue as to what he is talking about of which he has NONE WHATSOEVER! now as more and more black american becomes homeless permanetly unemployed and unemployable filling up the jails and prisons and death rows of the wilderness hell of north ameriKKKa ......... and the rest of our black peoples karl evanzzz cares NOTHING about being sent off to foregin wars int he US military to die and come back to ameriKKKa to add to the rest of the list above etc... Somehow this is supposed to be 'wonderful' and if we just stop what we are doing read the lies and deciet of sonsyrea tate silly little book ' little X ' or the late misleader ' alex hailey ' oh his Biography of minister malcolm shabazz and now the big 3 negatives books by the latest mental basket case 'karl evanzzz' & this is somehow going to do great 'wonderful' things for the black american who is still at the bottom of everything of hell we still suffer from at he hands of the worst ever peoples to ever rule with a beast savage madness on the planet earth ever ( just ask iraq ) MESSENGER ELIJAH MUHAMMAD taught right what was going to happen in the last days of the so called good ol' USA and where this was going! nothing 'wonderful' at all about this karl evanzz needs to write what his solution and solution(s) is for the black nation lay out his program and not KNOCK the greatest black leader of all time ever ........ MESSENGER ELIJAH MUHAMMAD peace be upon him those who think karl evanzz is so 'wonderful' should ask him to lay out what his SOULTION is for the so called american negro here in the wilderness hell of north america ! ameriKKKa ! thankz for reading this correction to ' wonderful 'Also recommended: MESSENGER ELIJAH MUHAMMAD MESSAGE TO THE BLACKMAN THE FALL OF AMERICA OUR SAVIOUR HAS ARRIVED HOW TO EAT TO LIVE THE JOURNAL OF TRUTH !- BY HIS BLOOD BROTHER! SUPREME MINISTER JOHN MUHAMMAD DETROIT MI.
Rating:  Summary: Wonderful Review: I disagree with many of the readers before me. This book is excellently researched and documented. I believe that many of the people who are upset with this book are members of the black muslims and they cannot handle the historical truths of their religion. This book is beyond theological debate. The messenger shows how a man can rise from an average person to an inspirational leader for thousands of people. I believe that this book should be read by all people who want to rise to the call of leadership, because every leader can learn from the mistakes of leaders of the past. This books gives in detail the wonderful contributions that Muhammad made to the stuggles of Africans here in America as well as showing his many mistakes that he made in his path.I highly recommend this book. Peace and Blessings
Rating:  Summary: A Flawed but Essential Work Review: I have read the reviews of Evanzz' book on Amazon.com and BN.com and have been somewhat taken aback by the opposition to what he has done here. I read the book from cover to cover and have also read many of the major books and articles about the Nation of Islam or its members (especially Malcolm X). Based upon my own reading, Evanzz has turned in a work that is carefully considered and should be read with an open mind and heart by anyone who wants to learn more about Elijah Muhammad, the Nation of Islam, or Black politics in the 20th century. Several reviewers here have objected to Evanzz' use of FBI files, but it should be clear from reading this book, Bruce Perry's _Malcolm_, and the FBI files of Martin Luther King, Jr., Elijah Muhammad, Malcolm X, and many others that while the FBI has repeatedly been the enemy of Black people in America, it has also inadvertently provided excellent documentation of Black leaders' activities, for better or worse. Evanzz recognizes this, and even points out how ham-fisted the FBI could be in its attempts to undermine Black organizations, including the NOI. Is Evanzz' account totally unbiased? Obviously, no. The further one gets into the book, the clearer his disdain for the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and the NOI shows through. Given the events he relates, however, it's easy to see why. That an organization that intends to save Black folks could be so cruel to those it would save should give any reader pause. Evanzz forces us to confront a number of issues: 1) How and why religions are formed; 2) The relevance of the NOI; 3) The weaknesses built into the NOI and its theology; 4) The importance of having a clear-eyed view of ALL leaders. Was/is Elijah Muhammad important to African American politics and history? Of course he was. Evanzz understands this. He also makes clear, however, that that importance should not excuse us from criticizing him or his spirtual or political heirs. One final word: I recommend readers check out C. Eric Lincoln's _The Black Muslims in America_, Peter Goldman's _The Death and Life of Malcolm X_, Louis Lomax's _To Kill a Black Man_, and Bruce Perry's _Malcolm_ as sources that will alternately support and correct some of Evanzz' information. (Some minor facts are inaccurate in a few places.)
Rating:  Summary: Putting MAN in His Place Review: In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful As a striving Orthodox Muslim, and an African-American, I read "The Messenger" with a great deal of interest. I was impressed with Mr. Evanzz' writing style and the depth of his research. His copious references would satisfy the most discerning scholar. And, despite the historical subject matter, the book is a page-turner. I confess that I read until dawn and finished the book in three days. As one of the earlier reviewers noted, however, I was wary of his frequent references to FBI files. They should definitely be taken with the proverbial 'grain of salt'. Although he does offer his own opinion in later chapters, it is with the force allowed by the evidence already presented. The murder of Hamaas Abdul Khaalis' family was particularly horrific. I was actually glad that Evanzz interjected his opinion at that point ("They had come to Washington in the name of Allah, or so they thought; they left, for certain, as the devil's advocates." pg. 389 ). It would have been dishonest for him to merely describe the massacre without comment. Evanzz is not a newscaster, forced to smile for the cameras while reporting disaster and mayhem. I must confess a bias in this regard, since my great uncle, Hajji Zafir El-Jamary, was murdered by Black Muslims in Chicago in 1975. He had dared, much like Hamaas Abdul Khaalis, to suggest that the NOI should practice true Islam. His reward was a beating so severe that his eye was dislodged before they threw him - still alive - into the river to drown. Abdul Khaalis' story and (of course) the story of Malcolm X, were the most touching vignettes for me in the book. I cried when I realized the loss that Orthodox Muslims in America suffered with Malcolm's demise. The information suggests that he was well on his way to establishing a strong Islamic movement that would have benefited all Americans and Muslims throughout the world. The true focus of Islam is not race at all, but the Oneness of God and respect for His creation. The word "Islam" is loosely translated as "submission to the Will of God." The most important and central belief of Muslims all over the world is that there is nothing worthy of worship except God. "The Messenger" shows the pitfalls of worshipping human beings instead of God. The Nation of Islam under Elijah Muhammad had its place as a socio-political organization. There is no denying that thousands of African-Americans were saved from drugs, prostitution, and self-hatred through his program. However, there is also no denying the theological deviance of any "Muslim" organization that believes that a human being is God. As Allah says in Qur'an: "Say: 'I am forbidden to worship those - others than Allah - whom ye call upon.' Say: 'I will not follow your vain desires: If I did, I would stray from the path, and be not of the company of those who receive guidance.'" [Holy Qur'an 6:56]
Rating:  Summary: Very interesting, insightful bio Review: Karl Evanzz wrote a fascinating account of how power corrupts in "The Messenger: The Rise and Fall of Elijah Muhammad." Evanzz supported his biography of the man responsible for the enormous growth of the Nation of Islam with almost 200 pages of documentation. However, he clearly lost all objectivity toward the second half of the book. Yet, I found this true story to be a compelling one worth reading.
Rating:  Summary: Very interesting, insightful bio Review: Karl Evanzz wrote a fascinating account of how power corrupts in "The Messenger: The Rise and Fall of Elijah Muhammad." Evanzz supported his biography of the man responsible for the enormous growth of the Nation of Islam with almost 200 pages of documentation. However, he clearly lost all objectivity toward the second half of the book. Yet, I found this true story to be a compelling one worth reading.
Rating:  Summary: An Unprofessional, Bias, Mis-Informative Writing Review: Of all the literature I've read concerning the Elijah Muhammad, this is by far the worse. After only two chapters, it becomes obvious that Evanzz developed his analysis of Muhammad and the N.O.I. based upon data presented by the FBI, CIA, New York and Detroit police. Where are the interviews with Muhammad's family, friends, and business associates? Where are the exerpts from any of Muhammad's dozens of books? Where are the accounts from present or former N.O.I. members? Instead this book presents references from government agencies as indisputable fact. Anyone familiar with the clandestine workings of such agencies during the 1950's and '60's (i.e. "CoIntelPro),would surely be suspicious of such "information", and at least attempt to seek out other sources. Evanzz's account fails to make such an attempt and is so one-sided, that it offers the reader no opportunity to intelligently analyze Elijah Muhammad, his organization or those who followed him. This book is closer to "National Enquirer" material, than it is to informative, responsible journalism. Anyone interested in a well-written, balanced account of Elijah Muhammad and the history of the N.O.I., I recommend "The Original Man" by Claude Andrew Clegg III. It's a brilliant work and far superior to Evanzz slanderous writing. Don't waste your time or money.
Rating:  Summary: Worst book on THE NATION OF ISLAM ever!! Review: This has got to be the worst book ever about the NATION OF ISLAM ever! And with no interviews of MESSENGER ELIJAH MUHAMMAD himself & or any of his "blood brothers". Instead mr evanzzz goes for the 100% wrong information given by all the "sons" & family members of MESSENGER ELIJAH MUHAMMAD whom all all against him & his teachings THE ONLY TRUE SOLUTION FOR ALL OF THE BLACK NATION here in the wilderness hell of north america !! These " sons " & all fof thier misinformations(s) thier lies & decit & all of the false "dirt" that they could LIE to karl evanzz was beleived by him 100% and not even questioned ! No true beleiver in MESSENGER ELIJAH MUHAMMAD & the NATION OF ISLAM was even interviewed for the good work some 45 years MESSENGER ELIJAH MUHAMMADs work with the so called american negro & the total benifit of his teachings ! Karl evanzzz saw fit to TOTALLY IGNORE the good the NATION OF ISLAM did for the BLACK AMERICAN & the world as well !! he karl evanzzz could have interviewed SUPREME MINISTER JOHN MUHAMMAD, MESSENGER ELIJAH MUHAMMADS blood & spiritual brother to at least get some ( balance ) , TRUTH of the real 45 year history of THE NATION OF ISLAM. Instead like sonsyrea tate, alex hailey he took the easy way out & published a total lie & deciet! His books cannot be trusted any fool can see thru his trickery! karl evanzz is suffering form some inferior complex & envy he has no solutions to the hell that BLACK AMERICA is suffering from today & he offers NO SOLUTIONs to our many complex problems reaching well beyond the year 2000!! MESSENGER ELIJAH MUHAMMAD did do something POSITIVE & GOOD for our black people, what does mr. evamzz have to offer but hell slavery suffering homelessness & death ?? We do hope this clears up a very untrue book. Minister SALAAM WAHID ALLAH
Rating:  Summary: Fardism Review: This is a stunning, scathing indictment of the Nation of Islam. People involved in this organization really need to read this book to get an honest account of its history that Farrakhan and his minister stooges would never provide. I am not a guy who generally criticizes Black militants... at least not for their politics... but I must make an exception for the NOI. It is true that the NOI helped reform many people who were lost in drugs and crime. This can't be denied. But NOI apologists cannot deny the many acts of violence committed by members of the group. Farrakhan and Elijah Muhammad did NOTHING to curb this violence. If this doesn't convince NOI supporters that the group is no good, consider that all of these crimes were committed against BLACK people. And if that isn't enough, consider that all of them are BLACK MUSLIMS. Followers of the NOI even drowned infants, yet never did any leader of the group so much as even imply that killing Black Muslim babies is WRONG. And must we even mention that they killed Malcolm X, a truly great Black leader? Members of the NOI today spit on his memory with their membership. You can't even say that what they practice is Islam. The NOI teaches that some bozo named Wallace D Fard is the Messiah, Allah in human form. This is as different from true Islam as Christianity is to Judaism. Farrakhan should at least respect real Muslims and call his religion Fardism. BTW, FBI files are very valid sources. No one needs to be skeptical of those. The FBI conducted massive illegal surveillance of social activist groups. Not just of militant groups like the NOI or the Black Panthers but also the supposedly harmless Martin Luther King, Jr. They documented this stuff thoroughly, never dreaming that the Freedom of Information Act would expose these files to anyone, like Evanzz, who wants to see them. I've seen some of these files from the `60's and early `70's. The information on them is amazing... details of private conversations are common... and that's stuff that HADN'T been hastily blacked out.