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Rating:  Summary: An honest, first-hand account! Read it! Review: Dr. Crenshaw, and the others, are credible people who present credible evidence and conclusions. Such people are always senselessly attacked by those with ulterior motives. Dr. Crenshaw was present when both JFK and Oswald were brought to Parkland Hospital. His story is corroborated by others who were also present. Initially, critics claimed Crenshaw did not receive a phone call from LBJ while Oswald was on the operating table. A Parkland hospital telephone operator has since supported the fact that a call did come in from LBJ and it was transferred to the room where Oswald lay. In this phone call, LBJ attempted to coerce Crenshaw into "hearing a deathbed confession" from Oswald that he killed JFK. This is an honest, first-hand account of the proceedings at Parkland, and worth a read by all who are interested in the truth of the murder of JFK.
Rating:  Summary: a European perspective Review: From a European perspective there is nothing new in the fact that John F. Kennedy was murdered by several assassins and that several shots were fired from the front - at least that is what I was taught at school in the seventies, with the cautionary remark that Americans were too naive to be able to accept the truth - the truth being not only the facts of the JFK murder but the much more sinister fact that they were lied at by several successive governments, by the CIA, the FBI, and almost all their mass media. Maybe it was easier to see this truth from a continent that had been ravaged by a horrible war where unbelievable atrocities had been committed in the name of governments. Maybe it was easier because the European nations had had more than their share of "Tyrannenmord" in the past. When I grew up during the "Cold War" I actually did not see that much difference between the Soviet government and the U.S. government. They used somewhat different methods to hush up their dirty secrets but they were both effective up to a point. Apart from the simple facts which one of the eye-witnesses at last discloses this book strikes me most by the effect it had in its first edition. What is most strange and not a little frightening is the way the American media still dictate the people what to believe and what not. Even now, 40 years after, they are still trying to hide the truth, to distort what cannot be hidden, to spread disinformation, to influence or discredit witnesses, and in this case to shed doubt on the reliability and the reputation of a distinguished surgeon. In an unprecedented act of defamation a scientific(!) journal, the "Journal of the American Medical Association" (JAMA) called Dr Crenshaw's book "a fabrication". Crenshaw sued for "slander with malice" and won in court but the damage to his reputation cannot be undone. The motto of cover-up people has always been "Audacter calumniare, semper aliquid haeret". The courageous author of this book is no exception.
Rating:  Summary: Eyewitness account trumps the jet theory Review: Gary Waltrip and the reader from Scotts Valley, CA can believe what they want. They can talk about shooting watermelons all they want. There are no watermelons in this book, no simulations, no speculations, just a description by a doctor who was among the team that examined Kennedy's wounds immediately after they happened. As an aside, Stewart Galanor's book, "Cover-up" discusses and destroys the "jet effect." As for Posner's "Case Closed," it is a silly attempt by someone who is either naive to the extreme, or simply an errand boy doing the bidding of others. Research his background and you can come to your own conclusion on his motivations. In closing, I will paraphrase Fletcher Prouty: "A cover story is like a balloon. It is not necessary to pierce it with dozens of needles to deflate it. Only a single needle will do." Charles Crenshaw provides a single needle with this book. The wounds in the autopsy photos are not those he saw when treating Kennedy moments after the shooting. Thus you have a conspiracy. It's that simple. The convoluted gymnastics that others go through to disprove conspiracy would be comical if the subject were not so serious.
Rating:  Summary: This eyewitness is lying? Review: Since Amazon has allowed "a reader from California" to write a rebuttal to my review, I feel compelled and entitled to respond. The anonymous "reader" asks if I as a CPA have ever taken a physics class -- in fact, I have taken two at the college level. Mr. Reader uses the old and worn conspiracy argument that since Kennedy's head moves backwards after the fatal shot, this is proof that the shot that hit him came from the front and pushed him backward with its force. Nonsense. A Physicist named Luis Alvarez proved that the jet effect of a gunshot wound can and does often cause the target to fall back towards the rifle instead of away from it. Mr. Alvarez illustrated this effect by shooting melons off of posts; they invariably fell towards the shooter, and not away from him, which is consistent with the movement of Kennedy's head after the fatal shot. Another researcher named Richard Trott replicated the experiment, as can any private citizen. However, living things are not melons, but have a nervous system, which can react unpredictably to such things as head shots. Even the conspiracy physicist Cyril Wecht, in his testimony at the Menendez retrial, admitted that simple Newtonian physics aren't much use in predicting how people will react to a gunshot. So much for "Cyril Wecht for President." In any case, the Zapruder film shows that Kennedy's head moves slightly forward with the head shot, BEFORE the neuralgic reaction and jet effect that propel him backwards. The film also shows the brain matter and bone fragment traveling up and forward before being blown backward by the wind, also consistent with a shot from the rear. Clearly, the overwhelming bulk of the evidence, whether photographic, physical or from eye witnesses, proves that Kennedy was shot from behind. Please note that I am not too chicken to post my name and email address.
Rating:  Summary: Conspiracists do not remotely understand physics Review: The first version of this book, "A Conspiracy of Silence" stated on its cover that Crenshaw was "the Surgeon who tried to save JFK and Oswald." But when he was interviewed by the New York Times, Crenshaw admitted his role in the autopsy was minor and that his co-authors had taken "poetic license" with the facts. Indeed, Charles A Crenshaw was a resident doctor at Parkland in 1963 -- a fresh out of med school trainee who got to peek at the President's wounds -- not exactly a thorough examination, and it hardly makes him an authority on the subject. In his book, Crenshaw or his co-authors make several absurd claims, e.g., that the body of JFK was surgically altered after it left Parkland and before arriving at Bethesda where autopsy photos were made, in order to disguise the true nature of the wounds. Not only would this be impossible (how can you move a massive head wound from the back to the front?), it would serve no discernable purpose to the "conspiracists." Who cares if the President was shot from the front or the back, as long as you don't get caught? Crenshaw claims that the other doctors at Parkland (the ones who actually worked on Kennedy) have maintained a "conspiracy of silence" for thirty years out of fear or out of respect for the late President. This is nonsense, since all of these doctors have discussed the autopsy at length in books and articles and videos. But this is not the only malarkey that appears in this book, as Crenshaw repeats many silly conpiracy-theory rumors and myths, including the "phone call" from LBJ "demanding" a confession be extracted from Oswald. Obviously, this book is not for the serious researcher or student of history; it is designed to appeal to the conspiracy crowd whose minds are already made up and merely want additional fodder for their obsession. If you are a "serious student" of the assassination, I recommend instead that you buy Gerald Posner's book, "Case Closed," a scholarly, well-researched book that examines all the theories about the assassination in light of documented facts. The conspiracy crowd hates it, which is a good reason for you to buy it.
Rating:  Summary: Sensational updated book by Drs. Crenshaw & Aguilar!!!!!!!! Review: The medical evidence is THE most important aspect of any homicide case, and, as with any such case, this vital factor is THE keystone to demonstrating a conspiracy to murder President John F. Kennedy. In this regard, I HIGHLY recommend this newly-updated and greatly-expanded edition of the original best-selling version of Dr. Crenshaw's "JFK-Conspiracy of Silence." In particular, the lengthy, detailed and exhaustive NEW chapter from Drs. Gary Aguilar and Cyril Wecht alone is THE greatest writing ever recorded on this intense subject and worth the price of admission alone (as well as a Pulitzer Prize)! Although some have sought to discredit Dr. Crenshaw without a proper knowledge of the true facts, Aguilar and co. demonstrate that a) there are numerous Warren Commission (primary source) references to Crenshaw's participation in saving JFK's life, b) the vast majority of his colleagues SUPPORT Crenshaw's claims of frontal injuries to JFK (ones that could NOT have been caused by a lone gunman), and c) the infamous 1992 JAMA articles that attacked Crenshaw have themselves been largely discredited (the end result: Crenshaw won a hard-fought court settlement over the damage to his reputation). If you only buy one book on the JFK assassination, let it be this one. Highly recommended.
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