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Rating:  Summary: Rob Boston has no credibility Review: A great book exposing the ideas of this downright evil man and his thoughts on america. a must read for anyone who wants to keep the freedoms we have today. excellent!
Rating:  Summary: Should be required reading Review: Boston's expose of Pat Robertson, his billion-dollar, multi-media empire and international business interests stands alone as an indictment of Robertson as an evangelist. That Robertson is actually a politician in clerical guise makes him all the more nefarious. Make no mistake: the Christian Coalition is waging a grass-roots war against common American citizens, charging that any who do not believe as they do (e.g., Fundamentalist Christian conservatives), are essentially enemies of the state. As we approach the Presidential elections this year, it becomes more evident the stranglehold this faction has on American politics. This book is a must-read for anyone who thinks they "know" what the Religious Right is after: it's a huge wake-up call. Robertson must be shown to the American public as the danger to freedom he truly is.
Rating:  Summary: What a scary, sinister, pathetic individual Review: I had never paid much attention to the Christian Coalition or Pat Robertson. Now, I actually worry that my children (assuming, of course, that the new theocratic government allows me to have any) will grow up in a land that is no different from that portrayed in George Orwell's classic novel, "1984."Of course, I do not believe that Robertson's agenda will become law anytime soon, but it is the platform of the Republican Party. Boston's book is well researched and documented. It will scare you, it will make you laugh (how could these people actually exist you'll think), it may make you cry. But it's no movie thriller, and you may wish that you never heard of a man named Pat Robertson.
Rating:  Summary: Why is Patty Robertson so dangerous? Review: I know its a bad anthology but just look at his picture. Look at that smile, you'd know that there is the evil smile right there. Now, to back my idea that Pat Robertson is evil, look at the things he is "preaching": - Patty likes to preach hate, which he is GREAT at. Oh, hate this and that, lets hate all the Hindu and all the Jews and all the Buddhists and all the Mulisms and even Catholics and some Protestants but just not Patty! - Patty actually proclaims that "he can communicate to God", basically you know he is right there insulting Him by preaching all the blasphemy and hatread. - Patty is absoutely 100% sure he is going directly to heaven without question, at least that wants people to think that he is! And fool people into feeling free to drink and cuss and harm others just as long as they "find God" at the very last second. By this, he taking more innocent people away from the rightful God that awaits them. Well there you have it! What kinda of a preacher would preach hate? The last time I went to a chuch I don't remember the preacher preaching hate! Even people of different religions won't preach hate so why would a "Christian" named Patty Robertson be doing so? Finally, keep in mind that Pat Robertson is a millionaire, and owns several estates. However, I don't remember reading the newspaper saying he made great donations to churchs! The last word: buy this book to see why Pat Roberstson is so dangerous, it doesn't matter if you're right or left-wing, we should always be viligent and aware of the danger and evil around us to avoid it.
Rating:  Summary: Why is Patty Robertson so dangerous? Review: I know its a bad anthology but just look at his picture. Look at that smile, you'd know that there is the evil smile right there. Now, to back my idea that Pat Robertson is evil, look at the things he is "preaching": - Patty likes to preach hate, which he is GREAT at. Oh, hate this and that, lets hate all the Hindu and all the Jews and all the Buddhists and all the Mulisms and even Catholics and some Protestants but just not Patty! - Patty actually proclaims that "he can communicate to God", basically you know he is right there insulting Him by preaching all the blasphemy and hatread. - Patty is absoutely 100% sure he is going directly to heaven without question, at least that wants people to think that he is! And fool people into feeling free to drink and cuss and harm others just as long as they "find God" at the very last second. By this, he taking more innocent people away from the rightful God that awaits them. Well there you have it! What kinda of a preacher would preach hate? The last time I went to a chuch I don't remember the preacher preaching hate! Even people of different religions won't preach hate so why would a "Christian" named Patty Robertson be doing so? Finally, keep in mind that Pat Robertson is a millionaire, and owns several estates. However, I don't remember reading the newspaper saying he made great donations to churchs! The last word: buy this book to see why Pat Roberstson is so dangerous, it doesn't matter if you're right or left-wing, we should always be viligent and aware of the danger and evil around us to avoid it.
Rating:  Summary: One Of The Best Books I Have Ever Read; A Must Read! Review: If you are an average American this book will open your eyes to the extremes of the Right-wing in this country. This book is undoubtably one of the most important books ever written about the far-Right in American life today. The author takes a hard, uncompromising book at Pat Robertson, leader of the Christian Coalition. It clearly outlines the group's theocratic agenda and exposes some of the darker sides of Pat Robertson and his followers. This book is meant to be a warning to Americans. There is a determined group of people out there who are dedicated to destroying the separation of church and state, curtailing individual freedoms, and imposing theocratic rule on American life. Please get informed about this issue. The future of America depends on people willing to take a stand for the true American way
Rating:  Summary: A Bit Dated.... Review: Of course, this was written in 1996, before Karl Rove...er, I mean Dubya took over.
Rating:  Summary: Hearts in the right place but not that good Review: The author of this book is a person who is involved in an organisation to maintain the seperation of church and state. This is the second book he has written on the area. Pat Robertson is a tele evangalist who must now be in his mid seventies(the book was written some time ago) and perhaps is not as dangerous as he might have been. Robertson made millions through a religous program "the 700 club" which was apparently succesful. In 1988 Robertson ran for president and failed. Whilst he was reasonably well know he had no skills as a politician and found dealing with the press more difficult than running his own TV show. It is however the events which occured after 1988 which concern Boston. During Reagan's presidency right wing Christian groups had been active. Jerry Fawell had formed a group called the Moral Majority. That group supported Reagan and he made some vague commitments to them. During his Presidency Reagan made some lukewarm attempts to deliver on the changes demanded by the Moral Majority but unltimately he did nothing. Jerry Fawell started to have his own problems and his cash cow the "old time gospel hour" started to collapse. As a result the Moral Majority soon headed off to the dust heap of history. Robertson decided after his defeat to have another go at wedge politics and formed the Christian Coalition. Rather than doing deals with the Republicans in return for support, they tried a direct take over of grass roots organisations. This was succesful and in the mid 90's they controlled at least a third of the Republicans organisations. This allowed them to control the agenda of the GOP. Boston the author of this book sees this as an alarming development. He of course may be correct. The aim of the book is to reveal the evil of what is happening to all. The main problem with the book is that it is written in a language that is rights based and will only be read sympathetically by the already converted. Thus he writes a huge amount to demonstrate that Robertson is against the seperation of Church and State. One would have thought that this would be fairly obvious but if he demonstrates it then it is not necessarily something which will cause people to suddenly wake up and take notice unless it can be shown why this is a bad thing. The book is short and easy to read but its big weakness is that it will only be appreciated by those whose votes are assured.
Rating:  Summary: Robertson is Dangerous Review: The Most Dangerous Man In America? I found this book quite compelling. It is obviously a biased commentary but that is okay. All of Boston's quotes and references are well researched and well documented. He is setting out to make a case and he clearly makes it. I have seen enough of the 700 Club broadcasts to confirm that it is common for Pat Robertson to lie, deceive and commit verbal atrocities. Boston makes no apologies for the fact that he is not presenting the other side of the story and that is okay also. It is his book to write. The Religious Right is an exceptionally dangerous entity that stands for many things our founding fathers took great pains to prevent. They twist the truth about American history, world history, the physical sciences, biological sciences all to their own twisted ends. They remain dangerous today and we have to keep vigilant to guard our freedoms against them. However, I take solace in the fact that since this book was written (1996), Pat Robertson and the christian coalition have lost much of their power and clout. Congress is no longer majority Republican, Robertson is more universally recognized as the "nut case" he really is, Ralph Reed is gone and I believe the Christian coalition has lost their tax-exempt status. My point being, the religious right is still a viable threat but Robertson is much less so than he was 5 years ago. Robertson is his own worst enemy in many cases. His comments about the September 11th World Trade Center tragedy is the most recent example. First, he agrees with Falwel that the christian God is complicit in the killing of many innocent Americans - a horribly insensitive comment at a time this country is hurting worse than at any time in modern history. Then, he compounds his evil by saying that the statements were taken out of context and he lays the blame all on Falwel saying he really did not understand what Falwel was saying. Like millions of Americans, I have seen the tape and know for a fact that neither of those statements is true and that Robertson is a liar. Boston makes many valid and strong points in the book. I like the way he laid bare the idea that religions right fanatics think their own freedoms of speech and assembly are being violated if they are prevented from violating the rights of others (at abortion clinics for instance). I also appreciated Boston's treatment of Robertson's unethical business dealings. I was much less familiar with that aspect of Robertson's evil empire prior to reading this book. I know many good and decent Christians. Robertson is such a poor representative for the christian people I know that I feel comfortable in saying that Robertson is in fact not a christian. He belongs to some perverted cult religion that worships a very narrow, vindictive and evil god that kills innocent children. I recommend this book.
Rating:  Summary: Robertson is Dangerous Review: The Most Dangerous Man In America? I found this book quite compelling. It is obviously a biased commentary but that is okay. All of Boston's quotes and references are well researched and well documented. He is setting out to make a case and he clearly makes it. I have seen enough of the 700 Club broadcasts to confirm that it is common for Pat Robertson to lie, deceive and commit verbal atrocities. Boston makes no apologies for the fact that he is not presenting the other side of the story and that is okay also. It is his book to write. The Religious Right is an exceptionally dangerous entity that stands for many things our founding fathers took great pains to prevent. They twist the truth about American history, world history, the physical sciences, biological sciences all to their own twisted ends. They remain dangerous today and we have to keep vigilant to guard our freedoms against them. However, I take solace in the fact that since this book was written (1996), Pat Robertson and the christian coalition have lost much of their power and clout. Congress is no longer majority Republican, Robertson is more universally recognized as the "nut case" he really is, Ralph Reed is gone and I believe the Christian coalition has lost their tax-exempt status. My point being, the religious right is still a viable threat but Robertson is much less so than he was 5 years ago. Robertson is his own worst enemy in many cases. His comments about the September 11th World Trade Center tragedy is the most recent example. First, he agrees with Falwel that the christian God is complicit in the killing of many innocent Americans - a horribly insensitive comment at a time this country is hurting worse than at any time in modern history. Then, he compounds his evil by saying that the statements were taken out of context and he lays the blame all on Falwel saying he really did not understand what Falwel was saying. Like millions of Americans, I have seen the tape and know for a fact that neither of those statements is true and that Robertson is a liar. Boston makes many valid and strong points in the book. I like the way he laid bare the idea that religions right fanatics think their own freedoms of speech and assembly are being violated if they are prevented from violating the rights of others (at abortion clinics for instance). I also appreciated Boston's treatment of Robertson's unethical business dealings. I was much less familiar with that aspect of Robertson's evil empire prior to reading this book. I know many good and decent Christians. Robertson is such a poor representative for the christian people I know that I feel comfortable in saying that Robertson is in fact not a christian. He belongs to some perverted cult religion that worships a very narrow, vindictive and evil god that kills innocent children. I recommend this book.
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