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Rating:  Summary: An Inspirational Leader in these difficult times Review: As a police officer for the last 24 years, I can tell you that Bernard Kerik is truly, an amazing individual. Whether you are in the field of law enforcement or not, you will enjoy reading this inspirational book, about a young boy who came from a broken home, and followed his own path, to become the Police Commissioner of the largest and greatest Police Department in the world. From experience, I can tell you, that in this day and age, individuals like Bernard Kerik do not usually make it to such a high level in law enforcement. It is normally those individuals who spend more time studying for the promotional exam, than doing police work. Bernard Kerik went to the school of "hard knocks" and graduated with honors! At a young age, he was smart enough to realize the physical and mental benefits of martial arts. Bernard Kerik enrolled himself into a program, and ultimately obtained his black belt. But the true prize was the confidence and sense of discipline that he obtained. From the military to private security in Saudi Arabia to a warden in New Jersey, Bernard Kerik was a leader and a warrior. One of the most fascinating and inspiring moments in Bernard Keriks life was when he gave up a $52,000 a year job as a warden, to start as a rookie cop in New York, at half the pay! No matter where he has worked, Bernard Kerik has been an inspiration and a true leader. He cares about the people who work for him and he cares about the victims of the crimes they investigate. He truly is someone, you would gladly follow into battle. In these difficult times, we need more leaders like Bernard Kerik.
Rating:  Summary: Interesting Guy Writes Boring Biography Review: As biographies of interesting people go, especially for a guy as colorful and gutsy as Bernard Kerrick, this book is disappointingly BORING.
The book is poorly written, with an over-emphasis on Kerrick's childhood and alcoholic/prostitute mother who was murdered after he was taken from her custody. The book becomes mildly engaging in the chapters where Kerrick takes over running Rykers Island and subsequently the NYPD, but the book waits far too long before bringing us up to modern events.
Another strong criticism is Kerrick's persistance in constantly singling out NYPD officers by name and carrying on about how great they are, what heroes, their sacrifices etc. Yes, fine, we get it. They are heroes. But this book is about YOUR life. Its as if he promised like 200 drinking buddies to include their names in his book and didn't want to reneg. Also, the butt kissing to Guliani teeters a bit on the excessive. Yes, Guliani is a grat man and kissing his butt is OK-just do it on your own time Bernie.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent Blue Print for Next Homeland Security Secretary Review: Bush should have tapped this guy sooner, BUT hey better now than never. Former New York Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik's life of a lost mom, bullets, SWAT Raids, and the epicenter of world terrorism are all chronicled in a flowing narrative. LOST SON is a gritty and detailed account of a New Yorker going from school kid, to Army MP, Street Cop, Detective, NARC, Corrections Commissioner, and later NYPD Commish. Kerik is a flawed guy like anyone else, but you forget it reading the fact is stranger than fiction accounts of him and the NYPD. This beats Serpico, hands down! Kerik is also chronicled in his friendship with Mayor Rudolph W Guiliani from the days of Rudy as federal prosecutor tapping Kerik for DEA and Mob busts, to September 11, 2001 when both are trudging from the World Trade Center ruins at Ground Zero. Kerik is a credit to New York, the US, and just mankind in general. Go Bernie! I'm not a New Yorker, but this guy was cool. Bruce Willis could play him in a film, or Michael Chiklis from The Shield, or Tom Sizemore. James Woods, Rudy all the way.
Rating:  Summary: OUTSTANDING .... arrest warrant Review: By now (December 12, 2004) we've learned a few facts about self-promoting blowhard BERNARD KERIK. How marvelous that "The Lost Son" has already been optioned for development as a major motion picture - it has the potential to become the funniest biopic since "Mommie Dearest." I do hope the screenwriter will include a role for JENNIFER LOPEZ as the illegal domestic worker (J-Lo was great in "Maid in Manhattan") and wouldn't MARGARET CHO be wonderful as Bernie's abandoned Korean daughter?
Rating:  Summary: Gritty Portrait of an Outstanding, No-Nonsense Leader! Review: Caution: This book contains a lot of coarse and vulgar language and subjects. The purpose seems to be to provide honest texture about Mr. Kerik's life, rather than to provide shock value. Unless such things are very offensive to you, you will probably be able to look past them to the underlying story. I delayed reading this book because the publicity about it was somewhat misleading to me. I thought that the book would simply capture the story of another outstanding police leader. Fine, but I don't normally think of police leaders as ranking among the great leaders. Was I ever wrong! I wish I had read this book when it first came out. I intend to read it again . . . and again! I found this book to be one of the most inspiring and moving autobiographies that I have ever read. Mr. Kerik is the real life version of the sort of dedicated crime fighter that the movies love to create out of their imaginations. His story makes even The French Connection pale for me. "You will read about true everyday heroes." That statement is profoundly true about this book. First, Mr. Kerik is clearly such a hero. Second, he has also worked with a lot of heroes and describes a lot of them. Third, as a leader, Mr. Kerik also takes great pleasure in finding and honoring heroes. Those three perspectives permeate every page. The book has three primary story lines. The main one is how a tough kid who dropped out of high school found his way to become the 40th Police Commissioner of New York City. A secondary one is his search for his roots, which reveal some pretty daunting facts that he handles very well. The third one is added at the end, which is to describe the events of September 11th from the perspective of trying to direct the police response from the scene near the World Trade Center. Any one of these story lines would have made this an outstanding book. Mr. Kerik's character has many unusual qualities. Although he is a person with little formal education, he is very interested in learning and applying new and better ways of doing things. With his talent, he could have made a lot of money doing things other than being a New York City police officer. But he wanted the challenge the job brings. Some of the roles he has taken on (such as running Rikers Island) would have been too much for almost anyone else. Yet he could look past the problems to focus on the important values of treating those who work and are imprisoned there with dignity, safety, humanity and fairness. In addition, he has lots of courage. He played undercover roles in the drug trade that could have cost him his life on almost any day. Perhaps the most appealing of his qualities is that he doesn't see any of this as being very special, and goes out of his way to point out others who did more. Although it would be a joy to share with you all of the things I found remarkable about Mr. Kerik in this book, you'll enjoy discovering them for yourself by reading his words more than if I interpret them for you. Where do you have a passion to do the right thing? Are you pursuing that passion? If not, how could you? Turn loose all of your creativity and energy to accomplish something important . . . for all of us . . . and for yourself!
Rating:  Summary: Read it and learn from it - no matter your position! Review: So many - most, in fact - of our law enforcement managers would learn a great deal from "Beezie" Kerik! I'd say that a majority of them have no clue what real leadership is. Too many are merely in their position for the semblance of power and the better paycheck.
Kerik details his life - sad, joyous, adventurous, depressing, and magnanimous - in a very readable and enjoyable way. I've been in law enforcement for 17 years and have learned a great deal from this book. I only wish I had the honor to work with and for him. (Perhaps he'd consider a Chief's position here?!)
Rating:  Summary: Read it and learn from it - no matter your position! Review: So many - most, in fact - of our law enforcement managers would learn a great deal from "Beezie" Kerik! I'd say that a majority of them have no clue what real leadership is. Too many are merely in their position for the semblance of power and the better paycheck. Kerik details his life - sad, joyous, adventurous, depressing, and magnanimous - in a very readable and enjoyable way. I've been in law enforcement for 17 years and have learned a great deal from this book. I only wish I had the honor to work with and for him. (Perhaps he'd consider a Chief's position here?!)
Rating:  Summary: Forget the media lies! Review: Sure, you can read all those articles telling you what a con man low-life husband AND girlfriend cheating [...] he is. sure, you can realize that even St. Rudy apologized for suggesting him for W's big job offer.
But don't you REALLY want to believe in something more? Ignore what the "news" says, and trust in his words.
Really, it's OK. Just trust him.
Rating:  Summary: THIS MAN IS GOING PLACES Review: This book is riveting and inspiring. Bernard Kerik is a leader for all times and this book outlines basic philosophies any leader should know. He is the one who should be credited with turning around the city of NY and making it a safer place. He is one of the men behind the success of Mayor Giuliani. But the book is much more...it's touching and hopeful and shows how a man can overcome many obstacles even when he has a rough start in life. The depiction of Sept.11 also answered many questions for me. I highly recommend this book for everyone, but especially for people looking for direction and especially for professionals in leadership positions seeking inspiration and direction.
Rating:  Summary: Bernard B. Kerik, Hero & Inspiration Review: This is a book that you won't want to put down. Kerik is an amazing human being who overcame more obstacles than most people ever have to face. He did it on his own, from "the inside out", and shows us that we have much more within us to succeed, than we think. Some might consider it a "man's book", but instead, I think of it as a study in determination, heart, bravery and compassion. I recommend it to everyone.
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