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90 Minutes In Heaven: A True Story of Death & Life

90 Minutes In Heaven: A True Story of Death & Life

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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Sometimes God Allows Us to Peek at What's in Store for Us
Review: "Wow" is a word which encompasses my reaction to Don Piper's wonderful story.

I am a friend of Don's, and have heard Don tell his story several times.

This book is very encouraging to us here on earth who may be wondering what is on the other side. Don's story demonstrates that God at times allows some people to take a peek at His Kingdom beyond earth. It also encourages us to seek His Kingdom at all times.

At the beginning of each chapter, Don uses a quote from scripture which ties into the contents of the chapter.

A must-read for people who are discouraged about death. It also makes us realize that we are here for a purpose.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: 90 Minutes In Heaven Is Heavenly!
Review: Don Piper died on January 18, 1989 while on his way home from a church conference. Although he does go in depth into his visit "home" to Heaven, his book really concentrates on his life after the accident. After experiencing a joyous reunion with deceased relatives he was wisked away to earth with no explanation. Don is a devout Christian and suffers greatly from his banishment in heaven and with the physical pain and recovery from his automobile accident. This is really a story of survival against all odds and it is extremely motivating. When we hear of such advertisity striking others we often wonder how they find the grit to survive and even thrive. By reading Don's story we find that survival is based on a mixture of hope, faith and sheer determination. Read this book, you won't be disappointed.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: An uplifting reminder--the best is yet to come.
Review: Don Piper tells his story in this unforgettable book--with the help of author Cec Murphy, the reader experiences Don's accident and death along with him. He is with Don all the way as he finds himself before the pearly gates, then regrettably drawn back into his earthly body.

The frustrations and pain Don endured were beyond my own understanding--yet I knew God had a plan for this man. I read it through in one sitting, then mailed the book to a friend who is undergoing chemo treatments.

I'm that sure it will uplift her spirits!

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: I enjoyed reading his account of Heaven.
Review: So many factors were against him, it's a miracle he is here to tell us his story. However, he is here, and his account of what happened is in length about his recovery. The big difference is that, in the beginning, he tells you what happened to him in,
(or I should say right outside)of heaven after he died. The rest of the story reveals his very real, very painful recovery, that took years and still he will never be the same...in anyway. Hearing about Heaven, is exciting. I think anyone would like this book, but especially someone who is afraid of death.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Truly a wothwhile read!
Review: This book can help you through difficult times. It confirms the power of prayer and shows that God is still working miracles, even today. It gives a strong example of how we can minister to others through our own suffering, and how to let others minister to us in our times of need.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Surprisingly Good!!!
Review: When I was first saw this book, i was skeptical! I did not think that we would be able to know or prove anything like this!

However within the past year i had a very similar experience that Don, the author of the book had. I was almost killed in a car accident on my way to church. I was in critical conditon and miraclously survived despite what medical evidence would have proven.

I recently finished working on writing a book about what i had learned during this period of time so that i would be able to have information at my fingertips as a future pastor and as a way to share my story.

I wanted to find similar stories so that if people enjoyed what i wrote they would be able to read similar experiences of other people as well. I have read a variety of books in trying to put a reccomended for further reading section in my own book and for comparing and contrasting for query letters.

I will have to admit that although my experience differs a little from Piper's and theological background is of aa contrasting denomination there were times I was thinking...this is exactly like what i have been through! The other excellent book that i have read in this research is The other Side of the Mirror by Henri Nouwen!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: I couldn't put it down!
Review: Written in straight-forward, simple style without a lot of "religionese," Don Piper has told the story of his devastating accident, his brief time in heaven and his return to a life full of pain and questions. I read it cover-to-cover in two hours and then loaned out my copy. I would recommend this book to just about anybody -- to those with questions about faith, questions about prayer, questions about life and death and pain which we all face to some extent.

His descriptions of heaven are human ones -- simple, not overly poetic or grandiose, just those of someone who experienced the indescribable and then tried to describe it. I loved the descriptions of the incredible heavenly music and I get the feeling that vast choirs and heightened senses await us there. And despite the incredible experience, Piper found it too personal, too private, and too intimate to share with anyone for over a year after his accident. I'm so glad he found the courage to do so.

I also love the honesty with which he describes his pain and depression and the inevitable questions that we must face when we have close encounters with the Almighty. The God we meet is often not the one we expected, and while we can't understand why God does what he does, we can no longer deny this God we don't understand. And while we hold these two things together, our lives are changed and grace is showered down amid the ruins of what we thought was important to us.

A simply-told story of the greatest mystery of all -- you HAVE to read this book!!

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