Rating:  Summary: Excellent Read! Review: Some people may have a problem with the fact that Heather Mercer and Dana Curry are Christians, but I don't think anyone can doubt that they are dedicated and courageous souls. My daughter, whose a big admirer of these girls, gave me this book for father's day and I wasn't sure I would really like it, but I have to say that I found it really interesting. It almost felt like an adventure story at times, kind of exciting with their arrest and with US troops coming in to Afhganistan. And through it all they just held themselves together with prayer and their faith in God. I hope my daughter doesn't take off like they did, but I do really think they're brave for putting their lives in danger like they did for what they believe.
Rating:  Summary: A Moving Story of Compassion and Courage Review: This story is our story, the story of the privileged people of the United States who followed the unfolding news events surrounding these two captives with prayer mingled with confusion. Why were they in Afghanistan to begin with? What had they done to warrant imprisonment? This book reveals the answers through Dayna Curry and Heather Mercer's heartfelt sincerity and honest story of fear and faith--and it challenges Americans to examine what they truly believe about freedom, including the freedom to worship.Though every reader will of course know the ending of this story before they begin, I can't imagine anyone not being moved by the compassion of these two women who simply wanted to demonstrate Christ's love in tangible ways to people who've been ignored by most of the world. Their desire to serve, to create opportunities, to care for the neglected people of Afghanistan reveals a selflessness to which we should all aspire. This is not a story of missionaries bent on converting the masses; it's a tale of two who longed to give their lives in meaningful service to meet the needs of others--and along the way share a glimpse of the faith that has given them hearts full of love.
Rating:  Summary: I like it Review: this book is the best book i had ever read in my life time. this book is about two girls that did not have a strong faith about Jesus christ. when i started reading this book every thing in my life had change about me and jesus. my mother help me know how much Jesus means to me and how he make me happy and tells me that every thing is going to be ok. i allways read the bible more because i under stand what is going on in my life. i know that God is going to be with me no matter what.
Rating:  Summary: Mixed feelings Review: I see the reviews of this book are quite varied, from the obvious non-Christians to the staunch Christian supporters. On one hand, from a Christian perspective, here are two women who gave up their worldly lives to move to Afghanistan. How can most of us comprehand that? I can't, and I have traveled on mission trips all over E. Europe. On top of that, they were imprisoned by a known terrorist group, and became a nationwide story. They most definitely have an amazing story to tell, although I doubt they could ever truly convey their true thoughts and feelings. Given the subject, I think this is a very good read and inspirational. However, there is a down side. This is by no means a literary work of art. It is poorly edited, rushed, and in many places includes just plain uninteresting (relatively speaking) "day in the life" tales of what they ate, etc. It was written in diary form and definitely had a lot of fluff. As much as I hate to say it, and without going into detail, I am also not quite sure that the book accurately reflected the personalities of these two people who sacraficed so much. The bottom line is that what they were doing was Biblical, a great sacrafice, and made the world a better place. This is a great book to read simply because of what they experienced, hence the 4 stars. However, don't expect great writing, or editing.
Rating:  Summary: Quite Interesting Review: This book tends to jump around a little bit, but it is chalk full of intriguing and sad stories of life in Afghanistan under Taliban rule. The reader is taken along with Dayna and Heather as they wander through the streets, interact with Afghan women and children and make regular visits at a hospital with woeful conditions. Years of war and oppression are evident everywhere. The Taliban had no qualms at all about beating their own people just for breathing wrong. Dayna's and Heather's compassion for these people are quite evident, although there is very little focus on what specific projects they or Shelter Now International were involved with. Instead, the focus of the book is on the Afghan people, the power of God and life in prison. The reader is also given a very detailed account of the chaotic events leading up to their dramatic helicopter rescue. Were Dayna and Heather perhaps a little careless in showing the life of Jesus on CD-rom to an Afghan family (which lead to their arrest)? Possibly, but that is a topic for another forum. Missionary/aid work is always extremely difficult and hard to do in a country where persecution runs rampant and not many are eager to do it. This is a fascinating and inspiring story - an excellent reminder of the tremendous freedom and prosperity we tend to take for granted here in America.
Rating:  Summary: Great Book Review: This is a book that would inspire other Christians to meditate upon that divinely instituted responsibility of evangelization and the showing off of love, which are hallmarks of a godly driven life. Totally recommended and one that should be included in a growing library of books dealing with missionary work and faith.
Rating:  Summary: Thank you Dayna and Heather! Review: I could not put this book down - what an experience these girls had!! I also can not believe all the negative feedback these girls have received here. ??? Spys for President Bush? Dumb & Dumber? Twits? Give me a break! Either these commenters are jealous, intimidated, or non-christian - some say they are christian but I've learned that all who claim to be are not necessarily walking in the spirit. I know many who claim to be Christian and have never read the bible! Dayna & Heather the bible says that you will be persecuted..... 2 Timothy 3:12, Matt 24:9, John 15:20, Matt 5:10-12... "Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake, For theirs is the kingdom of heaven... "Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake... "Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you." You did a lot of good for many women and families - do not let anyone tell you different. You know different. You are not stupid, or naive. I commend you for all you went through to help these people - for doing good and for sharing your faith in Jesus. You picked up your cross and followed the great commission... Matt 28:12-20 Bless you! This book was great and I thank you for taking the time to write it - it is an inspiration to all and encouragement for many. I pray that my own children would follow in your example of faith. Your parents have been truly blessed. The proceeds from this book and your CD will help so many in Afghanistan - so much good has come from your imprisonment and trials.
Rating:  Summary: Great Read! Worth the money Review: I've read and re-read this book several times. I've read the reviews here and most simply missed the point of the book. The heart of the story is about the love these women have for Jesus and their compassion and desire to help people in need. I've re-read this book at times when I feel my life and circumstances are too difficult to bear and it also encourages me. I LOVE the fact that Heather struggled with fear while in prison because that is how I picture myself reacting! You can relate to how she feels. I was encouraged and uplifted to read about these women who gave so much to the people and never expected anything in return. Get it from the library if you want but give it a read. It's worth it.
Rating:  Summary: Dinghies! Review: These are sweet, nice girls. But, wow, what a couple of dingbats. They put a lot of people's lives at risk, though, so I would like to say they are harmless, but they are not really harmless. You can tell by looking at their pictures on the cover that nothing will stop their missionary works and they totally don't care about the lives of the people they endangered. I honestly don't think they are bright enough to realize that their actions actually endanger a lot of people and their actions may be doing more harm than good on a global level. Nothing will stop these girls, that much is clear. They say at the end that they are planning a missionary trip to the Sudan by way of Lybia. Good grief!! The book is not well written, a little rambly at times. These girls, I don't know, something is missing upstairs if you catch my drift. Also, I was sorely disappointed. I was hoping for some really steamy stuff about women in prison. Sadly, I guess Afghani womens' prisons aren't like American ones.
Rating:  Summary: a interestng story of sacrifical love Review: The vicious attacks by some of these reviewers is truly frightening. No matter what someone may think of the particular beliefs of these two young woman, who can doubt that they are especially virtuous people? They are attractive, educated, talented women who freely chose to live in a hostile and poor country to minister to the people's phsyical and spiritual needs. The writing is fair. Their story is pretty interesting. They give us a decent window into a world that all Americans need to better understand. But the best part of the book to me is their deep love and respect for the Afghani people. These are pretty rough people that very few Westerners would dare visit, never mind live among. But these two women clearly fell in love with the Afghanis. Really interesting to see how this happens.