Rating:  Summary: Hope Review: A powerful message of hope for everyone who reads this true account and who may be going through similar situations. A book everyone relates to. A book that from the first word on page 1 to the last word on page 262 you just can't put down even when you are trying to read through your tears! This book is made for the big screen or tv at the very least. I have known Emelia for a few years but never knew the pain she experienced until she wrote this book and now I know her family as well. God Bless every one of them. God is Good, God is Merciful and may He continue to bless Emelia, her family and all who are touched by this powerful message!
Rating:  Summary: extraordinary Review: From the minute I started reading this, I couldn't seem to put it down. It was completely amazing! As I read, I seemed to be pulled into the life of the author. I was so moved by this story of cruelty and abuse; but even more by the fact that she always seemed to exchange hate for love even in the most difficult of times. The author sends a feeling of hope to all the other people who are going through some of the same things she went through. I was so inspired by her and her determination to not give up in the awefullest of times. I strongly suggest this book to everyone! I can promise you won't be disappointed; I wasn't!
Rating:  Summary: " Interesting Things You Should Know About The Author " Review: Hi everyone.. This is Maureen & Maury talking to you but first we want you to know that we are characters that Emelia is using in her next book that will be for children of all ages! There are things about Emelia that she is kind of embarrassed to tell you about herself and how she came to write her book "Why Daddy, Why?..So Maury and I decided to help her tell you the reader her story.. Emelia used to have a photographic memory and could spell anything! that's because her brain could take a picture of the word, then put it into a file and store it in her brain..When asked how to spell the word, all she had to do was to let her brain take it out of her file, then she could see the word and spell it by reading off the letters that she was looking at...She never had to learn how to spell! One day her camera broke and not only could she not spell anymore ( except for simple words.) but had a hard time staying with her thought without getting lost along the way..That plus she found out that all the words that her brain had in it's file, deleted!.. Emelia wrote "Why Daddy, Why?" because everyday while trying to work, things from the past would torment her into tears..Finally one day she decided that God wanted her to write a book!.. She asked God, "How can I do this? I can't even spell anymore!" but God wasn't about to let her off that easy. Emelia started to write in a note book first then each weekend she would type up what she had..She would sit at her typewriter and pray to God, " If you want me to write this, then your going to have to help me remember everything!..Oh and how God answered her prayer!..Not only did God Bless her with remembering but He went one step further, God helped her to feel each pain as it happened so she was able to write it down on paper! Emelia had to learn how to type..she also had to learn how to use a computer when she was done writing the book....only to find out that it would have been a lot easier to work the book on the computer..She found out it had a "SPELL CHECK!" on it. After the book was written, Emelia had to find someone that would be sensitive with it...someone that could bring her through this lifetime of pain!..She feels that God took care of that too when He connected her with Dr.Charles H. Muller who was the one that edited her book and gave it tender loving care. Somewhere on the back cover of the book, it say's that this book was written simple...You will not find any words that you can not pronounce or understand. What you will find is the open heart of a little girl then the woman she became....What you people don't know is the fact that that's the way Emelia has to write!...simple... This is a book that needed to be written.. It's a book that can help a lot of people..She has already had people talk to her about being a voice for them and that it took a lot of courage to write this book.. "Why Daddy, Why" was a very difficult book for Emelia to write, very emotional and right from her heart and soul! Yes, it took courage especially with all the handy-caps that Emelia had to deal with but she had the # 1 Guy on her side, God! Emelia feels that God has blessed her to no end..She praises Him for everything...She can truly relate to children and she looks forward to her children's books to address children's hopes and fears! Thank you for listening. Maureen & Maury P.S.I want to thank the readers for all there wonderful reviews on my book..and all the heart felt cries... sincerely, Emelia Dion Hardy.
Rating:  Summary: suffer thy children Review: I found this book to be well written-- difficult to put down. One can feel the pain and heartache of this little girl. The scars of her childhood that remained burried for many years and now the courage it took that little girl as an adult to relive her childhood nightmare, to tell of the strength, faith and courage of loving mother to trying desperately to keep and to protect her children. How sad it was to unwittingly subject herself and her children into the same atmosphere she grew up in. It goes to show that faith and trust in a power much greater than we are can give us all inner strenght to love and rise above whatever life hands us.
Rating:  Summary: Unbelievable Horror!! Review: I have just finished this book. I was not able to put it down once I started. It's a very powerful book of someone who was able to raise above just surviving. I live in the Dover NH area and would like to know a way to meet the author. Is there an address for her? This book shows how God truly can create diamonds from coal!
Rating:  Summary: Truly Heart Wrenching Review: I have just finished this book. I was not able to put it down once I started. It's a very powerful book of someone who was able to raise above just surviving. I live in the Dover NH area and would like to know a way to meet the author. Is there an address for her? This book shows how God truly can create diamonds from coal!
Rating:  Summary: Fantastic Book! Review: I never do much reading. I went to have my windshield replaced and they told me that it would take a while. My wife had this book in the car that she just bought so I picked it up and started to read it to pass the time. When I got home, my wife wanted her book but I wasn't about to let it go until I finished reading it! but it didn't take long because I couldn't put it down. "Why Daddy Why", is a book that everyone should read! it's a rude awakening to things all around you but no one really wants to look! I can't believe the things that this girl went through. You need to get this book and read it! and it's real easy to read. It say's right on the book that there are no words that you can't pronounce or understand. How true that statement is. Very powerful book!
Rating:  Summary: Why, Daddy Why Review: I received this book at 11 am and with only brief stops to prepare and eat meals I finished it at 7 pm! If you read and liked A Boy Called It, you'll like this one too. I can't believe that a family could go through so much and stay intact.I know Cecile and couldn't realise that such a caring and compassionate person could have gone through so much as a child.It makes you wonder how many more families may be out there with dark secrets even in this day and age.It also points out the horrors of alcholism and what it does to the mind.
Rating:  Summary: Get Your Kleenex!! Review: I've read the book twice!! I was afraid that I missed something the first time. I cannot believe how powerful this story is. I was intrigued with page one. How one family could have gone through so much is beyond me. I was brought to tears many times and actually had to put the book down for a few hours because I was so distraught over what I had read. I cannot imagine what horrible things happened that we didn't read about and the writer having to relive these moments in order to tell her story. I can only hope that this family has overcome the tragic events that have taken place in there life. My heart goes out to this little girl and her brothers and sister. My heart also goes out to the mother of this little girl, who should have died many times but her sheer will and determination kept this woman going, and her desire to get her children away from this evil man. May god bless and take care of this family as they continue on there journey in this world and into the next.
Rating:  Summary: My Daughter & I have bond because of this book Review: My daughter never has been an effectionate person. She would come over to visit me and I always had to ask for a hug before she left for home. My heart would ache because of it. I bought this book, Why Daddy Why? and found myself hurting inside all the more because I wanted my daughter to love me the way the author of this book loved her mother. Never have I seena bond between a mother and daughter like this one and I mean never. Even after the mother runs away during a beating that is unheard of in this day and age. Back 40 years ago I found out it was coman for men to treat their wife that way and no one knew.This bond stayed strong in the heart of this little girl even being sent to a convent with nuns that abused her and her sister that was already there. I could feel that her sister Cecile loved her sister and I could feel her pain also. My daughter came over one day and saw the book on my table, she asked if she could take it and I said yes that I was finished with it. She came back two days later and I didn't here her come in the next thing I knew she was behind me and gave me a hug. She said thank you Mom for the way you took care of me when I was little. My daughter told me she never realized how forunate she was. Now my daughter greates me with open arms because of your book Emelia. I think this book saved my life. Altho there was not many hugs for me growing up there was for my girl and now she knows why!!! Thank You Again Emelia