Rating:  Summary: Left vs. Right, Their axe to grind is made apparent within.. Review: I scrolled through the reviews so that my review would not be a rehash of what everyone else has said and was quite shocked at what I read. The reviews more or less follow political ideology and not much on the content of the book. The book is written well but is often bogged down in a myriad of proof and facts offered by the authors. Their research is quite extensive but it does seem to be lacking some of the critical flair that is supposed to be offered by "journalists". Both Conason and Lyons do bring up several good points that were not made in the regular media and they do a good job of documenting their sources. However, they do like to skip over several of the injustices committed during the Clinton administration and blame the "right-wing" for Clintonian head-hunting. Overall the book is at times pretty slow and informative, but the bias of the authors is a little more than apparent and the book should be read critically and not filtered through one's political ideology mind-set.
Rating:  Summary: apologist view of life Review: Once again the reader is subjected to an author deciding what the "truth" is going to be and then presenting a series of half-truths and obfuscations rendering any hope of objectivity on serious matters impossible. The author appears to be trying to present so much information that one will be tired of the whole mess and only accept their word as to what constitutes fact. This has the fortunate effect of making the book so lethargic that only the most hate-filled liberal would be able to stay awake for more than a few pages
Rating:  Summary: Finally, the Truth Review: Joe Conason and Gene Lyons are heroes for finally telling the hard, cold, facts about what has gone on with the shady characters who have been out to get Bill and Hillary Clinton from the get-go. There is no doubt that the Impeachment trial was the closest thing to the Inquisition that we will ever see in modern history. Thanks for revealing the unvarnished truth.
Rating:  Summary: A TRUE VIEW OF WHITEWATER, ETC. Review: This book should be read by all Americans interested in the due process of law, because in the last eight years, due process has been denied our TWICE elected President, his wife, and anyone who has come in contact with him.This book pulls aside the curtains that certain Republicans, their sympathizers and the media pulled around themselves, to hide their motives and validate their stances. God/goddess, but we've been HAD. The American public has just been treated to the biggest con since P.T. Barnum, who is famous for saying,"A fool is born every minute." Let's not be fools this November. Every one of us has to vote and do something to aid the campaigns of the Democratic contenders! Fight, fight, fight! Stop corporate and big money control of our government, and bring it back to the people!
Rating:  Summary: What Really Happened During the Clinton Presidency Review: I am one of many who have been faithfully following all the machinations of the attempt to bring down Clinton on Whitewater, Filegate, Vince Foster, Travelgate, et. al. In a way, through our personal, unpaid research, we, the political junkies of Salon.com Table Talk, have learned as much about the dirty Republican deeds as Conason and Lyons have learned, but through avenues they have opened to us--a free thinking front on the NET, we've drawn the same conclusions before their book was published as they did in its contents. These guys have done a job worth a Pulitzer,but will no doubt have to wait a year or two for their work to be acknowledged in this right-leaning partisan world.
Rating:  Summary: Any fair-minded person will see the truth of this book. Review: This is a wonderful book; it makes even plainer than Jeffrey Toobin's book how vile and low the President's enemies were. Don't be taken in by the ranters and ravers who put down this book. Buy it, read it, and learn the truth. (And the truth is truly frightening: it's how a hardcore band of zealots, headed by the psalm-singing, shoe-polishing Kenneth Starr led an effort to overturn a twice-elected Pres- ident of America, and almost succeeded). Thank God the truth is out. Remember this book and the truth it contains when November rolls around.
Rating:  Summary: Skip the Toobin tome Review: I also read Toobin and Fools for Scandal and this was by far the best. Really details the hatefilled psychos who were out to get the prez and his family and WHY. NO desire to visit Arkansas but all the right wing nuts weren't in the south!
Rating:  Summary: Named sources, documentation--what a concept! Review: This is a whale of a read! Lyons and Conason make sense of the murky, half-vast Right Wing conspiracy with named sources, footnotes, and an index. The sections on the conning of the "big city" reporters by the not-so-good ol' boys of Arkansas, should be mandatory reading in journalism classes. Future "bigfoot" reporters would be well advised to forget about being able to parachute into unknown territory and get the whole truth instantly. Good reporting usually involves getting all dusty in courthouses going thru public records. Lyons and Conason obviously did that. The "bigfoots" didn't.
Rating:  Summary: More Outstanding Praise for THE HUNTING OF THE PRESIDENT Review: "Multitudes of historians will write multitudes of books--but a hundred years from now the primary source on the so-called Clinton scandals will still be The Hunting of the President by Joe Conason and Gene Lyons." - James Carville
Rating:  Summary: Praise for THE HUNTING OF THE PRESIDENT Review: "I must say, after reading THE HUNTING OF THE PRESIDENT, it is no longer possible to believe that the Arkansas troopers ever told the truth about anything, that Ken Starr was even remotely impartial, or that the Jones suit was anything more than a vehicle for the public humiliation of the President. In the meantime, Mr. Conason and Mr. Lyons have done a great service - enormous service - if not to the state, then to the citizenry. From the bait shack to hate radio, from hate radio to The American Spectator, to the Wall Street Journal and The New York Times, conjecture and half-truths were allowed to float their way up through America's opinion hierarchy - and once something has nested in the Lexis database under the imprimatur of the "paper of record," it more or less takes on the indelible coloring of established fact. Thankfully, the authors have interposed themselves here, before "fact" has been allowed to become history." - Stephen Metcalf, The New York Observer