Rating:  Summary: When are Non-Muslims going to wake up??? Review: Bravo! As a non-Muslim living among Muslims I'll say the author has done a fantastic job. I am indebted to people like her, Bat Ye'or, Daniel Pipes, Paul Fregosi for daring to go against the current of political correctness....not to mention risking one's life for painting a negative picture of this certain religion which ironically means "Peace". When was the last time you heard Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, Hindu or Bahai "martyrs" hijacking planes and blowing themselves up in embassies, buses, ships and discos? When was the last time you heard Protestant ministers, Catholic priests, Buddhist monks etc issuing a fatwa calling for death against unbelievers, apostates, adulteress and blasphemers? If terrorist attacks are committed by a an extremist minority within Islam, then what have the Christian, Jewish extremists been doing? If it is true that it was "Islam which was hijacked" on 9/11, then why aren't the Muslim clerics issuing fatwas calling for the death of Osama bin Laden and his allies who planned the hijack ....not to mention the tens of thousands who danced on the streets in Muslims countries after Islam was hijacked? The problem with most Westeners are their political correctness and their feeling of guilt towards the past colonisation of countries inhabited by non-Whites including Muslim countries so much so that any criticism against Muslims (no matter how true it is) is considered by themselves as racism. This results in Muslims getting special/preferential treatment over the Western Christian/secular/Jewish majority in a Western country. Although it is so obvious that the religion of the Muslims is the only one which teaches that Jihad (i.e. war against unbelievers) is a must for every able bodied Muslim man, PBS has made a film about Prophet Muhammad (and narrated by Karen Armstrong) with U.S. tax payers money and aired over American TV claiming how wonderful and merciful he is. How long are the Westerners going to put up with this? After all the books from Karen Armstrong, John Esposito, Prof Michael Sells and other Islamic apologists, it is trully refreshing to read a "truthful" book from a non-politically correct Westerner for once.
Rating:  Summary: Deeply emotional, very admirable Review: It takes talent to produce works of art like the Buddha statues in Afghanistan, but any fool can blow them up, as the Taliban did. This book praises the great civilizations of Europe and America, and laments how vulnerable they are to the barely-civilized, the barely-sentient. This is an emotional book and is easy to criticize if one is so inclined, but for me, the book's deep emotion achieved a profound clarity. As for those who don't object when their society is under attack...be careful what you wish for.
Rating:  Summary: Passionate Wisdom Review: This book is worth its price just for the anecdotes from Oriana Fallaci's many journalistic adventures. From being shot covering riots in Mexico City and left for dead in a morgue, to her harrowing experience in Iran (for an interview with Ayatollah Khomeini) to her glowing account of an extended interview with the Dalai Lama, Ms Fallaci's credentials as an international journalist are unsurpassed. So too her knowledge of and passion for defending the intellectual and political treasures of Western Civilization against global Islamic megaterror abetted by Western passivity and acquiescence. This soaring monogram is more than antidote to lethargy, as the perspective offered encompasses the ancient Greeks, American and French revolutions, and the blood, sweat and toil of the ages that has produced the freedoms and advanced standard of living enjoyed by developed Western countries currently threatened by allies of the 9/11 monsters. There are times when raising one's voice in outrage is not just appropriate but called for. When Oriana Fallaci raises hers, those who value wisdom and welcome sincere passion must listen. You will be a deeper, more critical thinker after reading this concise work, which may become one of the classics of the ages.
Rating:  Summary: Wake UP - too much has happened while you slept. Review: An honest and passionate work that is refreshingly unencumbered by 'political correctness'. Maybe some won't like her style or grammer but WHAT she says is critical - and it's happening all around us, often with our consent. Are we still a nation of sheep?
Rating:  Summary: About Time Review: Generalizations are not fair----- Either way The wake up call may be too late for Europe- I think the style and prose may have it's faults but the message is clear!!
Rating:  Summary: A woman of virtue Review: Oriana is a lady with courage. She has always, and will now swim against the tide. She has the courage to condemn those that warrant it and to criticise those that deserve it. This is a book that should be read by any person that values life, liberty and freedom of spech. The French press tried to ban this book but did not succeed. Read it and judge. MA
Rating:  Summary: A woman of virtue Review: Oriana is a lady with courage. She has alays, and will now swim against the tide. She has the courage to condemn those that warrant it and to criticise those that deserve it. This is a book that should be read by any person that values life, liberty and freedom of spech. MA
Rating:  Summary: Looking from Europe Review: Upon request to edit my ratings (3 for USA, 5 for European readers) I want to add something to the book information to join the Americans remarks for the customers to be, this time from a Dutchman: Because the book is an European book, disclosing facts that everybody knows and feels but only never have been reviewed till Oriana Fallaci opened her heart and said (in her own translation) her original Italian view on the 11/9 tragic events. And as one can expect from her earlier books she is a clever observer, persistent in expressing her own meaning, always with quite some self-pride and satisfaction, one cannot deny. And also here : under her dedication to the USA creeps the Italian nature up, ragged and raging in her demands for the future existence of western culture, freedom of thoughts and living and intellects, some of which are of American merits, void of any culture due to its short history. As always she presents herself as a warrior ready to fight, be it not with words, then in person as her adventurous life has taught her from childhood, even if one dares to destroy her beloved Florence she threatens in person. This fact about her, makes her perhaps the best and most honest journalist of our days. Her days are running out soon, so let us value the contents of this book to her pride! All her aims, rage and attacks are directed mainly to Europe, the Europeans, primarily Italy and its quasi-union of distracted countries, which badly need guidance to form an uniform attitude against the Islamic roller to be expected, according to Fallaci, which has not been taken seriously enough with the dream that USA power will return the revival just as after WWII. It can be read daily in European newspapers how contrarily to her warnings the trend of anti-Americanism grows from day to day, not so much in eastern countries, where it exists already longer, but in Western Europe, which is fed up with wars without end, and with each of them in an economic crisis. So a book for Europeans.....for sure !
Rating:  Summary: A rant Review: This is a rant, not an argument. I enjoyed it and admired her intensity ... While I am sympathetic to her viewpoint I cannot honestly call this a reasonable or well reasoned book. But there are things to get angry about.
Rating:  Summary: The Rage and The Pride Review: This tome bespeaks a very real and succint set of problems. Whilst Ms. Fallacci gets scolded by the publishers weekly reviewer, for her personal translation from the Italian to English- one that does make it more difficult to navigate and digest; it is with good reason on her part that she makes it somewhat more indigestible for her readers. And she clearly states why: ..." I have heard that in Italy too, some politicians, as well as various intellectuals, or so-called intellectuals, happily say<> ( 9/11)" "I am very very angry. Angry with a rage which is cold, lucid, rational" A rage which eliminates any detachment, any indulgence, which orders me to answer them and to spit in their face." And she displays her fiery, angry, feminine warrior witted revulsion and disgust at the slaughter(s) propagated by the islamic world, a disguised fascism and totalitarianism, which she personally battled as a youngster against the European versions. The cowards and 'cicadas' of the Left and governments across Europe turn a blind eye to the destruction of their own civilization; one which brought forth rich science, philosophy, art, music, dance, sculpture,civil empowerment, civil improvements, the growth and reform of Christiandom and the possibilities for humankind that are entirely absent within Islam and the theocratic moslem totalitarianism that supports the barbarity ( one should note that this week, in Nigeria- amongst a host of areas of lesser barbarities by moslems, there was a slaughter initiated and sponsored by islam of over two hundred humans- garroted with the slogan "God is Great" over a perceived slight by a non moslem magazine wrtier who stated that a Ms World contestant might well have been a choice for a wife for mohammed. The disemboweling, the utter distain for human life, over an innocuous secular comment. One might note that every week, their are mufti's who will preach and write that jews are descended from apes and pigs; across the arab world during this month of ramadan( a month of fasting and reflection) the fast each day is followed by a movie series based upon an utterly fraudulent book,' the protocols of the elders of zion,' uttlerly defiling the jewish people and religion; a truly barbarous falsity, used to assist the multiple incitements to sucide, to homicide, to slaughter by the kindly totalitarians, the fascistas, the theocratic murderers within Islam. Christians don't impale anyone anymore, Jews don't proselityse or coerce, let alone destroy others over any such matters, over anything- no one will be impaled or disemboweled over such ugly remarks and sentiments by Islamists. Yet the social liberals in the west will bend over backwards to excuse and accommodate to these barbarities, by moslems, and arabs. And in Europe: I read where the minister of education or whatever in Denmark, commented upon the fact that 48% of rapes of women there were by moslem, arab men; many of the gang rape variety. His comment? Danish women should be more understanding of the subtleties of arab and moslem culture. Blame the victims?!? Lunacy. This is the betrayal of the culture that grew freedom, grew science, grew religious toterance, grew a better world ( not perfect, just better) vs the abhorrent fascism of those who would homicide bomb the western world into submission. And if you read Ms Fallaci's experiences over and over in the moslem world, you will note that Islam does not mean peace, it means submission. Her rage is a justified disgust and anger, over the betrayal of this western culture, one that grew to end much of what the moslem world would gladly return. I recommend this book, however unwieldly it might appear due to her translation style. It is a stunning series of remembrances of her years as a journalist in the halls of arab countries, as elsewhere, and well worth wading thru. She is angry at the betrayal of western culture, of western religion and of simple common sense. And her fury peels off the page with each of her remembrances over the years, within the arab and moslem world. And this is what Fallacci asks her readers to consider. The Christiandom which underwent dramatic changes over the centuries to the betterment of the entire society, the richness of the heritage from the greek philosophers, thru Europe's growth of the arts and sciences, of cultural leaps and hopes that helped spread independence, versus the backward, totalitarian, barbarous events brought to the west by islamofascism. It is a read well worth the effort.