Rating:  Summary: Hysterical and Terrifying Review: A sample question from the book:
5) What did George W. Bush say was the difference between Americans and terrorists?
A) "They're evil, we're good."
B) "They're ugly, we're pretty."
C) "You can't really simplify it like that.There are just too many factors to be considered, too many different things that happen in people's lives for me to be so presumptuous as to make some sweeping generalization."
D) "They hate things, we love things."
ANSWER: D. To put it in context: "See, we love - we love freedom. That's what they didn't understand. They hate things; we love things. They act out of hatred; we don't seek revenge, we seek justice out of love."
It's embarrassing that this man is our President. BTW, the author has a web site called stampoutbush.com.
Rating:  Summary: Brilliant, funny, and very scary. Review: George W. Bush is a far, far worse human being than you think he is. How do I know? Because no matter how obsessed you are with the hideousness of this president, no matter how much you've read about this president, no matter how many times you've yelled at him as he brays from your TV set, you're no Paul Slansky. Which is to say, you can't possibly be as obsessed as he is. Fortunately, he's also a brilliant reporter and writer: no one is better at gathering vast amounts of damning evidence and distilling it into a hilarious, scary portrait of a right-wing demagogue. (He's done Reagan, Quayle, and now Bush Jr.) If you've missed his Bush quizzes on the back page of the New Yorker, you need this book. If you've been following the quizzes, you need it even more -- for all the awful news that didn't fit.
Rating:  Summary: laughed out loud Review: I love this book. I am not a fan of bush, but with humor this book put into words all the things i suspected..but whether you are with him or against him, you will laugh. all of the material is real too, so its also very enlightening...but most of all..just plain funny..we need more laughs like this..good work
Rating:  Summary: shocking, hysterical, truth stranger than fiction Review: So clever, yet so horrifying, you don't know whether to laugh, cry, or slit your wrists! For each multiple choice question, the right AND wrong answers are equally shocking and scary -- this bozo is really running our country? A glorious compendium of the witlessness and lack of wisdom that define the Bush administration. Slansky's a comic genius. Hurry and enjoy this before the Chief Chimp and his ilk are just another awful footnote to American history. And then get everyone you know to buy this book to ensure and expedite their footnote status. Best ten bucks you'll ever spend.
Rating:  Summary: Buy this book Review: The George W Bush Quiz Book is a savagely funny biography of the man some people recognize as the president. The quiz format makes it palatable and participatory, while the unpleasant truths that are revealed drive home the message that we each need to do everything we can to get this smug ignoramus out of office. If a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, this book is a Weapon of Mass Destruction against bully-boy Bush and his gang. Buy many copies of this book and give to everyone -- it's as good as donating to Kerry, but there's no legal limit.
Rating:  Summary: Haw haw haw Review: This book is as funny as it is terrifying. Can you believe this man is running America? Can you believe this man declares war? Can you believe this man considers himself a torch of hope for the world's oppressed? For those who think that the end of the world has come fear not. The Book of Revelation in the BIble clearly states that the anti-Christ will be a 'handsome and well spoken man'. At least we're somewhat safe for now.Though this book can be a bit cumbersome, (you have to turn the book upside-down after each question to read the correct answer) the answers will ASTOUND you. Read what came from Bush's own lips as he answered questions about Vietnam, his military service, and his many failed business ventures. But the one question that is truly sad and heartbreaking is as follows. It was asked by a grade school girl... Q. Mr. Bush, what was your favorite book when you were a child? A. I don't remember any books in particular. Sleep well America.
Rating:  Summary: shocking, hysterical, truth stranger than fiction Review: This book, with humor and wit, has a way of ripping the lid off a man who has lead the country into great despair. I wish this were published before he took office and handed to every church group, every republican gathering, maybe he wouldn't have been elected. Oh yeah, I forgot.. HE WASN'T. It's also great to read in jolts, like morning coffee. I bought ten copies and am giving them to all my friends.
Rating:  Summary: If this were the SAT, I'd probably score a 1590--alas... Review: This brilliant, depressing, mordantly funny book basically takes George W. Bush's own--"words," I think they're called--and repackages them into quiz form. What quotes aren't Dubya's belong to members of the press, his cabinet, and his family. Paul Slansky earned his spurs during the Reagan years with "The Clothes Have No Emperor," and this sequel--parts of which have appeared in "The New Yorker" surpasses the original, if only because Reagan didn't wage a preemptive war. No matter where your political sympathies lie, this book will remind you of what the pResident said and when he said it. We may never know the answer to "why," but then again, do we really want to?
Rating:  Summary: Laughed Out Loud Review: This brilliant, depressing, mordantly funny book basically takes George W. Bush's own--"words," I think they're called--and repackages them into quiz form. What quotes aren't Dubya's belong to members of the press, his cabinet, and his family. Paul Slansky earned his spurs during the Reagan years with "The Clothes Have No Emperor," and this sequel--parts of which have appeared in "The New Yorker" surpasses the original, if only because Reagan didn't wage a preemptive war. No matter where your political sympathies lie, this book will remind you of what the pResident said and when he said it. We may never know the answer to "why," but then again, do we really want to?
Rating:  Summary: If this were the SAT, I'd probably score a 1590--alas... Review: This brilliant, depressing, mordantly funny book basically takes George W. Bush's own--"words," I think they're called--and repackages them into quiz form. What quotes aren't Dubya's belong to members of the press, his cabinet, and his family. Paul Slansky earned his spurs during the Reagan years with "The Clothes Have No Emperor," and this sequel--parts of which have appeared in "The New Yorker" surpasses the original, if only because Reagan didn't wage a preemptive war. No matter where your political sympathies lie, this book will remind you of what the pResident said and when he said it. We may never know the answer to "why," but then again, do we really want to?