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Rating:  Summary: Hey, that is my pastor... Review: Fr. Timothy Vaverek, one of the priests mentioned in this book is the pastor at my church. He really is as great as they say he is, but he is a very humble guy. Not many people at our parish know how amazing he really is. A lot of the things mentioned about him are not common knowledge around St. Joseph's, like I said he is very humble. I learned a lot about him by reading this book.
Rating:  Summary: Michael Rose is one of the finest Catholic writers today Review: I will keep this short. I think Michael Rose has put together one fine book. With the poputlarity of the "Conversion story" books (ie: "Surprised By Truth 1-3", "There We Stood, Here We Stand" etc.), this one rates right up there, and those individuals who liked those, they will like this one too.This follow-up by Mr. Rose to his blockbuster "Goodbye, Good Men" is just what the doctor ordered for Catholics to actually read the accounts of 10 rock-solid, orthodox Catholic priests who are serving Christ and His Church with love and conviction. It is a fine salve for the scourge of the Great Scandal of 2002. Well done. (For more of Michael Rose, check out his articles in the Catholic monthly New Oxford Review)
Rating:  Summary: Michael Rose is one of the finest Catholic writers today Review: I will keep this short. I think Michael Rose has put together one fine book. With the poputlarity of the "Conversion story" books (ie: "Surprised By Truth 1-3", "There We Stood, Here We Stand" etc.), this one rates right up there, and those individuals who liked those, they will like this one too. This follow-up by Mr. Rose to his blockbuster "Goodbye, Good Men" is just what the doctor ordered for Catholics to actually read the accounts of 10 rock-solid, orthodox Catholic priests who are serving Christ and His Church with love and conviction. It is a fine salve for the scourge of the Great Scandal of 2002. Well done. (For more of Michael Rose, check out his articles in the Catholic monthly New Oxford Review)
Rating:  Summary: Michael Rose is one of the finest Catholic writers today Review: I will keep this short. I think Michael Rose has put together one fine book. With the poputlarity of the "Conversion story" books (ie: "Surprised By Truth 1-3", "There We Stood, Here We Stand" etc.), this one rates right up there, and those individuals who liked those, they will like this one too. This follow-up by Mr. Rose to his blockbuster "Goodbye, Good Men" is just what the doctor ordered for Catholics to actually read the accounts of 10 rock-solid, orthodox Catholic priests who are serving Christ and His Church with love and conviction. It is a fine salve for the scourge of the Great Scandal of 2002. Well done. (For more of Michael Rose, check out his articles in the Catholic monthly New Oxford Review)
Rating:  Summary: For anyone considering entering the priesthood Review: In Priest, Michael S. Rose compiles true stories from ten faithful Roman Catholic priests, each of whom share the virtues of a commitment to God, a love for Christ, and a solemn duty to the Church and their flock. Their individual personalities, temperaments, and services in the vocation of the priesthood vary, yet their shared dedication is universal in this heartwarming treatise which is especially recommended reading for anyone considering entering the priesthood.
Rating:  Summary: A timely reminder that the majority of priests are good men! Review: Never before in the history of the Catholic Church has the role of the priest come under greater scrutiny and critique. Even faithful Catholics have fallen under the spells of the dissenters peddling bogus 'solutions' like married clergy, an end to priestly celibacy, and women priests. Rather than resorting to 'chapter and verse', Rose communicates the virtuous institution of the priesthood by telling the stories of ten faithful priests who are living examples of holiness, sacrifice, and love of God. In the process, Rose presents an enormously inspiring book that is easy to read and clearly communicates the fact that the Catholic Church is well outfitted with men of courage and conviction. In contrast to the cackling of the media and dissenters, Rose believes the problem is not with the institution of the priesthood. Rose writes, "the problem is more often than not a failure of young (priests) to hear and faithfully answer their calling; a failure of seminaries and bishops to form and educate their future priests properly; a failure of the ordained to focus on the duties of their state in life; and a failure of the laity to offer the proper spiritual and moral support for their pastoral leaders." In 'Priest' you will meet Father Albert Lauer, who admits that he "did not receive God's fullest blessing because I stifled the Holy Spirit in my life." Lauer overcomes this with a devotion to Mary, and goes on to observe miraculous cures, conversions and holiness borne of his humble submission to God as a faithful priest. Father C. John McCloskey III began his priestly career in the pagan wilderness of Princeton University, and is now based in Washington DC. McCloskey is an intellectual giant who puts Christ's message into such a compelling form that he has converted hundreds to the faith, including the notorious abortionist Bernard Nathanson. Father Myron Effing has literally rebuilt the Catholic faith in Russia. Father Patrick Rohen served as a chaplain in Desert Storm. Father James Gould built a simple formula for achieving extraordinary vocations in Arlington, Virginia. One of the most incredible profiles is that of Father William Hinds and his ministry in drug and violence infested Cali, Columbia before taking over as pastor in a small Kentucky parish now well-known for its orthodoxy. Ministering to real people with painfully real problems, and doing so with grace and faith, is portrayed in the story of Father Timothy Vaverek. The story of Father James Mary Sullivan reveals the depth and innovation of the Dominican preaching order. Father Sullivan started Generation Christ to confront the secular Generation X mentality and nourish the spirituality of young Catholics. Father Paul Berschied founded a side walk counseling group called Helpers of God's Precious Infants. His story stresses the importance of obedience to God and the teachings of the Catholic Church. "A priest must remain united with the Church regarding her morals and her doctrines," he explains. "A failure in this area is what can begin to lead a priest into a loss of personal identity in terms of who he is and what he is to do. This, then, begins the rather vicious cycle of a priest turning within himself and oftentimes developing personal problems that are more often today referred to as 'inappropriate behaviors.' The life of a priest must be a constant turning outwards, as was the life of Christ in His public ministry. Even when Christ went to pray in private, He was in essence turning out and looking toward the Father. Christ did not go into Himself to find Himself, but rather to His Father, with whom He is one." Several common themes emerge from these stories that have profound implications on the current crisis in the Church and the difficulties involved for young men trying to determine if God is calling them to the priesthood. The priests in these stories are holy men, to be sure, but the majority of them came from holy families. Catholicism that is taken seriously in the heart is manifest in the routines of a Catholic home. It's more than just Mass on Sunday and Rosary in the evening, but in the minute to minute and hour to hour interactions that build up holiness in the members of the family. God knows it's not easy, especially with children around, but God's grace is there for all those who ask for it. If the Church suffers for a lack of priests today, it is probably due more to the fact that the average Catholic family has succumbed to a lifestyle defined by our secular pagan culture rather than by the Catholic faith. The fact that most of the priests in Rose's book came from holy families is no coincidence. As Catholic adults, the first step we can all take to resolving the vocations crisis is to make our own homes incubators of vocations. We also see from Rose's book that the priesthood is not the problem. Lack of faith and dissent from Church teachings are the problem. In diocese after diocese in the United States, orthodoxy to Catholic teaching is emerging as the primary factor for success in vocations. In those parishes and dioceses where orthodoxy is practiced, the fruits are clearly visible in vibrant Catholic communities where vocations are valued and fostered. What also becomes clear after reading 'Priest' is that the job requires fortitude, fitness, and mental toughness. Being a good priest, now and the next day, is extremely challenging. It's not a job for wimps, it's a job for warriors, but as hard as the work may be, it comes with eternal benefits. This is a timely reminder that the majority of pirests are good, holy men, dedicated to God, and to serving their fellow man.
Rating:  Summary: An inspiring book Review: Rose writes an inspiring book, so much better than his "Goodbye, Good Men" about ten good priests today. The stories range from an army chaplain, a Russian missionary, and more. These priests are all good men, who are faithful and caring. These stories make one want to be a priest. A must read for all Catholics.
Rating:  Summary: A reminder that there are good priests are all around us. Review: They are there in every just about every community across the land. Most do not bring attention to themselves. They are 25, 40 or 70 years old. Typically they work 12-18 hour days and are always on call. And due to a combination of factors they have been asked to take on more responsibilities than ever before. They are educators, preachers, chaplains and pastors. They are Catholic priests and in his latest book Michael S. Rose introduces us to 10 of these good men. With all of the infuriating and heart-breaking stories of sexual abuse by priests dominating the headlines these days, Michael Rose saw a need to step back, take a deep breath, and talk about the good that the overwhelming majority of our Catholic priests are doing on a daily basis. The other side of the story needs to be told! He portrays ten of these men and gives us insight on the daily lives of each of them. They hail from varied backgrounds and each brings a unique set of talents, abilities and insights to their ministries. Many serve in inner city parishes, schools, hospitals and prisons--wherever they are needed. Others serve in remote places overseas. Admittedly, a vocation to the priesthood in these troubled times is going to be challenging to say the least. One of the subjects of this book, Fr. Timothy Vaverek said it best when he observed that the priesthood is not for "the faint of heart". And Fr. John McCloskey, who spent many years as a chaplain at liberal Ivy League universities believes that priests are "the Navy Seals, the Army Rangers, the Green Berets of the Catholic Church." To a man, the 10 priests featured in this book believe that the key to solving many of the Church's problems is a return to orthodoxy by both the clergy and the laity. If you are a young man discerning a vocation to the priesthood this is essential reading. Read about the lives these men lead and see if you might have what it takes to be a priest. You will see that what each of these men have in common is a commitment to prayer, hard work, generosity and sacrifice. Do you have the right stuff?
Rating:  Summary: A reminder that there are good priests are all around us. Review: They are there in every just about every community across the land. Most do not bring attention to themselves. They are 25, 40 or 70 years old. Typically they work 12-18 hour days and are always on call. And due to a combination of factors they have been asked to take on more responsibilities than ever before. They are educators, preachers, chaplains and pastors. They are Catholic priests and in his latest book Michael S. Rose introduces us to 10 of these good men. With all of the infuriating and heart-breaking stories of sexual abuse by priests dominating the headlines these days, Michael Rose saw a need to step back, take a deep breath, and talk about the good that the overwhelming majority of our Catholic priests are doing on a daily basis. The other side of the story needs to be told! He portrays ten of these men and gives us insight on the daily lives of each of them. They hail from varied backgrounds and each brings a unique set of talents, abilities and insights to their ministries. Many serve in inner city parishes, schools, hospitals and prisons--wherever they are needed. Others serve in remote places overseas. Admittedly, a vocation to the priesthood in these troubled times is going to be challenging to say the least. One of the subjects of this book, Fr. Timothy Vaverek said it best when he observed that the priesthood is not for "the faint of heart". And Fr. John McCloskey, who spent many years as a chaplain at liberal Ivy League universities believes that priests are "the Navy Seals, the Army Rangers, the Green Berets of the Catholic Church." To a man, the 10 priests featured in this book believe that the key to solving many of the Church's problems is a return to orthodoxy by both the clergy and the laity. If you are a young man discerning a vocation to the priesthood this is essential reading. Read about the lives these men lead and see if you might have what it takes to be a priest. You will see that what each of these men have in common is a commitment to prayer, hard work, generosity and sacrifice. Do you have the right stuff?
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