Rating:  Summary: Warm, witty and perceptive Review: A superb and accurate look at the dynamics of a religious community. But, more important to me were the shared insights about the motivations, the fears, the uncertainty of the players at various times during the search for the "right" kind of rabbi. I howled with laughter at the behavior and decisions of committees and realized that there is little difference between what goes on in a commercial enterprise and what goes on at the shul. I realized that my own struggle to come to terms with my religion and upbringing is not unique. I couldn't put it down and will read it again and again.
Rating:  Summary: The Inside Scoop on the Rabbi "Biz"... Review: As a "state of the nation," this book is a touchingly honest reflection on many contemporary Jewish realities -- or, at least, *Conservative* Jewish realities, since I'm not so sure the situation described here could have arisen in either an Orthodox or Reform congregation.This book plunges the reader into the midst of a typical American Jewish community as it searches for a leader -- and for an enduring identity for itself and its movement. You learn who's who and share all the gossip -- perhaps even a little too much of the gossip, as Fried reveals the intricate star system of "hot" rabbis and pulpits around the country. Along the way, Fried takes his own baby steps towards finding a grown-up spiritual identity. This "memoir" side of the book is honest without being navel-gazing, a relief after some other recent books which go too far in the introspective direction. Most authors' spiritual quests are NOT worthy of a book in themselves, and luckily, Fried seems aware of that fact. This book will inevitably draw comparisons with Paul Wilkes' "And They Shall Be My People: An American Rabbi and His Congregation" -- indeed, Fried mentions Wilkes' book at one point! -- and like Wilkes, Fried doesn't really offer any big answers about where the Conservative movement is going. But for those who have already written the movement off as a vital force, both books will make you think again... at least briefly. Conservative Judaism ain't dead, yet, and with fine authors like these on the pulse of the movement, it'll probably be beating for some time to come.
Rating:  Summary: synagogue straight talk Review: As a former Philadelphian living in the mid-west, I've long been a fan of Stephen Fried for his work at Philadelphia Magazine. As a Jewish professional, I was of course interested in the subject, but concerned that it could be "gossipy". Fried came through again with straight talk on the politics of congregational life. I enjoyed the story of Har Zion's search for a rabbi and have recommended it to several friends.
Rating:  Summary: synagogue straight talk Review: As a former Philadelphian living in the mid-west, I've long been a fan of Stephen Fried for his work at Philadelphia Magazine. As a Jewish professional, I was of course interested in the subject, but concerned that it could be "gossipy". Fried came through again with straight talk on the politics of congregational life. I enjoyed the story of Har Zion's search for a rabbi and have recommended it to several friends.
Rating:  Summary: The whole story, warts and all..It's not pretty..mesmerizing Review: Author Fried purports to tell the story of how a large and wealthy conservative congregation on the Philadelphia Main Line went through the process of replacing its retiring rabbi. It's actually quite some time before he gets into the essence of the story, and I found myself thinking, when is he going to get to the search? But he gets there and leaves no stone unturned. It is a truly ugly story and it made me feel grateful that I didn't belong to that congregation. My own congregation recently went through a search for a new rabbi when ours left for a promotion after 14 years with us. This book is more than just the search for a new rabbi. It is a look at the inner workings of the conservative movement and the politics involved when this congregation decided to play hardball with the movement powers that be. I will not detail the end of the story (which, unfortunately is not in the book), but I will tell you it is not a pretty story, but I could not put the book down. Anyone who cares about this sort of thing should find the book endlessly fascinating as I did.
Rating:  Summary: The whole story, warts and all..It's not pretty..mesmerizing Review: Author Fried purports to tell the story of how a large and wealthy conservative congregation on the Philadelphia Main Line went through the process of replacing its retiring rabbi. It's actually quite some time before he gets into the essence of the story, and I found myself thinking, when is he going to get to the search? But he gets there and leaves no stone unturned. It is a truly ugly story and it made me feel grateful that I didn't belong to that congregation. My own congregation recently went through a search for a new rabbi when ours left for a promotion after 14 years with us. This book is more than just the search for a new rabbi. It is a look at the inner workings of the conservative movement and the politics involved when this congregation decided to play hardball with the movement powers that be. I will not detail the end of the story (which, unfortunately is not in the book), but I will tell you it is not a pretty story, but I could not put the book down. Anyone who cares about this sort of thing should find the book endlessly fascinating as I did.
Rating:  Summary: A Rabbi Critiques "The New Rabbi" Review: Fried's "The New Rabbi" is an engaging and insightful look not only at the lives of rabbis today but also at the hiring process, part of the greater whole he terms "the retail business." Having been involved in any number of job searches over the last number of years, I can attest that even in smaller congregations where less is at stake than Har Zion, emotions on both sides can - and do - run high. If there is one lesson to be taken from this book, it is this - that synagogue life is, at heart, a business. The search committee, it seems, allowed itself to be swayed by the cult of personality which pervades our small profession. In the process, they failed to articulate a sense of what they were looking for, rather than whom they were looking for. Hence they passed up many suitable candidates, and in the process wound up hurting many people. One hopes this is a story where "all's well that ends well." I personally harbor my doubts. Only when large organizations behave in a more professional manner will they will become successful once again.
Rating:  Summary: A Rabbi Critiques "The New Rabbi" Review: Fried's "The New Rabbi" is an engaging and insightful look not only at the lives of rabbis today but also at the hiring process, part of the greater whole he terms "the retail business." Having been involved in any number of job searches over the last number of years, I can attest that even in smaller congregations where less is at stake than Har Zion, emotions on both sides can - and do - run high. If there is one lesson to be taken from this book, it is this - that synagogue life is, at heart, a business. The search committee, it seems, allowed itself to be swayed by the cult of personality which pervades our small profession. In the process, they failed to articulate a sense of what they were looking for, rather than whom they were looking for. Hence they passed up many suitable candidates, and in the process wound up hurting many people. One hopes this is a story where "all's well that ends well." I personally harbor my doubts. Only when large organizations behave in a more professional manner will they will become successful once again.
Rating:  Summary: Fascinating profile Review: Fried's coverage of Har Zion's search for a new rabbi to fill the significant shoes of Rabbi Gerald Wolpe provides an engaging read and an excellent specific example of some of the more general issues affecting contemporary Judaism in America. Also, Fried does a fantastic job in describing his exposure to the Har Zion and greater Philadelphia-area Jewish community and how it paralleled his own spiritual search following some life-changing events.
Rating:  Summary: Fascinating case study of a sensitive process Review: Having sat on a rabbinic search committee in my own shul, as well as three cantorial search committees, I found this book fascinating and on the mark. Our synagogue is much smaller than Har Zion, but the political travails, the ego clashes, and the resulting ruffled feathers seem to be the same across all sizes and denominations of synagogues. Fried has an easy literary style which places you in the middle of the action. Sharing his own personal insights and experiences may annoy some readers, but I found that they made the story more accessible. Hands down, I recommend this book, particularly to those who are active in their congregations.