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Rating:  Summary: America's WORST President ... Revealed Review: 70's Presidential failure Jimmy "Awe Shucks" Carter---the seemingly plain spoken man from Plains, Georgia, a coddler of dictators, lover of 90% marginal tax rates, an inflexible micromanager (Carter worried more about who was playing whom on the White House tennis courts than about hostages in Iran and exorbitant gas prices) and the Grandfather of radical left wingers like John "Ivotedforthe87billionjustbeforeIvotedagainstit" Kerry and Bill "I- didn't-have-sex-with-that-woman-Ms.-Lewinsky" Clinton, is the reason the United States nearly collapsed to Communism, almost succumbed to mediocrity, and was just shy of becoming a Socialist country,(Thank God for Ronald Reagan.)---is fully exposed as Steven Hayward compelling details the perpetual failures of Carter and his flawed administration throughout this book.Someone asked me the other day "Why was Carter such a failure?". I said I couldn't really put it into words. Now, there is a book that can explain it for me clearly and accurately. You need to get this book before the wacky Liberal revisionists rewrite Carter's historical bio as some poetic character. Five stars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: Shameful Book from a man without Honor Review: I have a real problem with these types of authors and character assassins. These are people that live in the shadows, finding fault with others. If you want to be critical of a public figure that is fine. However, to go at it with such a hate-filled diatribe, what is your problem. Jimmy Carter was not the greatest President ever, but he was 1000X more honorable than Ronald Reagan. No, he did not trade arms with Islamic extremists to get hostages back or supply cocaine traficking rebels in Central America, like Reagan. What he tried to do was serve with honor and make the US a more honorable place. And the career politicians tore him up for it. How dare you, Hayward! I suppose Mr. Carter could have just charged a trillion dollars worth of spending to remedy the economy, but he knew that would come back to haunt us later. Mr. Carter wanted real solutions, not quick fixes like Reagan. And by the way, Hayward, what about those Marines that died in Lebanon? What reaction was there of Reagan? He cut and ran, like the coward he was.
Rating:  Summary: Right on the Mark - Carter is no hero Review: It's about time someone pointed out the true Jimmy Carter - arrogant, self-righteous, tyrant-coddling, spineless and shamelessly partisan. Jimmy Carter is no hero -- Carter has become a caricature of himself and the model of a man who would go anywhere and do anything for media attention. Not satisfied with being the worst president in our nation's history, in the last 23 years Carter's become the worst ex-president as well. Deviously sniping, criticizing, plotting and conniving from the sidelines on both domestic and foreign policy matters while feigning false righteousness, Carter, the left-media darling, is a man with plenty of reasons to be ashamed. The "human rights" President? "Nobel Lauerate?" Please. Ronald Reagan did more for human rights around the world in 8 years than Jimmy Carter could do in three lifetimes. Carter talks a good game - but, like all liberals, when it comes to action, he's hanging out in Cuba having a drink with Castro. We'd all be better off if he packed up the ol' Plains peanut farm and moved to Havana permanently. The reviewers on the site who are critical of the book haven't even read it. Like all good Jimmy Carter apologists, these self-proclaimed geniuses believe that if there are no pictures or "thought balloons" in the book, it's not worth reading. As for these reviewers' strawman argument that it isn't "traitorous" for Jimmy Carter to "criticize" President Bush, something that Mr. Hayward doesn't argue in his book anyway, it may in fact be depending upon the content of that criticism. Indeed, even if not "traitorous," his absurd criticisms during a time of war are at the least reckless, unpatriotic and certainly breaks with a long tradition that former presidents do not comment publicly on their successors' actions or campaign against them. Great job, Jimmy! Thank you, Mr. Hayward, for having the guts to deconstruct Jimmy Carter. Great read -- I highly recommend.
Rating:  Summary: Short, But Entertaining and Accurate Review: This book could be better as a "book". This is an interesting book and the idea is good, but the contents do not exactly match the advertising and book jacket - plus it is very short. The text on the cover of the book implies that the book is about the former President Carter and his mostly unwelcome meddling in foreign affairs since 1980. But that it not exactly what the book is about. As acknowledged by the author on page 233 this book is really just a short biography of Carter just 193 pages long to bring younger readers up to speed on Carter to the year 1980, and this covers all of Carter's life to that point in time including his runs in Georgia. The same or similar biographies are available elsewhere in a number of lengthy books. What is new here is an added further 38 pages in the final three chapters about Carter post 1980 and his mistakes in foreign affairs - to bring the book to 231 pages plus notes and comments. So the book is short, does not match the advertising and hype for the book, but still the book is interesting and a good read. The concept for the book is great and long overdue. The author obviously has a strong negative bias - but he is not writing fiction - the facts speak for themselves and they are not pretty. Many things such as Carter's help at Habitat for Humanity have been exemplary, along with acting as an election monitor and fighting disease in the third world. These are clearly acknowledged in the book and are well known. If Carter had stopped there he might have been the greatest former president. But he has not had the self control to stop with good works. He has undertaken at best what can be described as a misguided and ill conceived foreign policy interefence of both democratic and republican administrations, from Reagan to Clinton, to Bush, and I stress all administrations post 1980. He has made a series of solo trips largely against the wishes of the US government, befriended tyrants, accepted cash from the likes of BCCI, encouraged the PLO, and attempted to broker peace deals on his own but portraying himself as a US government agent. The Carter story is bleak and hidden behind much false PR and Carter's ego and his inability to let go of his short time in power (1976-1979), especially in foreign affairs. I found particularly funny the inside joke (in the book) that in the Clinton administration that the leader of North Korea died of laughter after signing an agreement with Carter over nuclear weapons. That pretty well sums up the situation. One is left shaking one's head in amazement and one really must ask the question: what is he doing? He has fooled Mandela and others and won his Nobel prize. But sadly after 24 years out of power he believes his own PR and propaganda. If he would just stick to charities, the third world, and the homeless he would be great. Good read but just 3 or 4 stars as a book, maybe 3.5 stars. Jack in Toronto
Rating:  Summary: The Truth Hurts Review: Well, there he goes again...Dr. Hayward turns his brilliant mind and pen onto the worst President in the history of the Republic: Jimmy Carter. Unfortunately, Carter's ineptitude didn't stop with his miserable four years in the White House. For the 23 years since a bruised and humiliated electorate bounced him from office, Carter has labored to undermine the foreign policy of both his Republican AND Democrat successors. In this country you can say whatever you want to say. But when calls are made to foreign leaders urging them to oppose U.S. policy -- and often policy not just set by a President Carter didn't like but also supported by overwhelming bi-partisan majorities in Congress -- then an individual is attempting to bring harm to his country. Time seems to have dulled for Carter the realization that he was elected by the narrowest of margins in '76 and overwhelmingly defeated in '80. On whose behalf -- other than his own -- does he believe he is working? Bravo to Dr. Hayward for bringing these incidents to light -- seems the negative reviewers just can't handle the truth -- or the exercise of free speech when it is aimed at a bumbling icon of the Left.
Rating:  Summary: hayward and dan quale: 2 sides of the same phony coin Review: when former vp dan 'potatoe' quale heard that former president jimmy carter was being sent by the president bill clinton to negotiate peace talks, all mr quale could say was ' hes just trying to win a nobel peace prize'. hayward is of the same ulra right mentality. his previous book which practically cannonized ronald reagan, completely ignored the reagan regime's 'suprise' release of the hostages on the eve of reagans inaguration and the whole of reagans activites in the iran contra hearings. hell, hayward even negelected to mention that reagan once coddled with joseph mccarthy and turned many 'suspect commuinists in to the house unamerican committe and destroyed many lives. of course hayward likens carter to the 'despicable' clinton and kerry and worships at the feet of dubya; the most radical extreme militant right wing president in history. instead hayward goes after that 'softie' carter. for a man supposeldy having liberal ulterior motives carter 's forming of 'habitat for the humanities' seems perplexing. of course hayward doesnt go there. instead he echoes the sentiments of possibly the dumbest vp in history; dan quale (who began his illustrious career in the senate with this: he was running against birch bayh and ran a plethora of tv ads portraying bayh as lazy and uncaring about his constituants. his evidence in these ads? well bayh had missed more days in the senate in the previous year than any other senator. of course quales ads forgot to mention that bayhs wife was at home dying of cancer during that previous year. so what did dan family values quale criticze bayh for? for having family values. the unpardonable hypocricy of the conservative party is blatantly obvious in types like hayward, quale and the bushs and they scream vehemently ugly accusations whenever a liberal like carter or clinton or kerry makes an attempt towards change. but progress is inevitable and when the smoke clears and history has its say clinton and carter will go down as two leaders who strived for humanitarian progress
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