Rating:  Summary: Myth about the genocide in a touchy story Review: According to the British and French anthropologists, EVEN BEFORE ARMENIANS' EXILE FROM TURKEY, Armenian population was not even 1/4 of the number of supposedly killed people during the exile. This exaggerated number with many zeros make me suspect of this book's sincerity from its first page. Of course the number of murder doesn't make the killer any more or less innocent but certainly has a big effect on the impression of the reader. So I can't stop asking: Did Turks wake up one morning and decide to kill millions of ghosts in their country? Or after living together more than 600 years in peace, why did damn Turks decide to kill couple millions of their people suddenly, while dealing with European invasions? It is certain that Armenian culture is one of the greatest cultures which suffered from many invasions since ancient times as many others did during the past and today. However while reading this beautifully written book, let's not forget to ask questions? Why did this fight between Armenians and Turks begin? How did it start? What did drive Turks to make such a decision and kick their own people out of Turkey? Yes, Armenians and Turks come from different origins but I would like to call both these people the people of same culture after living together for 8 centuries. Just like everything-looking US citizens call themselves "Americans" as one. The book is a success in terms of literature and drama but I find it very unfair to blame a whole nation of Turkey for something that never took place. Or do Armenians want to put Turkish government in the same basket with Germany and aim to get money like Israel is getting from Germany every year? Good try but fiction is fiction even though Sheakespeare wrote it. Do something different; be true once. Peace, if you let any.
Rating:  Summary: VERGEEN: THE STORY OF A SURVIVOR Review: Although this books content is extremely sad I found it near impossible to put down. The reader can't help but feel for the Armenian people, yet at the same time wonder what was going on inside the heads of those who could have stopped it but chose not to. The book is very informative yet not to over the top to the point that the average reader would not understand. In conclusion it is a great book about a subject that unfortunately is extremely overlooked by most of society.
Rating:  Summary: A fantastic novel...true story Review: Amazing. I couldn't put it down
Rating:  Summary: very timely because of Kosovo Review: Author Mae Derdarian takes the reader right into the horrific struggles of the Armenian people as they suffered genocide under the Turks,via the true story of a young girl,Vergeen.We feel her pain, the inhumanity, the raw sadism she endures. At the same time, we can applaud her bravery,cheer her on, pray for her survival as if we were really there.And we now know what the Albanians from Kosovo are suffering under the Serbs..genocide is happening again!
Rating:  Summary: a review Review: Don't get me wrong... These days the most fashionable phrase is "it's all in the past, why can't you just forgive it and live in the future?" Note that they say "Forget", but nobody ever says "Forgive". ..."If armenians and turks could sit down and re-write their history?..." the truth is that by re-writing your history you always will be doomed to repeat the mistakes of the past. And the reality of the 20th century (the bloodiest century with so many massacres and holocausts) speaks for itself. I wrote two paragraphs above for the review of "Passage to Ararat" by Arlen. Before reviewing "Vergeen" I also couldn't help but notice a review from Kosovo with chilling words at the end "Genocide is happening again". The truth is that we simply cannot allow political games of the world come before the truth. And by closing our eyes we will allow more Hitlers or Mussolinis or Taleat pashas into this world. "Vergeen: A survivor of the Armenian Genocide" is a shocking true story which should be read by everyone. It's a genocide that has happened almost a century ago and the genocide that is happening almost every year.
Rating:  Summary: a review Review: Don't get me wrong... These days the most fashionable phrase is "it's all in the past, why can't you just forgive it and live in the future?" Note that they say "Forget", but nobody ever says "Forgive". ..."If armenians and turks could sit down and re-write their history?..." the truth is that by re-writing your history you always will be doomed to repeat the mistakes of the past. And the reality of the 20th century (the bloodiest century with so many massacres and holocausts) speaks for itself. I wrote two paragraphs above for the review of "Passage to Ararat" by Arlen. Before reviewing "Vergeen" I also couldn't help but notice a review from Kosovo with chilling words at the end "Genocide is happening again". The truth is that we simply cannot allow political games of the world come before the truth. And by closing our eyes we will allow more Hitlers or Mussolinis or Taleat pashas into this world. "Vergeen: A survivor of the Armenian Genocide" is a shocking true story which should be read by everyone. It's a genocide that has happened almost a century ago and the genocide that is happening almost every year.
Rating:  Summary: 1915 !! TWISTED FACTS!! Review: First of all I would like to say that I am a Turkish American who is very interested in history especially Ottoman -Turkish centuries. I read the book and found it too dramatic and sad to finish eventhough I did. I am pretty sure that author is telling her true first account experiences. I am not here to deny that very unfortunate things happened to the Armenian population in 1915. I think it would be very ignorant of me to do so but there is another side to the story. In 1915 Ottoman Empire was at war and fighting an increasingly desperate war which ended in defeat. In this bloodbath millions of Turks were wiped out and their lands were occoupied at the end. Many Armenian rebels most of them ultranationalist Tashnags were attacking and killing uncounted innocent people well behind our frontlines. As a result of these treachery actions by Armenians , 1915 deportations took place and unfortunately ended in tragedy for both Turks and Armenians. There are no winners at the end only losers. Armenians lost their motherland , culture and lives. Turks lost the war , many innocent lives and in my opinion most important of all our neighbors and friends forever. I grew up and was educated in the States so please dont accuse me of being brainwashed by the Turkish Government . I have a mind of my own and have the education to back my thoughts. Instead of raising the Armenian youth with hatred try and concentrate with more positive and constructive future with Turks . A lot more can be accomplished and built this way!! Thanks for taking your time to read this!!
Rating:  Summary: So-called Genocide Review: I am sick of these so-called Genocide lies. For centuries Armenian Ottomans and Turkish Ottomans lived in peace. The Turkish Ottomans people were only %30 in all over the empire. Now they are heating this deceit just because to take compensation from the Turkish Republic as the Israel have been taking the same from the Germany for years. Ottoman archives in Istanbul are open for historian despite Armenian archives are not. Read Samuel Weem's Armenia The Great Deception. Instead of book.
Rating:  Summary: This is a highly favorable review Review: I love stories about courage. Vergeen is inspiring, a book that will make you wonder how a young girl can endure the unspeakable horrors of the Armenian genocide and survive. Author Mae Derdarian knw Virginia Meghrouni (Vergeen) and made it her personal mission to write and publish this gripping memoir. Several book clubs in Michigan have chosen this as a selection, and the response is always the same: "I didn't know about this chapter of history." Vergeen was the daughter of a prosperous family in Turkey. No one anticipated that the Turks would adopt a policy of annihilation and exile for their Armenian population. Vergeen and her mother are sent on a death march which leads them to Syria and more persecution. Vergeen becomes the slave of a Beduoin; her life seems hopeless. This remarkable memoir belongs on your bookshelf next to The Diary of Ann Frank and Nien Cheng's Life and Death in Shanghai.
Rating:  Summary: Vergeen : A Survivor of the Armenian Genocide Review: i think everyone should read "Vergeen." It is a heartbreaking story of a young girl who survived the Armenian genocide. You cannot read this book without going away from it to cry & ask yourself why have we, as human beings, been so cruel to each other. The high point of "Vergeen" for me is knowing, admiring & being a personal friend of her granddaughter, an attorney in L.A. i know this person would not be available to me as a friend without Vergeen's survival story & i am so thankful for Vergeen & her story. i am so thankful for my friend. i footnote this five star review as an African-American reader & reference myself racially only because it is relevant to the information here. The relevance of racial reference is this -- a long time ago, i believed African-Americans, & African-Americans alone, were solely deserving of the worst holocaust medal & that shortsightedness on my part prevented me from identifying with other holocaust victims, especially those who were not African-American; that shortsightedness prevented me from being anti-holocaust, no matter who, no matter what, no matter where or when. "Vergeen" is a great book for those of us needing to come up out the "celebration" of our personal persecutions. "Vergeen" propels us, if we can be propelled, to realize our friends are gifts of the survivors of the greatest inhumanities we as human beings have ever perpetrated against ourselves. "Vergeen" is a must. Please read it & rejoice!