Rating:  Summary: If you don't want the Truth, don't read!!!Duh! Review: I will pray for all of the people who are objecting to the Truth. And as all Christians know, the Truth is Jesus Christ! I used to dabble, as I say, in witchcraft. Not to where I was like drawing pentagrams and lighting candles and all of the heavy stuff, but I was into "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" books and the show, "Angel" which is a spin-off show from "Buffy," I was into "Harry Potter," and it seemed like everything that I read or watched had witchcraft in it, or Wicca (the religion of witchcraft) as people call it. I thought that everything was fine, but what I didn't realize that every night, instead of grabbing the Bible, I would grab witchcraft. I had already been a Christian, and before all of this, I was really into God. So, one day my mom was reading "He Came To Set the Captives Free," and I, of course, was reading "Buffy," and Satan was really lying to me. Telling me I shouldn't read that book, that it wasn't true and that Dr. Rebecca Brown was a liar. But, then one night God told me to put down "Buffy," and pick up that book. When I finally read it that night, I realized that I was wrong. And let me tell ya, my mom and I did some spiritual cleaning in our house. You would not BELIEVE the things that we found that needed to leave. And just recently, my mom started reading "The Beautiful Side of Evil," and she loves it! This book is truthful! Let me tell everybody, if you find yourself saying things like "Light as a feather, stiff as a board," or calling up all of the four elements, you need to read this book. Or if you're an all-out paganist, occultist, witch, wiccan, wizard, warlock, sorcerer, any of those names, please seek God, and you will find yourself picking this book up. God bless! JESUS IS THE ONE! Deuteronomy 18:9-14 - When you enter the land of the Lord your God is giving you, do not learn to imitate the detestable ways of the nations there. Let no one be found among you who sacrifices his son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the Lord, and because of these detestable practices the Lord you God will drive out those nations before you. You must be blameless before the Lord your God. Leviticus 20:27 - " 'A man or woman who is a medium or spiritist among you must be put to death. You are to stone them; their blood will be on their own heads.' " The grace of the Lord Jesus be with God's people. Amen.
Rating:  Summary: Whose Truth is the Truth? Review: In response to cerridwen_storm's statement "That person's Truth is not necessarily my Truth, or even your Truth," I would like to ask, whose truth is the correct truth? Is truth merely a matter of preference? Can one believe they possess one million dollars and suddenly become a millionaire?
Rating:  Summary: in the spirit of... Review: Johanna Michaelsen has much to say. She is a great intellectual in the spirit of other Christian writers such as Dave Hunt, Constance Cumby, Jason T. Chick, Tim LaHaye, Jack Steiner, John Todd, Edge and Mike Warnke. She is a mental dynamo. There is a brain twister on every page. I can speak of many recommendations.
Rating:  Summary: Great book Review: The author actually experienced first-hand the subject she is writing about. She was on the other side of the fence, so to speak. She obviously knows what she is talking about. Occult practices brought up in the book are satanic healing, meditation to achieve control of the Alpha brain waves and other such things. Recommended reading for those people who take "psychic" things lightly.
Rating:  Summary: A call for a little honesty Review: The Beautiful Side of Evil is a religious diatribe, totally slanted in its position and allowing no surcease for the author's numerous opponents. Put simply, it is hate propaganda of the very worse sort. Had I more space and a greater interest, I would take direct statements from this book and refute them point by point. Instead, I think I will rank it right up there with other books of the sort, books such as The Satan Seller by Mike Warnke (later complete disproved), Michelle Remembers (same) and all of the material published by Jack Chick Publishing.
Rating:  Summary: Mind blowing! Review: The book confirms me that the Evil power does EXIST and WILL destroy the lives of those who play with it and who underestimate the satan's destructive power. Jesus said: Satan is the father of LIES!, that's one of the MOST important things we need to remember. Everyone needs to know Jesus personally before "playing" with miracles.Counterfeit miracles do EXIST, Johanna presented her case very clearly, easy to understand plain English. Even the miracles perform in the name of Jesus, the source may not come from Jesus, it is clear that we need to know Jesus PERSONALLY to be able to distinguish the source. It is a must-read book for all Christians.
Rating:  Summary: Spellbinding! Review: This autobiographical account of one woman's journey from mysticisim and occult to salvation in Christianity is a must read for occult surviviors. It is written in a no-nonsense style that is easy to relate to and at the same time captivating. This book has been instrumental in understanding and surviving my own paranormal experiences and strengthening my faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. I am very thankful to Johanna Michaelsen for having the courage to write a fast-paced novel about the dangers of dabbling in occult practices. Sincerely, Angela Hope Jasper
Rating:  Summary: WOW!! WOW!! WOW!! Review: This book is powerful , revealing, informitive,but most of all scarry. It makes you think. It reveals things to you that hide under the disguise of "Harmless fun". I say WOW!
Rating:  Summary: The Beautiful Side of Evil Review: This book is very exciting while also informative. I enjoyed it so much I shared it with many friends who also gave a very positive response. I recommend almost everyone should read it.
Rating:  Summary: Very thought provoking. Review: This book made me think. Serious thoughts.As someone who, while not a Christian , believes in God and Jesus, but is involved in the occult, the subject matter hit home.Johanna is a very likable and sypathetic person.You can't help but empathize at the struggle she went through.It was vivadly brought to life in the pages.Whether you agree with Johanna or not or agree with the conclusion and belief that she came to about her experience, I have no doubt that she is telling the truth. I think that this was her perception of her experience and this is honestly what she believes.I liked the style in which the book was written. Very clear and personal.Engaging. I felt drawn into the story. I kept wanting to know what happened next. The story itself is fascinating.This is a real, detailed account of a woman working with a psychic surgeon and the spirit who entered her to do the work for 14 months back in the 70s.If you have no interest in the spirituality of the book, I think you'll find the tale alone interesting enough. I wonder what Johanna is up to now? The book came out in 1982.Another reviewer suggested a sequel. I think that would be a good idea.I'd be interested.