Rating:  Summary: If you think Mohamed AlFayed is wacky, these guys are worse! Review: I was a little afraid this book would be off the wall and I've found that I was right, AlFayed looks calm and reasonable next to these guys. I really don't see why publication kept being put off unless it was in the hope that the smell would die down. The authors present just a few pages worth of peculiarities and irregularities in the crash investigation and related events and manage to weave what would be a little pretty good stuff (presented here as supporting evidence!) into all sorts of conspiracies involving international banking, arms dealing, the CIA & MI6, The Catholic and Protestant Churches, the Masons, even the Royal Family and supposed links to the Scottish Stuart Royal family and Jesus Christ. I had dim hopes for this book but what I really want to say about what it is Amazon won't print.
Rating:  Summary: Superb Investigative Journalism Review: I was astounded at the levels of fortitude, courage and insight shown by the authors of this book. Having just finished it I am certainly now convinced that the British Government should call a public inquiry into Diana's death. There is simply so much evidence, as daringly uncovered and powerfully presented by the authors, to suggest that she was assassinated. Well done to you both. I do not believe I have ever read a book quite like this. Highly recommended to everyone. Superb investigative journalism!
Rating:  Summary: A different version of the truth. Review: If you're looking for a different version of the truth to that promulgated by the British authorities, this book is a must. I bet the British Royal Family loathe it. From the very beginning the authors present a relentless tirade of facts, figures and fascinating evidence, revealing the corruption at the heart of the British establishment as well as the plots and subplots that eventually led to Diana's highly mysterious demise. They also present a mountain of evidence in support of their claim that Diana was assassinated by a joint CIA-MI6 operation. Truly mindbending stuff, as well as being a serious threat to those seeking to conceal the true facts about this case.Indeed, now that an inquest has been called in Britain into Diana's death I bet this book will be shelved - if it hasn't been already. So buy your copy now! I cannot praise the authors highly enough for the excellent way in which this book has been researched, and the way it has been written. Quite superlative. If this book doesn't rock the boat then nothing ever will. Well done Jon King and John Beveridge - ten out of ten. I've never read anything quite like it before, and I doubt I ever will in the future. Simply breathtaking. Easily worthy of a literary prize. Let us hope it does some good in the struggle to make the true facts known.
Rating:  Summary: Big Brother is watching us Review: It is not a book that will make people feel safe about the world around them but it does tell, with an incredible amount of research, what probably happened re the death of Diana Spencer, Princess of Wales. So many questions unanswered by the enquiry after her death, so many facts swept under the carpet as well. There probably will be an epilogue to this book (needed as far as I am concerned) when the American Tapes of Diana's telephone conversation will come to light. Those who have listened to them (as reported in the Sunday Express of June 23, 2002) were amazed to hear, from Diana's own lips, that she was both pregnant and was going to marry Dodi Fayed. Can you imagine the establishment in Britain having to bow to a half British Egyptian child, brought up in the Muslim Faith, who could say in the future 'The King, my Brother'. I doubt it. The landmines campaign is also an eye opener (British/American military interests in danger). Murdered, of course she was. She was not the first, nor will she be the last. A word of caution to HRH Prince Michael of Albany. By standing for the truth, he, too, might find the dark forces in Britain (to quote the Queen) conspiring against him. Altogether, an excellent informative read that should raise a few eyebrows in high place.
Rating:  Summary: compelling Review: It's about time people woke up and realised that this was no accident. The authors have put across a convincing and compelling argument, and I for one am now convinced that Diana was murdered by thge establishement. Thank you Jon and John for writing this book. I'm sure in time you will get the recognition you both deserve and the truth will prevail. Brilliant!
Rating:  Summary: Hidden or Recalled Evidence? Review: Jon King and John Beveridge offer some intresting theories for the murder of Diana, Princess of Wales; however, the book lacks focus and wanders from the Jews (BC) to the Stuart dynasty to a supposed plot to put Diana on the throne in order to fill up 400 pages. The authors often make a point, then recant or weaken it by offering other explanations. Some information was given by sources who could not prove their statements, so the book was given a "maybe, maybe not" quality. The whole book could have been summarized in a few pages without all of the extraneous elements thrown in. A bit "over the top" for my taste.
Rating:  Summary: I loved it! Review: Looking at some of the other reviews, it seems you will either love or hate this book. Most loved it, as did I. It is brilliantly researched and the authors' conclusions are intelligent, courageous and supported by a wealth of very well presented evidence. Their decision to include the 'bloodline' section in Part 3 was, in my view, very brave, and it worked. The fact that they have been able to show that Diana was a descendant of Britain's alternative royal house was, again in my view, astounding. I had no idea. She was indeed a bigger threat to the existing monarchy and establishment than any of us could have imagined. Loved it! Well done to both authors.
Rating:  Summary: Tepid drivel Review: No glossy photos here. Just cold hard, black and white facts. Absolutely breathtaking and tragic. Far worse than any of us expected and yet that secret part of you knowing this is what happened, and yet pushing it away as it is just too sorid, too selfish, too overwhelming that our darling could be wiped out in such a coldly calculated assassination. No wonder this dear woman felt tormented and spied on and observed 24-7. She was.
Rating:  Summary: Tepid drivel Review: Oh, for God's sake! What utter drivel. Diana wasn't bright enough to implicate anyone more substantial than a poorly trained manicurist. Here's a conspiracy question to think about -- if Diana was so committed to the anti-landmines issue why did she chose Dodi Fayed as a consort? Some of his relations are huge arm dealers. Hey -- maybe THEY knocked her off!
Rating:  Summary: A "must" for Princess Diana fans and conspiracy buffs. Review: Presented in the form of a trial, Princess Diana: The Hidden Evidence by investigative journalists Jon King and professional researcher and journalist John Beveridge, clearly and accessibly lays out the unsettling evidence that the British Royal Establishment and British Intelligence (with support from the American C.I.A.) colluded in the tragic death of Princess Diana. Among the evidence uncovered through exhaustive and painstaking research are that Diana wrote two secret letters shortly before her death threatening to expose British arms profiteering in the Angolan civil war; that both British and U.S. intelligence organizations monitored Diana's ever move in the days before her death; that Diana's death (advocated by M15 and M16 intelligence chiefs to avoid her precipitating a major embarrassment to the British Royal Establishment and a consequent constitutional crisis; the chauffeur Henri Paul worked for Britain's M16; and that crash evidence was immediately and methodically suppressed. Princess Diana blows the whistle on an immense conspiracy and should be read by every man and woman who shed a tear at the untimely demise of this most remarkable woman.