Rating:  Summary: The Forgotten German Holocaust Review: I am sure this is a fine book, but I don't think I can read another book, or see another film based on the Jewish holocaust. Many people are getting tired of it. I am more focused on bringing people together and forgiving, which can be difficult, but We must all forgive and forget, for if we can't forget, we have not forgivin. Therefore, hatred instead of peace becomes the vehicle of choice, and hatred will only poison the blood. When man finds peace within his heart, only then can he ask for peace on earth, which will put an end to all wars and holocausts, including the one taking place now in the Middle East.
Others, including myself are finding that the Jewish holocaust and the books and films based on it have become obsessive, and provide nothing more than hate propaganda towards Germans and Christians. The holocaust that happened during WWII is not the only one that was ever experienced. Lest we forget, there was the Bolshevik War, where I believe the genocide of 7 million Germans and Christians were brutally slaughtered
Rating:  Summary: Easy to Read and Understand Review: I bought the book on a saturday evening, by Sunday afternoon I was done. I have been reading a lot of Holocaust books and this has to be one of the best. So sad and yet so true... If you truly want to learn about the horrors of the holocaust start with this book.
Rating:  Summary: Great book but was the Dr. really there? Review: I found this book to be a great insight into the lives and deaths of Auschwitz prisoners. The Dr. gave alot of detailed description into the horrors of the Holocaust. However, the actual events that the Dr. described were not entirely accurate; according to other eye-witness accounts of Auschwitz. It is also troublesome to me that it cannot be proved that our Dr. was truly a prisoner in this death camp. My rating of this book is excellent in the sense the creation of awareness in the horrific events at death camps during the holocaust but after reading the book and doing some outside research I do not neccessarily believe that Dr. Miklos Nyiszli was ever detained in Auschwitz.
Rating:  Summary: Horrific Eye Witness Account Which Must Be Read! Review: I have always had an interest in the Holocaust, but until I read this book some fourteen years ago, it had always remained at a distance.A reputable colleague at work handed me a copy of this book and said 'this is worth a read'. Having begun, I could not put the book down. The book gripped me from start to finish. The story is horrific but, nevertheless, it is a story that we all owe it to ourselves to be familiar with. The story and the author's experiences were so profound and penetrating that I have spent the last fourteen years studying and reading as much about the Holocaust as I can. I have visited the Concentration Camps at Treblinka, Majdanek, Auschwitz, Birkenau and Plaszov, together with other areas in Poland directly connected with the Jewish Holocaust. I have seen the buildings full of human hair from the Jewish victims, the gas chambers, crematoria and the other hideous instruments of mass murder referred to in this book. The book by Dr. Miklos Nyiszli will not take you long to finish. The voices of the victims referred to have long since disappeared. Many people today are not even aware of the Holocaust and others deny it's very existence. Books like these, written by people who were actually there, are essential if our this and forthcoming generations are to be made aware of "man's inhumanity to man" and to prevent such a horror from occurring again.
Rating:  Summary: Haunting and unimaginable...you can't put it down. Review: I have read this book at least a dozen times. The story it tells is unimaginable in this day and age but you must understand that this REALLY did occur. I have read many stories on life in Auschwitz and this one is by far and away the best. It pulls the reader in and it keeps you fascinated as you learn what this man went through. I was also fortunate enough to visit Auschwitz in 1992 and I read the book before going. I made notes of locations I wanted to see and wondered what they would actually look like. I came back from my trip with a new sense of what the book describes. I re-read the book after my return and could only think "how on Earth could anyone survive this inferno?" This book is gripping and I wholeheartedly recommend it. This is not just a book...it is History!
Rating:  Summary: A book that tells me we had better open our eyes. Review: I read Auschwitz by Dr. Nyiszli atleast 5 years ago and never forgot it. The thing that sticks in my mind is "buisness as usual", he answers the question I have often asked, "Why doesn't someone do something?" When I look around today, I say why isn't somebody doing something to change the social behavior of kids and "buisness as usual" clicks into my head. We have kids shooting kids on their school grounds and no one does a thing. We as parents have allowed a system to take over just like in Nazis Germany. Children in america threaten to report their parents to socail services if the parent is trying to correct them. What is the difference, isn't that how it strarted in Germany? I think Dr. Nyisali does an excelent job studying and analysing the Nazis, the Jews and himself. It is so worth reading that I am try to get a copy of it again.
Rating:  Summary: horrific account of auschwitz by a Jewish doctor Review: I read this book a couple years ago and it still haunts me. I'm a nurse, and reading a Jewish Doctor's first-person account of life in Auschwitz was horrifying, shocking, disturbing. The squalor and filth alone (in the ward for the sick) was horrifying. Something I remember from the book was that Auschwitz was very large, and some people in parts of Auschwitz did not know (or refused to believe) that Jews were being murdered. Imagine being right in Auschwitz and not knowing this...It is disturbing that human beings are capable of such great evil. But that is the hard truth. The Germans were methodical in their documentation of what they did...so how people can deny the holocaust happened is ludicrous. The book isn't about that, but it is a compelling narrative on the horrors of life in Auschwitz...Read it.
Rating:  Summary: A book that gave me nightmares! Review: I read this book before going to bed, but the horrofying things that went on in Auschwitz haunted me in my dreams. It wasn't easy to find sleep, I saw before me the innocent people sent to death buy one man's pointing finger: You will die and you will live! This is a book that everyone should read, so that no-one ever can say that this has not happened. We are all obliged to make sure that history will never repeat itself! Read this book, but not before going to bed! Not suitable for children!
Rating:  Summary: horrific, should be read to feel the terror of Nazism Review: I read this book in an afternoon. It was a quick read. Horrific and graphic in detail. The Dr. in question is sent to Auchwitz in 1944 and he spends a year in Nazi camps. He is well known for his personal observation of the Nazi Doctor Mengele. He details the 'experiments' and also explains the camp structure(his privilidged position allowed him to circulate freely and he had access to camp records and the S.S). This book is an important document in Holocaust literature. Yet it raises many questions. This man collaborated with the Nazis to survive. He does nto detail the true nature of Mengeles crimes. Instead he seems to whitewash the horror and torture infliced upon innocents. I felt that he was not telling the whole story, maybe it was too horrific. He leaves some questions to be explained, but his book is full of details.
Rating:  Summary: One of those books you can't put down Review: I started this book expecting for it to be an excellant book, one to make a real impression on myself,and It did just that. His (Dr. Miklos Nyiszli) account was bone chilling, and makes you honestly think twice before complaining about a tough life, it also Brings tears to your eyes knowing this is NOT a fictional piece of work, but completely true based on someones life. I honestly would recommend everyone to read this, its a very impressional peice and in todays world it seems necessary to learn from past mistakes made in history , so that the old saying of history repeats itself, wouldn't be true anymore.