Rating:  Summary: Melissa touches us once again! Review: "The Truth Is..." a new autobiography by rock-and-roll singer, Melissa Etheridge, is a rare, poignant look into the life of someone who has actually lived the words they sing. Delving into extremely personal, and sometimes painful, topics that most would choose to pretend never happened, Melissa charges ahead and lays bare her soul. Sharing written entries from her personal diary as a child, one gets a glimpse of an extremely sad child, desperately in need of love and nurturance, neither of which she received. Later entries take the form of songwriting, and still the sadness lingers. This written journey into her soul shows the path Melissa has taken over the past 40 years in her career, loves and relationships, births of her two children, and eventual happiness with the person she has become. Melissa takes us back to her roots in Leavenworth, Kansas, circa 1961, and her birth into an extremely dysfunctional family that never shared their emotions. Born on her older sister's birthday, that event seemed to set-off a deep-set resentment in Jennifer, culminating in manipulation, physical, and sexual abuse that lasted for many years. As do many victims of sexual abuse, Melissa escaped into a fantasy world that gave her comfort -- the world of movies, food, and later, music. For two hours in the make-believe world of Hollywood, she could escape the reality of her life, and find safety in her dreams for the future. In 1964, she heard the Beatles for the very first time, and from that moment on, music became her saving grace. With music in her life, Melissa found a sanctuary, and would daily recreate songs with the neighborhood kids, always in the lead guitarist role of their make-believe band. Eventually her father noticed, and one day came home with a real guitar, which set her on her musical journey. Although her mother was never fond of her musical talents, her father did take an interest, driving his talented daughter to practices and gigs all over Kansas and other areas. She played throughout her high school years with one goal in mind -- to be a rock-and-roll star and get the hell out of Leavenworth, which is exactly what she does. The trip to stardom didn't happen overnight, taking detours to Boston and the East Coast, before heading west to the bright lights of Los Angeles. Along the way, Melissa continued her search for love, falling into the typical lesbian "second-date/U-Haul" relationship trap. She entertained various women and relationships throughout the years that would fill her soul for the moment, yet left her empty when they simply couldn't give her enough. These heart-wrenching relationships led to passion-filled, gut-wrenching hits such as "Bring Me Some Water," "Like the Way I Do," "Don't You Need," "Similar Features," and the classic, "You Can Sleep While I Drive." A turning point in Melissa's life happened when she met Julie Cypher. At the time, Julie was married to actor, Lou Diamond Phillips. But Melissa was smitten, and evidently, so was Julie. Their flirtation on the set of Melissa's first music video continued throughout the months; Julie finally making the first physical overture with a kiss. The affair continued for months before Julie filed for divorce from Phillips, and fled to Melissa's arms. In the beginning, their relationship appears to have the glow most new relationships do. But eventually the shine wears off, and you read of many infidelities on Julie's part, her desire to control and manipulate Melissa to get what she wants, the birth of two children into a troubled relationship, and a growing sense of unhappiness in Melissa. The children appear to be the only bright spot in Melissa's life during this tumultuous relationship. Acknowledging their problems, the couple attempts counseling. The final revelation Julie shares with Melissa during a session is not only devastating to her as she hears it, but is devastating to the reader as well. You truly feel her pain upon hearing the declaration. Continuing towards the end of this painful relationship with Melissa, you get a sense of a troubled soul about to turn the page in her life. Her words gain strength with each passing page, and although she slips a few times, Melissa begins to find a new balance in her life, discovering herself in the process. The newfound self-confidence she feels in the last few chapters simply leap from the page, impressing the reader of the importance in finding one's place in life, knowing what it is you need and desire, and not settling for less. While many could say this is a "dirty laundry" book, Melissa is fair in her telling of the stories. She states, "What you are about to read is my perception of the events that have shaped my life, inspired my music, and brought me to a new understanding of myself and my life...people may disagree, and some may not like what I have to say, but I stand by my truth." She neither hides, nor apologizes, for sharing these intimate moments, and by doing so, conquers the demons of silence that have haunted her for so many years. The road to emotional health for Melissa was riddled with self-doubt, an unhealthy attraction to controlling, manipulative women, a desperate need to be loved, and other stumbling blocks, but in the end, she seems to find a peace and happiness within. As the book draws to a close, we find Melissa standing on the precipice of a new life as a single woman, continuing the role as mother to her beautiful children, preparing to launch a new album, "Skin," and a new world tour. By writing "The Truth Is..." Melissa Etheridge has once again written a missive guaranteed to touch a soul, just as her songs have for so many years. Maybe not with music we hear with our ears, but definitely feel with our heart.
Rating:  Summary: A must read for every Melissa Etheridge Fan Review: Her truth is fascinating. If you are a fan, you'll enjoy learning about the life of Melissa Etheridge. From her childhood memories and her dream to be a Rock n' Roll star to her life at forty and the reality of being a Rock n' Roll star, her story is captivating. (I could only disagree with "her truth" on one issue. She does not believe COME TO MY WINDOW is a love song and I believe it is. COME TO MY WINDOW was her "I'm willing to do whatever it takes to make this relationship work" song. If that's not love, I don't know what is.) The insight she provided on her inspiration to pen the lyrics to some of her songs was intriguing. I must admit that when I finished reading this book, I still wanted to know more. However, as a Melissa Etheridge fan, I must say THANK YOU! for sharing a part of your world with us! Come to my window - I'll open the door!
Rating:  Summary: Raw and Heartfelt Review: I picked this book up at a friends house. Once I started reading it, I couldn't put it down. This book was so from the heart. I found that my life so intertwined with Melissa's life. I cried throughout this book. I cried for her and I cried for myself. I cried because of issues that I still carry with me. I found this book to be healing. A very straight forward and heartful( your never alone) biography. Thank you Melissa for sharing yourself with us.
Rating:  Summary: For me, but maybe not for you. Review: The first matter of business here is the writing itself. Melissa Etheridge has never been hailed as a "great" writer as far as her lyrics are concerned. However, her writing is simple and to the point which many people, including myself, appreciate. In her first memoir, the writing comes across as if you were out having a drink with her and she was just telling you stories about her life, jumping from this to that with the minimum amount of fluidity. Trust me, this is not bad in this case. IF you are wondering why I give it four stars, it is simply because the book has touched me PERSONALLY. I emphasize that. I am not sure everyone will appreciate this story, but I sure did. I have been through many of the same trials that she has and it was comforting relating to her in that sense. I still think those of you who may not have experienced the same thing may benefit from the book simply for some light she spreads about love and intimacy. She did have help from her counselor, Lourie Morton, and it shows. After reding this, you will appreciate Melissa on a different level. She is not just a lesbian icon, but a human who has finally come into her own.
Rating:  Summary: So Honest It Hurts Review: I think that this book was not only insightful but well written. Melissa Etheridge is very candid in this book and I found it to be a real page turner. I read this book in 5 hours!
Rating:  Summary: Wow! Review: I could not put this book down! I read it in two sittings. I have always been a big fan of Melissa Etheridge, and never really knew what any of her songs were about, I just knew that I liked them and that they could be applied to my life. It's so awesome to know her inspirations. It's also cool to have an inside to who this mysterious rock and roll woman really is and what makes her tick. This book has definitely inspired me and I wish I could thank her for writing it!
Rating:  Summary: amazed again Review: a quick fluid read....i was finished in just a few short hours...it reminds us all that the everyday life of living is not easy on anyone...it also reminds us that on the outside we may seem fine but inside is a different story...M.E. has went through things that male & female couples go through...it just happens that her partner or partners were female...i especially enjoyed the thoughts she gave on the meanings to several of her songs...i wish there had been more...she is probably in the majority of those families that feel if you do not talk about "IT" that "IT" really did not happen...she is very honest and open...i strongly encourage any fan to take time to enjoy..thanks again Melissa Etheridge
Rating:  Summary: The whole truth Review: READ IT IF YOU DARE ...READ IT IF YOU CARE... READ IT IF YOU WANT TO LEARN A LITTLE BIT ABOUT MELISSA E. ... READ IT IF YOU WANT TO SEE HOW SHE LEARNED TO LET IT BE... FOR HERE IS JUST A GIRL AND HER WISDOM FOR THE WORLD TO SEE... AND IN HER OWN WORDS... "LET THE TRUTH BE FREE"!!!!!kathy daniel 2001 I just finished her new book that I bought on sunday...a total of 6 hrs to read cover to cover.....all I have to say is WOW!!! I expected nothing less from a lyricist, this is a great book I went through every emotion with her, and when I was finished I was drained...The crying house was a whopper and I cried my eyes out! That's all I will give away because it is so powerful! Read it soon !!!!
Rating:  Summary: Wrenching, gutsy and fair Review: So much of our communication are cliches. "All you need is love" How can you define love, solace and feelings conveying that hard thud you feel when there is a loss? Melissa creative drive --what she writes is from her heart -- a very wonderful place and Melissa doesn't write that makes me feel sorry for her. She shows me that being on top of your profession isn't everything. Melissa is a what you see is what you get kinda person. The Wrenching comes from feeling her hope for the life she wanted with Julie and the pain that it didn't happen. Apparently, she cares dearly about Julie, and loves her very much -- that comes out. My gut tells me that I don't think that part of the story is over. Melissa's story is about a girl who had a dream and went for it, and saw it come true. Her story, her life inspires me. I don't belong to Melissa's fan club but I could easily see calling her friend. Oh, I gave her three stars because I wanted more and wished that Laura Morton could have helped Melissa pull more out of her story.