Rating:  Summary: A Fine Examination of an "unmentionable" topic Review: Much to its credit, the New York Times did a very fair article about this book & Solomon Morel the most notorious culprit mentioned in it. I bought this book because of that article. Unfortunately, this book is misused by Holocaust revisionist kooks who want to derive the conclusion that all Jews are murderous killers. On the other side, some hysterical and high strung persons of prominenance in the Jewish community namely Danny Goldhagen and Elan Steinberg have shamefully abused the author for writing this book. So what about this book? It is thoughtful, well-researched, intelligent. Not only is this book depressing, but the fact that the state of Israel would give shelter, safe haven and excuses for the murderous Morel, protecting him from prosecution for his crimes against humanity - this is indeed the saddest thing of all. The second issue is why the likes of Mr. Steinberg feel so threatened by the topic of the abuse of the eastern Germans - 13 million of whom were ethnically cleansed in the most horrific conditions and 2 million of whom died through that abuse, disease and starvation and torture camps such as Mr. Morel's. Never again? It's happened already.
Rating:  Summary: Germans in Silesia Review: Several reviewers talk about Germans in Poland. This needs to be corrected. John Sack's book is about Germans living in Germany, in Silesia or Schlesien, which in the 20th century was turned into Poland. The majority of Silesians where imprisoned and/or killed during the expulsions of Germans (and ethnic Germans from other eastern European countries). The communist take-over of Eastern Germany and establishment of the Oder-Neisse line was done over several years (1945-1949) and repeatedly by military, para-military troops, thiefs and plunderers and nationalistic fanatics. This Oder-Neisse Line is the military conquest line, which put all German Land east of these rivers into Communist Soviet Union and Polish administration with the Potsdam Agreement. Faced with this fait acompli and wanting to gain Stalin at any price for the war in the Pacific, the Western Allies went along. Decades later this act of expulsions and take-over of lands would be repeated in the Balkans.
Rating:  Summary: Explains Recent Polish Anti-Semitism Review: Some circles constantly harp on Polish anti-Semitism without ever mentioning its true causes. Jack Sacks, a courageous American Jewish writer, tells the truth about extensive Jewish involvement in Communism, specifically in the Communist police. ...
Rating:  Summary: The other Holocaust Review: This book describes the atrocities that were perpetrated against the Germans living in Poland when the Soviet army "liberated" Poland. 1255 concentration camps were set-up resulting in the death of one and one half million Germans. At the end of this covert Holocaust, Poland was rid of all Germans. The persons who were involved in this crime never had to face justice.Some say we must never forget. In order to do that we must study all the holocausts, not just one. ...
Rating:  Summary: Fascinating read Review: This book is written with a good narrative style that makes it an easy read. But more importantly, the book reveals the truth in that no race or nation can lay claim to moral superiority over others. All races and nations include evil people who will do horrible things to others when given the chance. Perhaps the most poignant observation in the book came in one of the updates at the end, Sack reporting on a Holocaust Memorial service he attended with several of the death camp guards and commandants in New Jersey. He remarked that "Those who were saying 'Never Again' were the first ones to do it again." Interestingly, despite the horrible revelations of their activities, Sack tries to picture the Polish Jews who murdered innocent Germans as being more moral than the SS guards who killed Jews during WWII because they walked away from it after 6-12 months of carnage. Of course, this ignores the fact that an SS man quitting Auschwitz could look forward to a trip to the Eastern Front, while a Polish Jew quitting "The Office" could look forward to emigration to America or Israel. Perhaps if the Polish/Jewish guards and torturers would have had to face imminent death in combat, they would have chosen to remain in their positions. Additionally, "The Office" was starting to eat itself, turning on its own and imprisoning and torturing former guards and commandants, so the time to get out had certainly arrived.
Rating:  Summary: accuracy? to bad its not all true Review: THis book probably serves only two types of people. The anti-semite will enjoy this book so that he can say "see I knew those jews would have done the same to the germans, the germans were just pre-empting them". And it serves those thirsting for revenge(like Abba Kovner who wanted to poison the Germans waiting in the detention camps). Unfortunatly this book is of dubious accuracy. it claims that the russians used Jews to guard the millions of German prisoners they capture din Poland and used Jews to round up the Germans indigenous to Poland. What is true is that many German prisoners disappeared. it is true the russians killed as many Nazis as they could. it is true the Russians crushed the German community of Poland, uprooting many of them for slave labor and other things. Its dubious that the few jews still alive in Poland could have been enlisted in this effort. Most of the Jews left in Poland were immediatly subjected to progroms by the Poles and many fled to israel or fled west. The books account while sparcely accurate by no means constitute a Jewish holocaust against the germans, which is what the author tries to show. An interesting read. Maybe a forgotten part of history but probably just a creation of a vivid imagination, probably no one will ever know what happaned to the Germans of POland and the German POWs.
Rating:  Summary: accuracy? to bad its not all true Review: THis book probably serves only two types of people. The anti-semite will enjoy this book so that he can say "see I knew those jews would have done the same to the germans, the germans were just pre-empting them". And it serves those thirsting for revenge(like Abba Kovner who wanted to poison the Germans waiting in the detention camps). Unfortunatly this book is of dubious accuracy. it claims that the russians used Jews to guard the millions of German prisoners they capture din Poland and used Jews to round up the Germans indigenous to Poland. What is true is that many German prisoners disappeared. it is true the russians killed as many Nazis as they could. it is true the Russians crushed the German community of Poland, uprooting many of them for slave labor and other things. Its dubious that the few jews still alive in Poland could have been enlisted in this effort. Most of the Jews left in Poland were immediatly subjected to progroms by the Poles and many fled to israel or fled west. The books account while sparcely accurate by no means constitute a Jewish holocaust against the germans, which is what the author tries to show. An interesting read. Maybe a forgotten part of history but probably just a creation of a vivid imagination, probably no one will ever know what happaned to the Germans of POland and the German POWs.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent book that reveals unwelcome truths Review: This fantastic piece of investigative journalism brought howls of impotent rage against its author, a Jewish writer, who dared to discuss the Jewish revenge on the German and Polish civilians right after the end of WW2. One of these executioners, Shlomo Morel, still lives in peace in Israel despite the Polish government's efforts to have him extradited and tried for genocide. A must read for anybody who doesn't passively accept the whitewashed story of the 20th-century East European Jewry.
Rating:  Summary: Important and Groundbreaking Review: This is a great and grim masterpiece of investigative journalism, unmasking one of the most successful cover-ups in modern history.
Rating:  Summary: A very good book, with a few flaws Review: This is a well researched, well written, book, and a very compelling read. I won't reiterate what the other reviewers have said, but would like to point out a couple of biases in the book. By picking and choosing his subjects (a few out of thousands of possible candidates), as well as adding his own rhetorical slant, Sack turns the book into a story of Jewish redemption. Really, I think Zionists and Neonazis will come away with their own polar opposite reactons to this book no matter what, but this may affect the moderate reader (although I think the majority of it's readers come from either the far right or the far left). I would recommend "A Terrible Revenge" over this book if you want an introduction to the Expulsion, because it is unbiased, and because it covers the whole expulsion, not just the actions in Poland. Also, "A Terrible Revenge" does a great job explaining the social situation after WWI. This I found most interesting because most history books start WWII at Hitler's rise, but really the Germans had legitimate claims all over central europe. But keeping these things in mind, this book does add a great human touch and I highly recommend it.