Rating:  Summary: Finally, the truth.. Much more needs to be exposed. Review: I have lived in East Germany as a child in 1945 and was aware of the rabid brutality of the victors. Rapes, mass killings, and disrespect for basic human rights were a daily standard. - German misdeeds could not have been much worse. It does not surprise me that conditions behind the Oder-Neisse line was truly barbaric. John Sack has documented his sources with great thoroughness. I have no doubt that his description of the 1255 Concentration Camps in which thousands of innocent German civilians were murdered, differs little from those atrocities handed out by Eichmann, Mengele, and Heydrich. According to Sack, most of these camps were headed by Jewish administrators. Many are alive today in Israel and the USA.The Allies of WWII have conspired to cover up these atrocities in a big way. John Sack is a courageous and tenacious writer.
Rating:  Summary: Even handed account Review: I must admit that reading this book left me depressed many evenings. It brought to light the trauma that the holocaust survivors suffered and how some of them exacted their revenge on Germans, most innocent, when they got the chance. This book is not Anti-Jewish as many say it is. It just states the facts of what some Jews in power did during the end of the war. I had no idea that Stalin put so many Jews in power, but it does make sense, since they were free of any Polish nationalistic "anti-soviet" sentiments. Perfect material for the secret police. As I read the end of the book, I began to felt great. John Sack brought the humaneness of these people into perspective. Many repented what they had done and many still vow to the end that every German should be eradicated. But everything was put into a great perspective. A must read for everyone, not just those interested in history. As the author says - "that to hate your neighbors may or may not destroy them but it surely destroys yourself..." If only our world leaders would read this book, because many of today's conflicts would hopefully end.
Rating:  Summary: Serving truth and compassion. Review: I want to thank John Sack for his courage in researching this difficult topic. I have Jewish friends who admire John Sack as much as I do. I myself had an American mother and a German father and spent my childhood in Germany during the Second World War. Then I married a German whose father (who was not a Nazi) died in one of the Polish camps after the war under mysterious circumstances, simply because he lived in that area. John Sack's research helped many sorrowing families to find out what actually happened to their relatives. Millions of Germans still suffer guilt and sorrow for the holocaust but do not know how to express it because they were told over and over again that words can't express the dreadfulness of what their compatriots did. There are many memorials. There is a memorial march every year at Dachau. Children in Berlin made a wall of bricks with the names of all the Jews who lived in their neighbourhood. Teachers try to help children to come to terms with the terrible deeds of their grandparents. John Sack's book is a revelation in many ways. He understands the desire of a holocaust survivor for revenge, but it becomes evident that revenge will not heal the bruised, suffering human soul. Hatred creates more hatred. So we must know the facts in order that such things don't happen again.
Rating:  Summary: What's all the fuss about? Review: I'm surprised by controversy surrounding this book. The guy has done his research, and there is clearly a great deal of truth in his reporting. Indeed, I don't think that anybody denies the veracity of his reporting. The controversy seems to concern the propriety of publishing the book -- but how can anybody argue against publishing truth? I must be naive. The controversies all seem to arise from what people choose to read into the book, not what's actually there. This book doesn't claim that Jews were good guys, or that Jews were bad guys, or that Germans were good guys, or that Germans were bad guys. It is a story of people: people who suffered, people who died, people who murdered, people who survived. Some of those people were Jews; some were Germans. Readers who attempt to use this book to draw grand conclusions about the worthiness of one group of people or another group of people are misusing it as a vehicle for their own preconceptions. Indeed, my most severe criticism of this praiseworthy book is that, in one regard, it attempts to draw a grand conclusion. The author describes it as a story of "Jewish revenge and Jewish redemption". Unfortunately, his documentation on the matter of redemption is scanty. His protagonist, Lola, is his primary source for her own change of heart, and the behavioral changes he describes are corroborated only by her subordinates -- who are just as motivated to paint an ugly past in rosy colors. There is one German listed as a source for one behavioral manifestation of her change of heart. That one person provides the only independent substantiation of the claim of redemption that Sack provides. That's pretty thin documentation for a point that Sack makes so much of. My second criticism is that the book is poorly edited. Much to my confusion, Sack uses the word "boy" to refer to any male under 30 years old. His sentence structures are often undecipherable. Here's an example: "That night, Lola gave Pincus a welcome-to-Poland dinner, but to her his story was mumbo-jumbo: was Hebrew." He uses the phrase "one thousand" where I would use "a thousand" or "hundreds" or just "many". The phrasing, likely a Polish or Yiddish term, reads badly in English. I must emphasize, however, that these criticisms pale in comparison to my praise for this book. Sack's research is meticulous and thorough, and he presents the story in truly gripping fashion. I especially applaud the courage it took to write and publish this book.
Rating:  Summary: You don't have to deny hate? Review: If you buy into this book all the victims would or could have been perpetrators. Doesn't happen that way in real life. There were those who helped or rescued others and those who were extremists and a lot of others caught in between--though they too had choices but were too conforming to the culture. Apologists for genocide and those who point to the few victims that acted as horrific as the perpetrators are lost to the fairy tales of hate.
Rating:  Summary: GUTS AND COMPASSION Review: It takes guts to research and write a book like this. From a personal perpective, it is a fascinating journey into the dark side of the human condition that recalls Rosseau's perception about "homo homini lupus". A gruesome and detailed account of an individual's motivations (Lola Potok) to participate in the ethnic cleansing of the Eastern Germans in Poland at the end of WWII. From a historical stand point, a revelation about a long hidden and obscured fact. The revenge jews took upon innocent German civilians, women and children in that context explains fully why there is and there will be not one Holocaust, the Nazi's, but many as long as people is moved by fanatism and hatred. The propaganda exploitation of "the Holocaust" by the Zionists to further the establishment of the State of Israel has called for the silencing of this and other incidences of atrocities and violations of human rigths by fanatical or fundamentalists. A must in order to put in historic perspective the treatment that the Hassidic movement's doctrine reserves for the palestinians, gentiles and other categories that interfere with the achievement of their totalitarian theocratic vision of the State of Israel. This book is also a tribute to the courage of its author, and the integrity of a man that by an act of compassion seeks to break the circle of violence putting forward historical facts, notwithstanding persecution by fanatical zionists and the efforts to silence his work by the publishing establishment. A MUST BUY !!!
Rating:  Summary: Important under reported documentation Review: John Sack has done the truth-loving community a great favor by publishing this thoroughly researched book. It deals with the manner of how the transition from German to Polish rule was effected in the areas ceded to Poland by the Allies. It is well known that Hitler had started "ethnic cleansing" of Poles from the "Warthegau" (areas annexed after the Poish campaign in 1939) and one can hardly wonder that the Poles most heartily reciprocated after Hitler's defeat. In view of the abundance of books about the Holocaust it is to Mr. Sack's credit to have shown to the world that Germans were also victims of Polish and Jewish revenge, when the opportunity arose. No past history of misdeeds was necessary, that they had been born of German parents sufficed. The fact that the author had to overcome a highly effective censorship before he was able to get the book published bodes ill for our society, which is so fond of its purported "freedom of speech." I am convinced that if Mr. Sack had not been Jewish the book would, in all probability, never have seen the light of day. If it had been self-published it would probably never have been reviewed and relegated to obscurity in spite of its intrinsic value. That Jews were in leading positions in the Polish State Security Office immediately after the war and that a number of them conducted themselves in an inhuman manner should surprise no one, unless one believes that Jews have transcended the bounds of the human race and joined the realm of the good angels. When it comes to war the worst of human instincts are released on both sides of the front. It needs to be remembered also that only the armies had stopped shooting on VE day while private wars, due to accumulated hatred by the oppressed, had continued for some time thereafter. In order to avoid another Holocaust we have to deal with the basic human phenomenon of hate, which cannot be legislated out of existence. Moralising will not do either. The roots of conflict must be exposed and intelligently dealt with by considering the grievances of both sides. This Mr. Sack has done in an admirable manner and An Eye For An Eye should be used in Holocaust education courses to show the universality of evil.
Rating:  Summary: A horrible truth pushed off to the side disrespectfuly Review: John Sack is a brave man (this must be pointed out - he deserves credit) John Sack is a Jew (this is pointed out by him - why do some claim he is "anti-Semitic"? ) How can facts be "anti-Semitic"? I know this must hurt him. I say don't shoot the messenger! Mr. Sack reveals the threats against him by those that did not want him to write this book. He fearlessly explored these terrible crimes against humanity. He reveals how the crime is ongoing because we all know this is a "no-no" subject and those that can have used there power to keep this book from being the blockbuster it should be in America. You need to read this book if you want to know the WHOLE story about the Holocaust. (not the edited version sold to the American public) Buy this book while you can - it may very well go "out of print" - Mr. Sack has told his web site readers that his books have been destroyed in the past. Jews teamed up with communists and systematicaly killing ten of thousands of Germans is something we are not to know about. The history he sheds light on is one that is being suppressed - it cannot be argued otherwise. I say you don't have to be in the dark - don't let the censors win - read it and know.
Rating:  Summary: A horrible truth pushed off to the side disrespectfuly Review: John Sack is a brave man (this must be pointed out - he deserves credit) John Sack is a Jew (this is pointed out by him - why do some claim he is "anti-Semitic"? ) How can facts be "anti-Semitic"? I know this must hurt him. I say don't shoot the messenger! Mr. Sack reveals the threats against him by those that did not want him to write this book. He fearlessly explored these terrible crimes against humanity. He reveals how the crime is ongoing because we all know this is a "no-no" subject and those that can have used there power to keep this book from being the blockbuster it should be in America. You need to read this book if you want to know the WHOLE story about the Holocaust. (not the edited version sold to the American public) Buy this book while you can - it may very well go "out of print" - Mr. Sack has told his web site readers that his books have been destroyed in the past. Jews teamed up with communists and systematicaly killing ten of thousands of Germans is something we are not to know about. The history he sheds light on is one that is being suppressed - it cannot be argued otherwise. I say you don't have to be in the dark - don't let the censors win - read it and know.
Rating:  Summary: Hidden truth Review: John Sack's thoroughly documented and carefully researched book tells the long censored truth about the Holocaust in 1945 in Western Poland. The thoughtful American or British reader will finish the book with horrible questions about the reliability of what we have been taught to believe is the truth, for the efforts to censor this book and keep it out of the mainstream bookstores demonstrate that we are fed a historical view that subordinates truth to certain political interests. As Jefferson Airplane said, "Everything you know is wrong!" Despite the brilliance of Sack's journalism, however, he fails as a moralist. (See H. Jonat Hecht's review below.) Sack bends over backward to excuse the Holocaust in which one and one half million ethnic Germans perished in the concentration camps by calling it revenge for the Nazi Holocaust. But revenge is something one takes against somebody who has done one harm. The German victims of the Jewish Holocaust, like the Jewish victims of the Nazi Holocaust, were innocent civilians, including children and babies, as Sack demonstrates. By implying that the murderers of these German civilians should be excused because of what the Nazi government did to European Jews is to accept the same reasoning by which the Nazis rationalized their racist murders. It repudiates the dignity of the human individual. The world needs to know the facts Sack discloses but there is little hope for humanity if we accept his practice of generalizing the guilt or impunity of mass murderers based on nothing more than their ethnicity and the ethnicity of their victims. It is the same form of superstition that proclaims an Aryan "master race" or a Jewish "chosen people." It is precisely the condemnation of people solely on account of their ethnicity, disregarding their individuality, that produced the Nazi and the Jewish Holocausts, and it is unfortunate that Sack did not recognize the horrors implicit in the very form of such social analysis.