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84 Charing Cross Road

84 Charing Cross Road

List Price: $12.00
Your Price: $9.00
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The best book I have read in years
Review: Charming. Moving. Amazing. This is one of the best books I have read in years. Brought tears of joy to my eyes more than once as I read it (on the plane). Its a quick read, but captivating and fun. Humerous, lovable, interesting and a wonderful reflection on human nature, how different people see things differently, how different people 'connect' with different things and people....

Great book.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: What a gem of a book!
Review: My friend introduced me to the writings of Helene Hanff and I will always be grateful to her. This is a beautiful true story that will have you absorbed right from the start. It will leave you wanting more. Thankfully, The Duchess of Bloomsbury Street is a wonderful sequel. Don't pass this by.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: 84 Charring Cross@Helene.com/the year 2000
Review: Written half a century ago, Helene Hanff's book harks back but also hurdles forward as e-mail replaces the commom "snail mail" of her day. As technology advances, we now have the power to relate to people not only in England, everywhere! If Helene was still with us, i bet she would save all her pennies to get the fastest access to the internet! this quaint, and irreplaceable book teaches the simple art of communication through writing. in fact, in today's brave new world of internet correspondence, how few of us really know how to reach across miles of wires and truly make a friend across a continent? i recommend this little gem to anyone who hasn't read it!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: a quaint joyful read
Review: Reading 84 Charing Cross Road, after a gap of 25 years was like having never read it before. I was totally absorbed from the first word. Helene conveyed the wonderful appreciation of her friends (the books) to anyone who read 84. This was the most uplifting read I have had in many a year. I would hope to meet a "Frank" just as she had, who was a warm caring man, with an appreciation of good literature and fine old books. Now I have to have this book in hardcover format so that it may withstand the passage of time and the many readings it will receive. Thank you Helene for the pleasure your story gave me and millions of other readers.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Sweet, in the best sense of the word
Review: A sweet, touching book of an exchange of letters between an broke but erudite New York writer and an antiquarian book dealer in London. Not in the least gimmicky for its letter-to-letter format, which goes to show it's the real thing. A lovely movie also.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A true gem--a must for any book lover.
Review: There's not enough I can say about this book. You can read it in one sitting, but you find yourself coming back to it over and over again. Do yourself a great favor and get this book--and get it in hardcover because you will wear the paperback out in no time!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: This book is beautiful
Review: This book is very touching, because it truly displays the feelings and insights of people in the form of letters, at first business letters and then, over the years, personal letters. The kindness of the British bookshop, and the wit and gratitude of the American "starving artist" are pleasant. Letters connect worlds. I'm 13, and found it interesting and not at all corny. It's true. Too bad the bookstore no longer exists, because it held so many memories.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Break out the hankies...but prepare to hold your sides, too!
Review: A gem of a book, this is one to keep...but to pass along,too. A true story that strikes a nodding-your-head-along-with-the-writer chord, then hits you square in the heart. For those who- like myself- are part of the dying breed of letter writers, this book does double duty: as a how-to fascinate on paper, and also as a companionable example of how the written word can move mountains. I have been known to dole this one out to particularly deserving souls. Who then become devotees. Read it, read it, read it!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: letters make quick but powerful story of human relationships
Review: March 8, 1999

This is a true story--that's always a plus for me--about correspondence between a New York booklover/writer and the staff of a used and antiquarian book shop in London. These business correspondents evolve over the years into members of a kind of extended family.

The book is rather amazing because it is a quick read yet packs a powerful emotional wallop. To enjoy this book, you have to be open to books that explore compassion, emotions, and human relationships in a non-glossy, realistic manner.

Normally, I'm a one-read guy. I read a book and pass it on. Yet, I've read 84 Charing Cross Road three times -- so far -- in spite of seeing the movie version three times as well.

I'd place 84 Charing Cross Road among my top five favorite books.


Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Heartwarming!
Review: This delightful book was recommended to me by a friend. I was working in a library at the time and found it and read it only to want to read more by the author which I did. My daughter was living in London at the time I read it and I was so anxious for her to go and find the old bookstore which she never did.I can only imagine how wonderful it was for Frank and Helen to have one another to write to all those years-so very romantic. I highly recommend this to anyone who is a romantic!

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