Rating:  Summary: Basis for impeachment. Review: Ambrose Evans-Pritchard has let it all hang out as far as exposing Bill Clinton and his coterie of amoral elites. Probably the most damning part of the book is the compelling evidence presented by Evans-Pritchard that the federal government was complicit in and has tried to cover-up crucial aspects of the Oklahoma City bombing. Sad to say, much of his information came as a result of investigative reporting done by The New American magazine over the past two and one-half years. He does not give the publication any credit.
Rating:  Summary: A must read for all citizens... Review: Ambrose Evans-Pritchard provides a well documented, and well evidenced view of the current presidential administration. Being a "Brit", he shows no partiality to any US political party, nor to the US media. That is what makes the book so great. We are finally given a look at a great deal of material that the popular media, and the Clinton Administration have been hiding. The truth about the OK City bombing, Vince Foster's death, and the motivations and background of the "Arkansas Group". Like many other authors, Evans-Pritchard has his own opinions about American politics, but it is clear that this does not affect his work. He presents evidence, not feelings or hearsay. He pulls together all of the hidden and distorted pieces, and presents a picture of the current Clinton Administration that is disturbing and angering to say the least. Don't hide your head in the sand, and don't allow the government friendly, popular media to feed you their continuous stream of half-truths and misinformation. Look for the truth about our current administration, and the current state of American Government, and start with this book.
Rating:  Summary: It's obvious the Friends of Bill are frightened by this book Review: Whenever folks start crying,"Foul!" we should all look long and hard at what's bothering them so. The truth hurts much more than "conspiracy theories" and the cries have started, as well as the smearing, right here in the reviews. Evans-Pritchard lays out a well-documented, well-attributed laundry list of crimes committed by and for Bill Clinton and his various administrations. The book never contends that bombing Ok City was Clinton's idea; it never even says that covering up the alleged bungled sting was his idea, but, as president, Clinton is responsible for the actions of Federal law enforcement officials. This book will, at least, make you think differently about some of the things our mainstream media has said concerning these events. I think we will hear many more cries of, "Foul!" from the Left.
Rating:  Summary: Dirty Dealings in Southern Politics Review: After reading "The Secret Life Of Bill Clinton" by Ambrose Evans-Pritchard I will never look at politics in the South the same way again. I will most certainly never view our Justice Department with unquestioning faith now that I have read about a few of their activities in this book. The information presented is clear and easily understood, without the usual media spin-doctors telling us how they'd like us to interpet it. There were so many questions regarding the death of Vincent Foster that the mainstream media never answered. This book deals openly with them all. And with Terry Nichols on trial as I write, the section dealing with the Oklahoma City bombing was absolutely fascinating. Nothing I have read or seen in the media provided any useful information at all about Timothy McVeigh or Oklahoma City compared to the information found here. All the information about the politics in Arkansas was both useful and frightening. I will never again walk the streets of Hot Springs, Arkansas with a feeling of security. The Dixie Mafia's political "Machine" is still alive and well there and this book provides names of some of it's key figures, many of whom appear in the Arkansas paper on a regular basis. Anyone living in the South absolutely must read this book. Anyone concerned about the United States of America must read this book. It is more than an expose of the Clintons. It is an expose of a corrupt political system and an incestuous Washington, D.C. that cares more about having a good time and looking good than it does about results. This book is a must read.
Rating:  Summary: What a McGovernite Liberal is Really Like Review: Evans-Pritchard reveals what America gets when it elects a new age liberal. Bill Clinton a "new democrat"? Yes, if you mean New Left.
This Clinton is a man who served under the segregationist and anti-Vietnam war senator Fulbright.
Evans-Pritchard takes you behind the sanitized snapshots. What you see is at least a third of the American voting populace who does not mind Clinton's Arkansas corruption and subsequent White House coverup. "They all do it," was the Clinton defense.
Most reporters were too cowardly to investigate the suspicious activities at Mena, Arkansas airport, or the bumbling of Clinton's handpicked stooges in the Justics Department, and the subversion of the FBI's handling of the Oklahoma City bombing.
Before the dead kids bodies in the Murrah Building were even cold, Clinton blamed conservative talk radio for creating the climate that led to the bombing. That is what a real liberal does.
In retrospect, it now becomes clear why James Carville became Clinton's most staunch defender. To paraphrase a threat from Carville, "Ken Starr is one step away from having his kneecaps busted." THAT IS THE REAL BILL CLINTON, not the easy-going good-time charlie playing the sax on TV.
Bill Clinton was a Rhodes scholar . . . with extremely poor judgment. Crafty? Yes. Wise, like Reagan? Hell No.
Rating:  Summary: A must-read to any American citizen... Review: I purchased this book after hearing review after review of it from my family members. Needless to say, they were right - this book is an absolute bombshell of information that pinpoints most, if not all of the ethical and legal faux pas raised by the Clinton Administration and the organizations under that regime. Some of the highlights include how the FBI blundered Waco, how the Murrah building was most definately more than a one-person job (but was apparently ordered not to investigate it as such), how Clinton was dealing in cocaine trafficking and how the Clintons managed to cover all of this up with the help of the liberal media.... Ambrose Evans-Pritchard documents everything he asserts based on facts of witness testimony, comparing FBI affadavits, and other documents related to these cases. If there is any flaw with the book is that Pritchard couldn't 100% tie all of the incidents to Clinton, though 95% of the crimes mentioned in the book can be easily seen how they tie to Clinton or to someone high up in the Clinton administration. I reiterate - this book is a must-read to anyone who is sick and tired of hearing how great the Clinton Administration is, and should be read by those people who continue to profess how wonderful Clinton was.
Rating:  Summary: Just finished reading this book for the second time -- Review: and it still scares me to death. How did we manage to survive eight years of Bill and Hillary Clinton? I can only reason that it is the greatness of this country. Maybe one day justice will be meted out properly, and Mr. and Mrs. Clinton will pay for their crimes!! The section on Vince Foster alone is worth the price of the book.
Rating:  Summary: The Secret Life of Bill Clinton: The Unreported Stories Review: I lived a portion of this story with Ambrose. From the trip to the terrorist training camp, called Elohim City, to the search for John Doe #2, to the criminal trial of Carol Howe, Ambrose exhibited the bravery and determination that a great investigative reporter must posses. And to top it all off, he is every bit a fine gentlemen. Certainly, we'll see much more from him in the future. JD CASH