Rating:  Summary: Amazing! Digs up the dirt! Review: I had no idea how corrupt Bill Clinton was and is until reading this book. His abuses of power while governor and president made me sick to my stomach. His wife, Hillary Clinton, is no saint either. Evans-Pritchard gives us a gloomy picture of how warped and twisted the government of the US has become during the last decade, and he does it by keeping us turning page after absorbing page. I received the book in the mail last night, and I finished it today. A very revealing insight into the politics that now constitute the White House.
Rating:  Summary: Plucky Brit rips lid off of conspiracy-and no one cares Review: When I picked up Pritchard's book, I expected the usual right-wing pastiche of innuendo and speculation. How pleasant to be proven wrong! Far from being a political diatribe, "Secret Life..." is an in-depth expose' of some of the nastiest secrets our shadow government currently holds (or did). Taking its information from news stories, personal interviews and all manner of legal and governmental documents, this book delves where others dare not and demands consideration of the information within. The one problem is that the first 1/3 of the book concerns the Oklahoma bombing and various agencies' attempts to distort and conceal the facts concerning their involvement in and foreknowledge of the event rather than focusing on whatever involvement Bill Clinton may have had (which seems minimal, if only in this instance). Nevertheless, this book is an invaluable source of information for the student of modern government and/or conspiracy.
Rating:  Summary: Use as toilet paper Review: I was so sorry I read this book. It seems a sure way to make quick cash these days is to write some anti-Clinton garbage. There is a ready market of white trash out there who eat this stuff up. Seen any Black Helicoptors lately, Gary?
Rating:  Summary: Incredible Review: Easily one of the best books regarding politics I have ever read. Better than a spy novel, it is true to life. Evans-Pritchard provides details into the Oklahoma City Bombing, Vince Foster, Travelgate, and the Troopergate Scandals as well as extensive evidence on Mena. A must read!!!!
Rating:  Summary: Disturbing ... frightening even ... Review: The uncovered world of hardly-reported stories about the American government at work would be beyond belief were it for for Evans-Pritchard's well-presented references and factual backup. It is, almost, made even more disturbing by his modest style - all conclusions jumped to are clearly signposted by him, always the benefit of the doubt is allowed to the malefactor until that benefit becomes strained beyond belief. It makes me wonder how much more dreadful stuff actually went on that Evans-Pritchard dismissed because he had insufficient proof.It is not just Clinton whose hands are dirty with these revelations but the whole American government, judiciary, journalistic elite - all of whom if they did not actively connive in massive breaches of the law, at least turned their backs and refused their duty to investigate it. Clearly the whole Starr investigation into Clinton is a sham. Starr is part of the machine: he will produce a thin, feeble report, and Congress (both sides) will vote that there's nothing to pursue. Or maybe that Clinton should not have fooled around with interns - the most minor of his sins. Everyone's implicated, everyon'es each other's judge and jury, so everyone will get away with it. In America, money is all. All elected offices are there to be bought. Only the rich can get there. No wonder American elections attract voter levels falling below 50%.
Rating:  Summary: SHOCKING!! BUT WELL DOCUMENTED! EVERY ONE NEEDS TO KNOW! Review: I picked this book thinking I needed a good X rated book to keep me occupied while I took my first air flight. This book is not just sexy reading it comes right out with heavy facts and then continues to back up every thing that he says. It isn't a easy reading but every American needs to read this book!! I believe the T.V. news has not been able to tell us the whole truth and the news we get is very slanted. If you hear what the Presidents men say over and over: after a while you can even believe that he is an inocent man. This is not written by a republican but by a independent author who no longer dares to live in the U.S. The other way to get the real news is to listen to TALK RADIO AM. Radio like RADIO FREE DC. Read this book to know and understand what is going on. It scares me to know that this man has put these people in public offices and has changed the whole F.B.I. one by one the same way he did the travel office. MICHIGAN
Rating:  Summary: IT MAKES YOU THINK ! SHOCKING ! NOT JUST SEX ! Review: This book is not the easiest reading since he has packed every page with information and backs each up with sorces and copys of real documents. He has given you the facts and is letting you make you own mind up what really happened. It is so unlike the T.V. news that is many times only part truths and is ofter very slanted to their own opinion. Every one needs to read this book. America needs more authors who are not afraid to lose their and their contacts if they write the truth. !
Rating:  Summary: Why some people don't want you to read this book... Review: A friend had brought the book to work, and I picked it up and started reading it to see if what I'd heard about Evans-Pritchard was true: that he's a journalist extraordinaire. Apparently he is. Before I gave the book back to my friend, I'd read the first 100 pages or so. I bought the book the next day (unfortunately, I didn't know about Amazon.com and paid more than I should have). The book is so interesting and well-documented, the only attacks Clinton's defenders can muster are the usual ad hominems, the illogical "That's old news" defense (as if events are somehow cleansed of outrage because more than one person reports them), and the catch-all mojo which is universally waved by people who can't defend something with reason, "It's just another conspiracy nut raving; don't bother to read it." The reason certain people don't want you to read this book is that it threatens their own image as well as their "friend in high places". If their choice of President turns out to be what Evans-Pritchard hints at, then all those who've elected and defended him turn out to be less-than-perspicacious, to put it tactfully. Buy the book. If you're hesitant, go to the library and start reading it. I guarantee you'll want a copy if you do.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent, well argued book. Review: A very interesting book that should be read by all Americans. It is written by a highly respected UK journalist who worked in the US. It will be very difficult to dismiss this work as some part of a "vast rightwing conspiracy". The arguments are well presented and argued. If half of the material is true, the US is in serious trouble.
Rating:  Summary: profound and devastating Review: This blistering critique of the policies and personalities of what is transparently the single most malignantly and viciously corrupt criminal/political dreadnaught since the Kennedy dynasty should be required reading by serious journalists, historians and political scientists. Neo-Stalinists, radical lesbians, post-modern deconstructionists and assorted apparatcheks who looked to Wm J. Clinton to march every American citizen into a new 'worker's paradise' will have much to answer for as future scholars debate the results of personal/political irresponsibility combined with abject contempt for those governed carried to the heart of the capitol. Evans-Pritchard paints a grotesque circular image of a president consumed by his own appetites; a 'garden of earthly delights' where Hillary Clinton smiles beatifically over a White House hell filled with every conceivable vice and perversion. Evans-Pritchard painstakingly documents the multiple murders, wholesale narcotics distribution as well as the cynical and cruel manipulations of law enforcement agencies all employed exclusively for the Clintons' carnal pleasure and consolidation of power. Evans-Prichard has written a well reasoned, throughly researched Decline of Western Civilization for American politics in the late 20th century.