Rating:  Summary: What a stench! Review: Hey Democrats: I read this book for one reason: To know how/what the enemy thinks. But this is nothing new, just a lukewarm rehash of conspiracy theories. Think what will happen if a repub is elected in 2000: The enemployment rate will skyrocket, because all the commentators, authors, publishers, radio hosts, etc who make their living whining and puling about Clinton will be out of business. Also, all those who live for listening to groaning and bellyaching about Clinton will suddenly have to get lives! But relax, this election season will be fun. Watch the GOP splinter into 3-4 differing factions, each with no agenda except to see who can whine about Clinton the loudest. Thank you Bob Smith! Also regarding this book, any rightwing author knows the adage: If you can't dazzle them with brillance, baffle them with bull." This means they make the pretense of scholarship by putting in lots of footnotes and references, so the RW parrots can leap up and down yelling "It's documented! It's documented!"
Rating:  Summary: OUTSTANDING Review: Easily one of the best books detailing the "Vast Left-Wing Conspiracy" that brought Clinton to power, and the history behind the fear that keeps him there. A must read for anyone.
Rating:  Summary: Lies, smears, and total fiction. Review: A disgusting horrible book. Sensationalism at it's very worst. This entire book attempts to link Clinton with the Oklahoma bombing, Waco, Foster's death, drug running in America, and the decline of everything good in America. Few facts, many incredible theories floated by "confidential" informants. This incredible piece of propaganda is a complete waste of time and money.
Rating:  Summary: Chilling expose' validates James Norman's theory. Must read! Review: Ambrose may have changed the history of the U.S. He was the first to publish the fact that the FBI falsely reported Patrick Knowlton's version of events at Fort Marcy Park on 7/20/93. That led to the FBI's campaign to "flip" Patrick's story (which totally destroys, and makes impossible, the official time-line/conclusion). Their attempt to convince Patrick to change his account having failed, the FBI tried intimidation and character assassination. That led to a civil rights violation law suit and this history-changing court order: the three judge panel that appointed Starr has ordered Starr to attach, as an appendix to his report on Foster's death, a 20 page report prepared by Patrick and his attorney, John Clarke. Starr,hand-picked as a "fire-wall"(per Norman),was furious. The book should galvanize all readers into an in-depth investigation of all "official" reports.
Rating:  Summary: Surprisingly literate and fair minded. Review: A credible review of Bill Clinton's political and ethical neighborhood. Wonderfully articulate and humorous, the book performs an adroit end run around the US media. Eventually many of these truths will trickle into the mainstream. For now, though, reading this book reveals why the truth remains so well concealed.
Rating:  Summary: Astounding documentary Review: Eloquent, FACT-based (unfortunately for the left) book that finally brings the pieces together. If you care an ounce about the future of your country, read this book, cover to cover. I've never seen a better documented book--including numerous textbooks. Almost completely devoid of opinion, and overflowing with devastating facts on the behavior of Clinton, this is a must read. Please contact me if your opinion differs, I'd love to meet someone from that 73% (yeah, right) who approve of the way he's doing his job.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent book documenting scandal surrounding Bill Clinton Review: A well written expose of the many scandals surrounding the Clinton administration. Many on this review forum have complained that these "stories" have appeared elsewhere. Fact is none of them have appeared in any great detail in the mainstream press. The Oklahoma City bombing cover up has been helped right along by the mainstream press. In fact, it was The New American magazine that broke open the story regarding the cover up in Oklahoma City by federal and state officials.The mainstream press has not wanted to touch or deal with the Vince Foster affair, drug dealing in Arkansas under Clinton's eye, etc, etc. An excellent read for anyone looking for more depth regarding the Clinton scandals than what you'll find in Time, Newsweek, or the New York Times.
Rating:  Summary: Wonderful writing, devestating stories Review: That AE-P is a fine writer is immediately apparent to any discerning reader. That he is a meticulous reporter is also apparent in the careful choice of words he uses. Everything A E-P writes about has been written -- somewhere -- by someone in the maintstream media, at some point. For example, there was superficial coverage of Carol Howe's trial, but, apparently, it was unworthy of serious media attention. Less than a month after the bombing, Newsweek Magazine published an "exclusive" from an FBI source that the FBI knew who the culprits were -- the Elohim City gang. That story was picked up and ran coast to coast by Associated Press. It ran on the front page of the Boston Herald, at the time. Not a single media outlet ever wrote another word about Elohim City. Not another word. Newsweek Magazine won't discuss its coverage, or who the reporter was with the "exclusive." It's reminiscent of the bombshell that the Foster "suicide" note was a forgery, pronounced so by the people who are probably the world's foremost authorities. Ran one day, but "forgery in the White House" was not worth a follow-up. Even the Wall Street Journal felt that those credentialed individuals somehow were not "credible." The American media establishment is not free, or, if it is, it has chosen to abandon its role as seekers of truth. The truth can be rooted out -- and confirmed by independent information, fitted together like a puzzle -- but it requires more work than most people are prepared to do. That is to their detriment. I find the "negative" reviews of A E-P's book interesting and I wonder if they are real. This book is more terrifying and compelling than any fiction I can imagine. After you finish the book, please pass it to a friend. The more of us who "know"...
Rating:  Summary: It is not "unreported stories" of Clinton. Most has reported Review: The subtitle of this book is "The unreported stories" of Bill Clinton. The first 108 pages deal with the Oklahoma City bombing, essentially unrelated to Clinton. The next 122 pages deal with the Vince Foster investigation - all reported by other authors and in the press. The rest of the book covers various Arkansas characters, also pretty well covered elsewhere. There is a little about Paula Jones. In conclusion, this book is a rehash of information covered elsewhere.
Rating:  Summary: One Starr is more like it! Review: More fodder for the drivel-hungry jealous right... and how much more credible that this pompous tome issues forth from a supposedly unbiased, objective observer of the American political scene. Hardly. The agenda of Ambrose Evans-Pritchard is only too obvious. And its colour is green. If ever there was a personal retirement savings scheme disguised as 'non-fiction', this surely is it. A disorderly collection of rumours, half-truthes and completely fantastical flights of evil imagination, The Secret Life of Bill Clinton is a cynical attempt to mine the gullible at the expense of truth. Please America. You have a deeply flawed, yet remarkably effective President. Slap his hand for his personal behaviour if you must, but leave his ultimate judgement to posterity. And start worrying about things that really matter.