Rating:  Summary: Volatile Accusations Review: I have to admit that I'm no friend of Bill Clinton. Although I voted for him in 1996, I've since had a sea change in attitude towards Mr. Clinton. Even with my new attitude, I've avoided reading the slew of books that have made serious charges against Bill and Hillary, mainly due to a lingering liberal sentiment that these accusations just can't be true. With Bill almost out of office, I decided to read a few of these accounts. This book, by British journalist Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, levels devastating accusations against the first couple. Bill Clinton is linked to the Oklahoma City bombing, the death of Vince Foster, and drug trafficking.Even though I despise Bill and Hillary, I'm leery of some of the charges made against them in this book. The first section of the book takes an in-depth look at the Oklahoma bombing. Evans-Pritchard blames the American far right, placing his focus on Elohim City, a Christian Identity compound in Oklahoma. He also uses evidence from ATF informant Carol Howe, who lays the blame for the bombing on several people, none of whom are Tim McVeigh. The FBI, for whatever reason, obsfucated the evidence and testimony so that the other people involved in the bombing would never be brought to justice. I can't really see how this can be linked to Clinton. The president simply can't be involved with every covert investigative action that the government takes. Evans-Pritchard seems to blame Clinton for creating a culture in which this kind of behavior (FBI tampering with evidence) is not only allowed, but condoned, and with that I would agree. But to try and tie Clinton in a more direct manner is impossible. Of much more concern is the weird case of Deputy White House Counsel Vincent Foster. Foster, a childhood friend of Bill and co-worker at the Rose law firm with Hillary, was found dead in Fort Marcy park in 1993. The evidence laid out in the book will chill your blood. I was so astonished at the overwhelming evidence of foul play, that every time I turn on the T.V., I can't believe the news media isn't talking about it. The amount of eyewitness testimony, as well as intimadation of these same witnesses, should be raising serious questions about this case. Evans-Pritchard also shows how our news media is absolutely worthless when it comes to investigating anything about Bill Clinton. I'm pretty sure we can expect the same treatment of Senator Hillary Clinton. The final indictment that is laid at Clinton's feet involves the Mena drug trafficking operation. Evans-Pritchard tries to tie Clinton into the Iran-Contra affair of the Reagan/Bush regimes. He's on tenuous ground with this one. It is well known that the Iran-Contra arms deals were part of Reagan's administration. Bill Clinton was governor of Arkansas at the time, but it is a far stretch to tie Clinton into the scandal. I think we need to be careful anytime there are investigations into the shadowy world of intelligence/undercover operations. There are too many lies and layers of lies involved. I'm not saying that these incidents should never be investigated, but journalists, like Evans-Pritchard, should be very careful about making concrete conclusions from his findings. Overall, an excellent book. I'd definitely want Ambrose on my side if I were in any kind of trouble. I trust his instincts, and most of his allegations smack of the truth. I'll bet Bill Clinton absolutely hates this guy!
Rating:  Summary: The Secret Life of Bill Clinton: The Unreported Stories Review: I lived a portion of this story with Ambrose. From the trip to the terrorist training camp, called Elohim City, to the search for John Doe #2, to the criminal trial of Carol Howe, Ambrose exhibited the bravery and determination that a great investigative reporter must posses. And to top it all off, he is every bit a fine gentlemen. Certainly, we'll see much more from him in the future. JD CASH
Rating:  Summary: A must read for all citizens... Review: Ambrose Evans-Pritchard provides a well documented, and well evidenced view of the current presidential administration. Being a "Brit", he shows no partiality to any US political party, nor to the US media. That is what makes the book so great. We are finally given a look at a great deal of material that the popular media, and the Clinton Administration have been hiding. The truth about the OK City bombing, Vince Foster's death, and the motivations and background of the "Arkansas Group". Like many other authors, Evans-Pritchard has his own opinions about American politics, but it is clear that this does not affect his work. He presents evidence, not feelings or hearsay. He pulls together all of the hidden and distorted pieces, and presents a picture of the current Clinton Administration that is disturbing and angering to say the least. Don't hide your head in the sand, and don't allow the government friendly, popular media to feed you their continuous stream of half-truths and misinformation. Look for the truth about our current administration, and the current state of American Government, and start with this book.
Rating:  Summary: Difficult, Difficult Reading Review: I had a frightening experience with regard to this book. Months ago, I was on the Internet and came across a Website on which appeared a long, poorly-written story about the "Clinton Body Count." I was repulsed. You might not agree with a politician's politics, but how, I wondered, could you become so ill as to invent a lie that the president is a murderer? To me it was unexcusable, and I quickly exited the Website. Fast forward six months. I have just finished "The Secret Life of Bill Clinton." I am frightened. Frightened for my country, frightened for my fellow citizens, and frightened for myself that for months I had "extra-intellectually" dismissed what I've now come to see as truth. With an immense sense of sorrow, I have to say I believe that the stories of the "Clinton Body Count" are on the mark. It does appear, at least to this observer, that the man occupying the United States presidency is a murderer. Perhaps Americans are naive. Perhaps political assassinations have been part and parcel of politics from day one and will be part and parcel forever. It could just be that political assassinations and grand-scale corruption is inevitable, and the only variable is to what extent it is concealed from the masses. In "The Secret Life of Bill Clinton," Evans-Pritchard has written a dangerous book. But it will only be dangerous to a reader who's had prior exposure to the possibility of murder and grand-scale corruption in American politics. For that is the only person who will be able to give the book a thoughtful regard. Indeed, the person who could most benefit by this book will go entirely unaffected because the book will go entirely unread. For this person is probably at this very moment of reading this review hearing a voice in his or her head saying, "This is absurd, this talk of a body count, of the president being a murderer, is sheer lunacy." For this person, there is nothing anyone could say that will lead them to a contrary view. Only through extended repetition of a stimulus does an organism adapt to the stimulus, under which principle the intellect falls. So to those who can endure the near trauma of reading this book, good reading and good luck bearing the weight of your discovery. To those who cannot read the book now, may you at some point be able to. Grim predictions have obtained from time immemorial. Nonetheless, there are times when a spade is a spade, and there are times when a spade is not a spade. In thinking about this book, I wonder if we aren't in America's final hour.
Rating:  Summary: A MUST READ for every American Citizen Review: When we are told by our Government that we can be prosecuted for Crimes, it is the Governments stand to enforce and prosocute those that commit these Crimes. How can a Government enforce the rules when they are in fact,themselves guilty of the worst of CRIMES? This book proves it.
Rating:  Summary: This book may, or perhaps will not startle you... Review: Ambrose-Pritchard is a British reporter, and so falls outside the clique of the American establishment press hounds who report on our political scene. He has no old school allegiances, no backs to scratch, no ideological burdens to bear, and no political affiliation to honor. He calls it as he sees it, and he has seen some hair-raising things! Here he is reporting, before the White House sex scandals became public knowledge, on a morally destitute president and his power-hungry wife, and their struggles to achieve and maintain power and to advance their radical socialist political agenda. If there was ever any doubt in your mind about the depths of depravity this man and his wife are capable of, this book will dispel all of your questions. The only one remaining for me was: what in the name of God allowed the American people to elect him to the White House twice in a row? Are they really that gullible? Apparently, the answer is yes. On the other hand, he never won either election with a majority of the electorate. Without the help of Ross Perot, it could not have happened once, let alone twice. If you need to know more, or to hear more details, this is the book. Read it, and weep--for your country! Joseph Pierre author, Handguns and Freedom...their care and maintenance and other books
Rating:  Summary: WAKE UP AMERICA Review: Although I have some questions about his interview with Sharline Wilson, this book is one of the best that have been pened on Clinton. I would also give 5 stars to Roger Morris. Get this book into the hands of every man women and child in America
Rating:  Summary: Absolutely Chilling Expose on the GANGSTERS Running America Review: This book was published several years ago. I finally picked it up and started reading it a few days ago. I already suspected this was the most corrupt administration in my lifetime, but seeing it all in print, fact after fact after fact, using the FBI's own documents, witness interviews in which the author showed each witness the FBI written reports on their comments and the witnesses were stunned that their comments were so baldly misrepresented, misspelled names, I'm left with the only conclusion possible: The people running this country are hopelessly compromised. The book, even these many years are the initial publication, is "unputdownable." Even if you've been following the corruption in this administration since its inception, this book will still blow your mind. Highly recommended!
Rating:  Summary: A year and a half later... Review: This book stands the test of time. It also stands as an indictment of American Journalism. The mendacity and outright propagandizing of the major media in America should alarm even the most fervent liberal/democrat/socialist. Christopher Hitchens, a most liberal of liberal authors, decries the loss of the once lofty liberal mission-to speak truth to power. For his pains he was excoriated and thrown into the outer darkness by his so-called colleagues. His crime? Like Ambrose, he spoke truth to power. I would like to issue a challenge to the left wing in America. Find among you even one penitent in your pantheon of liberal commentators. One honest man or women who would retract their unabashed support of the nightmare of Stalins USSR-recall Lincoln Steffens rhapsodizing upon returning from the slave labor camps along the White Sea canal? I have been to the future and it works... Well, perhaps not? The left will never quite get it. Clinton is a totalitarian thug. His nature is to be despotic. His natural desire is to rule-not to govern justly with the consent of the governed. His temper, his horrible, cold, vengeful fulminations against his enemies (as well as "friends") far surpasse any excesses of Richard Nixon. Yet the press continues to meekly lick his hands. Stalin once plucked a live chicken bare of it's feathers in front of his inner circle to demonstrate how people will fawn to a dictator no matter how they are ill-treated. The chicken huddled at Stalins feet and shivered, begging for food. Clinton is a monstrously evil, unbridled, unfeeling, and uncaring charlatan. As is his wife. All the sex scandals ever really exposed was the low baseness and contempt in which Clinton holds his friends, family and each of us. Will he ever leave? Will the rot he has caused ever heal? I think not. The future holds the fruit of his labours. "Transfer-the end of the beginning", by Jerry Furland, gives us a hard edged look into what the modern politician and the emerging statist, utopian, society-married with technology will produce. It is a vision Clinton would love to see come to pass-as long as he gets to live at the top of pile.
Rating:  Summary: brilliant investigative tome and wakeup call for america Review: i am not american (in fact australian)but this book should be a clarion call to all americans who know that - for all its faults - the US is our protection from totalitarianism - or is it? Of course this book was supposed to be all conspiracy theorising and part of the "Destroy Bill Clinton" plethora of books. The latest revelations on Waco threw that nonsense out the window! Ambrose always said that the genesis of the saga was Waco and it seems he got that right. Wake up America! Democracy is a precious thing and if it takes a British journalist to find out - then things are rotten in the state of Washington! What amazes me is that we are in the year 1999 and just now finding out from A E-P, things that were going on in the 70s and 80s. Does this say anything about the quality of American journalism? Americans have got to work out that you can't leave it to the A E-Ps of this world to keep your government honest - others in the Grand Alliance that keeps this world safe - are counting on you, too.