Rating:  Summary: An Extraordinarily Important Book - All Citizens Should Read Review: This could be one of the most important books you ever read. The Secret Life of Bill Clinton is essential to understanding the serious corruption that has infested our government under Bill Clinton. Most significantly, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard's exposure of the existence and workings of the murderous Arkansas mafia from which Bill Clinton hatched is something every American should understand - particularly that Clinton brought elements of it with him right into the White House. Drug-trafficker Dan Lasater's chief lieutenant Patsy Thomasson, for example, is Clinton's Director of the White House Office of Administration. In no other book are the ugly facts and sinister associations laid with such stark clarity.Evans-Pritchard writes with a clear and graceful style, laced with doses of dry English wit. Reviewing the fishy crime scene evidence relating to the gun found in Vincent Foster's hand, for example, he observes: "The revolver...had not found its final resting place. The crime scene photos show it hopping about in a most animated way in Foster's hand." As a result of Evans-Pritchard being one of the small handful of journalists who actually investigated the death of Vincent Foster and certain other Clinton-related matters, he developed contacts and relationships with key witnesses and others that provide his his book with devestating factual revelations that cannot be found elsewhere. For example, the first person known to have seen Vincent Foster's body in Fort Marcy Park, officially known as the "Confidential Witness" is absolutely certain that at the time he saw the body there was no gun. He tells Evans-Pritchard: "The whole thing stinks, he clearly didn't shoot himself there. You can't shoot yourself without a gun. The man had no gun. End of story." Another example: Jerry Parks was a Little Rock private investigator with long-standing ties to Vincent Foster, as well as having been head of security for the 1992 Clinton-Gore headquarters in Little Rock. He had a file on Clinton extra-marital affairs that Foster had hired him to compile several years earlier. He was murdered gangland-style two months after the Foster death and the files were stolen. Evans-Pritchard, over a several-year period, was able to get Parks' widow and son to open up to him and provide extraordinary revelations tying his murder to the White House. Evans-Pritchard, an Englishman, has an obvious affection for this country and an admiration for the finer qualities of the American character. His protagonists are the ordinary people who fight the abuses of power and corruption from their little corner. "It makes me feel almost proud to witness such defiance," he says. I was moved by his seeing the virtue in our country and its people while in the midst of exposing the putrid evil and corruption that few seem to realize even exists. I wonder what motivated the man, a Brit on temporary assignment in the U.S., to perform the tremendous service to this country that I believe he has. I don't know, but I suspect it is a highly developed sense of justice and a properly aroused moral indignation. He came to the U.S. at the end of 1992 as an admirer of Bill and Hillary Clinton, but over time came to realize they were very different from their packaging. He explains "Sending people to prison on false charges - or trying to do so - is his [Clinton's] specialty, which is the chief reason I have come to revile the man." Of course, if you only get your information from the mainstream media, you wouldn't have any idea of what he is talking about - which is all the more reason to read this book. Evans-Pritchard wrote a farewell article when he left America to return to England, the subtitle of which was "Rouse and Guard Your Liberties." The warning is apt, but you will have to read the book to understand why.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent book documenting scandal surrounding Bill Clinton Review: A well written expose of the many scandals surrounding the Clinton administration. Many on this review forum have complained that these "stories" have appeared elsewhere. Fact is none of them have appeared in any great detail in the mainstream press. The Oklahoma City bombing cover up has been helped right along by the mainstream press. In fact, it was The New American magazine that broke open the story regarding the cover up in Oklahoma City by federal and state officials. The mainstream press has not wanted to touch or deal with the Vince Foster affair, drug dealing in Arkansas under Clinton's eye, etc, etc. An excellent read for anyone looking for more depth regarding the Clinton scandals than what you'll find in Time, Newsweek, or the New York Times.
Rating:  Summary: A must-read to any American citizen... Review: I purchased this book after hearing review after review of it from my family members. Needless to say, they were right - this book is an absolute bombshell of information that pinpoints most, if not all of the ethical and legal faux pas raised by the Clinton Administration and the organizations under that regime. Some of the highlights include how the FBI blundered Waco, how the Murrah building was most definately more than a one-person job (but was apparently ordered not to investigate it as such), how Clinton was dealing in cocaine trafficking and how the Clintons managed to cover all of this up with the help of the liberal media. ... Ambrose Evans-Pritchard documents everything he asserts based on facts of witness testimony, comparing FBI affadavits, and other documents related to these cases. If there is any flaw with the book is that Pritchard couldn't 100% tie all of the incidents to Clinton, though 95% of the crimes mentioned in the book can be easily seen how they tie to Clinton or to someone high up in the Clinton administration. I reiterate - this book is a must-read to anyone who is sick and tired of hearing how great the Clinton Administration is, and should be read by those people who continue to profess how wonderful Clinton was.
Rating:  Summary: It's time for One Term Limits for all Politicians Review: I just finished reading this book - on the heals of finishing Bernard Goldberg's book, Bias. It made me sick to my stomach. Not being one to swallow what someone tries to feed me without thinking for myself, if even some of the allegations made in this book are true, it's horrifying. I'm wondering why no one in the media wants to uncover the truth about Vince Foster's death. I learned recently that his widow received a $286,000 wire transfer 4 days after his death and no one wants to account for the money trail. What blows my mind is if Bill had a "nose like a vacuum" as the author alleges Roger Clinton stated on a surveillance tape, why isn't that front page news? Are we so gullible as a society that we tolerate such behavior from our leaders so long as it doesn't interfere with our own personal quality of life? I admit I am no fan of the Clintons and I didn't vote for Al Gore. However, I'm having trouble sleeping at night in fear for the country my son will inherit if these allegations are true. I always knew the rich and powerful got different justice from the rest of us - I guess I always thought the press would protect us from ourselves. God help us all. This book is powerful in its ability to "probe and disturb".
Rating:  Summary: Everyone who cares about America should read this book! Review: The title is the only tabloid aspect to this remarkably well researched and presented work by a very respected journalist, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard. His insights and his roll-up-the-sleeves approach to gathering information and interviewing witnesses shows through clearly in each of the three major sections of the book. Don't be fooled by others who may have reviewed this book negatively. They either haven't read the book (which seems obvious given some of their comments) or they're "plants." The overwhelmingly high ratings for this work are well deserved. Nobody can read it from cover to cover and not be frightened, angered, saddened and sickened by the man and machinery that now controls the White House. If you're a Clinton supporter and wish to remain one, keep your head in the sand and don't read this book. If your a searcher of the Truth you'll find an extremely well documented version of it in this book covering topics from the Oklahoma City Bombing to Paula Jones, from Vince Foster and witness intimidation to "Air Contra", and from cocaine use to Arkansas corruption and abuse of power. Evans-Pritchard lays out the facts and the evidence but draws only cautious conclusions. Read it for yourself and draw your own conclusions. Everyone who cares about America should read this book!
Rating:  Summary: Partisan Revenge Tactics = Big Bucks Review: To the people who read this book, you really should do some research on the author, who was sure that he was going to be killed by Clinton's "Death Squads" while writing this. It's a perfect book to feed the conservative paranoia that the Clinton years cultivated. The guy couldn't even have a successful affair without getting caught, how he could have managed all that he is accused of in this book is borderline absurd. And the section regarding the advanced knowledge of the Oklahoma bombing is just plain ridiculous, especially when you compare it to the recent allegation of the Bush administration's advance knowledge of 9/11 activities. It's easy to dislike Clinton when you're a conservative, I understand, and this book certainly gives you fuel for the fire. But no one should take anything in this book as entirely factual or of any journalistic value. The elaborate footnotes and "documentation" are an almost comedic exersize in logical thinking. But hey, I'm not going to knock a book that so many people like. The only thing I object to is its classification as a "non-fiction" book.
Rating:  Summary: Pot calling the kettle black Review: Oh, the horror! Read about all of the awful things Clinton did. Of course nothing any worse than pretty much any other president has done. Maybe Clinton ran over the author's dog or something, but the very nature of the book seems to imply that Clinton was somehow unique in the corruption of his office. Not even remotely so. For a real comedic follow up perhaps the author could write of the pristine and angelic terms of Reagan and Bush.
Rating:  Summary: Just finished reading this book for the second time -- Review: and it still scares me to death. How did we manage to survive eight years of Bill and Hillary Clinton? I can only reason that it is the greatness of this country. Maybe one day justice will be meted out properly, and Mr. and Mrs. Clinton will pay for their crimes!! The section on Vince Foster alone is worth the price of the book.
Rating:  Summary: another conspracy rag by a newspaper skeptic Review: Evans-pritchard's political criticism is even worse than his anthropological works, which is the sole reason I even came across this typical hatchet job. I find it telling such ungentlemanly prudes steer clear of focusing upon English politics, which, God save the queen, makes America look like sentimental children as far as horrendous historical crimes go, not to mention the sexual deviancy of the royal court's insatiable appetites; and it's obvious oxford would suffer greatly from any efforts of evans-pitchfork pointed at her Royal privates. Clinton of course, as all presidents since Korean war times is merely a spokesman, a televised personality and media scapegoat (EXCEPT GEORGE BUSH SR.) and his exploits are child's play in comparison with his myriad bosses, which Evans-pritchard barely mentions. All in all, the drug scene in Arkansas is sadly lacking in quality and quantity, and here credit must be given to this books compiler for researching such a barren issue.
Rating:  Summary: Evans-Pritchard deserves a Nobel Prize Review: The information on the Oklahoma City bombing is alone worththeprice. It is a fascinating journey through government sting opsintersecting one another, and possibly resulting in the tragic bombingof the Alfred P. Murrah federal building. Then the author goes on tothe explore Clinton and the Dixie Mafia, ... trafficking in Mena,Arkansas, the death of Vince Foster, and more. His writing style isvery fluid and annotative, displaying a mastery of the Englishlanguage .... Ambrose Evans-Pritchard has shown us how Clintontook his Hillbilly Mob system to Washington with him, debasedAmerica's political system, and established his own Stalinesque reignof terror. Written from a very unique perspective, that of a Britishjournalist, this is by far the best expose on the Clintons. .... Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, America owes you a debt of gratitude. Isalute you.