Rating:  Summary: A thank you to the Troops for Truddi Chase Review: This book is very gripping and very emotional. You will feel everything as you read The Troop's account of their lives: happiness, terror, revulsion, anger, joy. This is no easy read; the Troop's are hard to follow and the content is so striking. But it gave me a more complete understanding of this disorder, and how we cope with it. It caused me to feel a need for much more help for those who suffer with it, and possibly not just in the field of psychology. I gained a greater insight into my own personality, and while I am not a mutiple, I have been able to recognize several "selves" I created to cope with my own life. I believe every human does this. It is with the multiples, however, that it moves in much deeper levels. I also caught a glimpse of the divine in the Troop's story. I saw the activity of the soul and even the influence of those who have not incarnated. This is a wide, terrifying, exhilarating ride. You will cry with the injustice of what happened to these people, but you will also glow with their ability to survive. I thank each one of them and I send my blessings.
Rating:  Summary: different and gripping Review: In terms of being well-written and revealing the complexities of abuse and DID, this book has no comparison. The Troops have proved that people react much more differently to abuse and healing and that it's possible to cope in their own unique fashion. The "novelistic overtones" didn't bother me; they made me focus on the details and experience much more empathy for the Troops as 3-dimensional person(s) than I would had the book read like a dry clinical account (such as _Sybil_). Each personality was well fleshed-out. The almost poetic style in some passages suggested that the Troops do indeed have a creative gift for writing, even about such atrocities. The book was disjointed, but it only served to illustrate the author(s') confusion. I could still follow it.The only things that gave me pause were mention of conversations that the Troops weren't part of (but that could have been written by hearsay, I guess) and the subplot of psychic energy power-shortages. That one is a bit harder to explain. But if you're willing to suspend a little disbelief, this book is an excellent, moving account of suffering and healing. p.s. I suggest you read the foreword and afterword; things will make more sense.
Rating:  Summary: Fantastic Review: This is a fantastically done book. It is well worth the read. What this child went through is astounding. The courage to come to the other side is amazing. Abuse is abuse is abuse no matter what form it comes in. For a child to survive is a feat in itself. I applaud this author! Other books to look for along the lines of abuse,courage and self healing are: Nightmares Echo, A Child Called It,Sickened and Running With Scissors. Kathy Hunter
Rating:  Summary: A RIVETING, HEART-RENDERING STORY! Review: As a counsellor, I have encountered two individuals with Multiple Personality Disorder, a traumatic emotional affliction which is a result of a severe traumatic experience in childhood, generally extreme physical, emotional and/or sexual abuse. The mind has its own unique built-in defense system which has the potential to create other personalities to help absorb the pain, fear and humiliation. "When Rabbit Howls" is the story of one such woman whose mind "split" and created 92 different personalities. The book gives the reader a clearer understanding of MPD, its's causes and effects, and explains how individuals with MPD can go on to live productive, fulfilling lives with the help of professional therapy. For those interested in reading of similar cases of MPD, I also suggest reading, "Becoming One," by Sarah Olson, "Sybil" by Flora Rhets Schreiber, "First Person Plural" by Dr. Cameron West, and "Silencing the Voices. All of these are excellent books and each one is deserving of a five-star rating.
Rating:  Summary: Hard read, but most worth it Review: This is an excellent book written by the Troops for Trudi Chase. Written by her alters, this book allows for a unique perspective on DID. There is graphic accounts of the abuse that happened that created her dissociation, and is not for the newly diagnosed so stay safe and read it when your system is strong enough for those that are multiples. For those that are not multiples, All I can say is you are in for a wild ride into the dissociative mind. This book points out CLEARLY that multiples don't alwasy fit into the Sybil mold.
Rating:  Summary: Mind consuming Review: This book is written in a variety of styles. Nevertheless, to read it is to somehow be able to look inside the mind of one unique multiple and experience in a small way the horror she survived. It is disturbing to the mind of one who has never experienced such a life, but at the same time, I can imagine that it would bring huge relief and confirm much, to the mind of one who has suffered some of the same types of abuse this woman has suffered. DID is a process whereby the mind is able to split off, in order to protect the core person from the atrocities it has suffered. The alters do a great job of allowing the person to not only survive but function well in everyday life. The time comes though in adulthood when the desire to be normal overrides the desire to continue to function the old way. With Trudi, she chose not to integrate and also chose to get to know all 90 plus alters, giving each one time. Her story is not over, in that I can find no mention of an update anywhere on the internet. She seems to have faded away. Reading this book will help the multiple, the therapist and the friend. If you are newly diagnosed or have suffered sexual abuse, be forewarned, there is much graphic detail that will upset you.
Rating:  Summary: Passable Review: Clinially speaking, the validity of this book is suspect. If what the author writes about herself is true, this book would never have been written - at least not by the author. It doesn't follow. At every page I got the feeling that I was reading a poor forgery. It offers little insight, if any, into the rare problem of multiple personalities. There is no follow up to speak of. I got the impression that the author got tired of thinking up what to say and just gave up. If you're looking for an in-depth study of what a person with multiple personalities is going through, as this book claims to give, you won't find it here. Pass on this one. It's shallow.
Rating:  Summary: Howling for the truth Review: I found it hard to believe that this woman was not completely overtaken by the desires of the therapist, which came through clearly in the influence shown throughout the tale, to have a MPD patient he could brag about and show off. Abuse, in my and the experience of all the abused women I know, is never forgotten; it is burned--every excruciating detail--into the mind. This book is completely unbelievable and defies reality.
Rating:  Summary: Incredible! Review: Not since McCrae's "Bark of the Dogwood" has a book affected me so strongly (though that book was also extremely funny in places.) But "When Rabbit Howls" is really in a class by itself. What an impact this book makes! Be warned: It will make you very angry, whether or not you've ever been the victim of abuse. There are so many books out there on the market dealing with abuse, multiple personality disorder and everything in between, but this is by far one of the best. Want the definition of hell? Look inside this book.
Rating:  Summary: Must read Review: Goes to show you what a child of abuse can go through in thier lives. The twist and turns thier lives take in trying to 'deal' with the truth. Remarkable book!! ... Shelly Lawson