Rating:  Summary: Rachel....Touching lives forever... Review: I just finished reading "RACHEL"S TEARS" and have been deeply moved by this book. I am a 37 year old mother of two, and this 17 year old girls faith was far above any I have known as yet. If you need something to renew your faith in God, or to inspire you to know the Lord personally READ THIS BOOK. It also gives spiritual insight into the tragedy at Columbine that I would have never considered.There is a message from God in everything that happens on this earth today. People just need to realize it, and start living his way. An excellent source of reading for youth groups and ALL teens.
Rating:  Summary: Life changing.... Review: THis is a book that everyone has to read! As I was reading this, I was awed by this girl and her incredible faith in God. A seventeen year old girl who I have never met has changed my life. As you read this book, you will be changed as I was - I was convicted to make changes in my life to reflect God in my life. Instead of merely being a Sunday Christian but to radiate God's love to everyone and to have a compassion and love for people who society labels as "unlovable". This book is the story about a young girl who was mature much beyond her year. GOd so real in her life that you cant help but be encouraged by her and be convicted to seek after God even harder.
Rating:  Summary: Rachel - A Servant of God Growing To Spiritual Maturity Review: I have read through Rachel's Tears twice and was encouraged and inspired by the life of this servant of God. I am always anxious to read about a person's struggle toward Spiritual maturity. But to reach it at such a young age made this story even more remarkable. God's grace was abundant in her life and Rachel through an honest struggle to know God in a deep way made the verse in the Bible alive which says "When you seek me with all your heart, then you will find me." She was a product of a vibrant youth group, a loving family and a disciplined quite time and constant communication with God. The one act that I think demonstrated her Spiritual maturity more than any other happened when she saw someone who was considered an outcast by the world and chose to befriend him which is the beginning of Grace but then took it a step further and asked him out on what would have been the first date of his life. At seventeen she had died to herself and was allowing the life and love of Jesus to shine through her and she was walking in the Spirit. That kind of committment is very rare and is very attractive and made an already beautiful girl, stunning looking in the radiance of God's love. Thank you to her parents for sharing your daughter's story because it is helping thousands of people from teens to youg adults like myself. Rachel, thanks for being honest in your journals and for not giving up and allowing the Lord to change you and mold your life into the image of Christ and thanks for being so dedicated that it happened at the tender age of 17. I am looking forward to meeting you one day in Heaven and thanking you for changing my life and inspiring me to a deeper walk with Christ. I could see you on that coronation day at seventeen receiving the Crown of Life and I can picture the Lord standing at the right hand of the Father and saying those words that every Christian wants to hear, "Well Done!" Well Done Rachel!!! And to the youth group at Breakthrough and to her parents and family who loved, supported and nurtured such a Serevant of God as Rachel, all I can say to you is the same "Well Done." Rachel Joy Scott, your love for the Lord and selfless service and kindness to all those you met is rarely seen but you have encouraged me to take up that torch and carry on your legacy but more than that carry on the only thing that can change this world, and that is sharing the unconditional love of Jesus Christ and being molded into the image of His son. Thanks Rachel - See you in Heaven!!!! John
Rating:  Summary: Emotional but good read Review: I read this book once for myself, and then read it again online to a friend of mine who can't see. Even the second time around I cried while reading it. It is such an amazing book. I think that everyone who was at all affected by what happend there that day, or touched by the testimonies of any of the victims would relate to this book. The first chapter of it was hard for me to read, cause it was recapping what happend that day and it was just heart wrenching for me, but once I got started reading it, I couldn't put it down. It really made me feel that I got to know Rachel Scott, and it made me think about my faith and my life and what I need to do to make every minute of my life count. The tributes from her brothers and sisters in the book are just so touching, and her family did a great job of all of it! Its great for anyone who wants to come to Christ or who is struggling with their faith. Whether you consider Rachel Scott a martyr or not is not important. What is important is that she lived her life for Jesus, and she was a normal teenager. This book does not glorify her or put her up on a pedestal, it simply tells her story..the story of a normal teenager struggling with her faith and her life. Something that every teenager goes thru at some point. I recommend this book to any and every teenager out there!
Rating:  Summary: The World Could Use A Little More Rachel Review: I have read the reviews for this book, some people gush and rave about it and others bash it. The people who feel so strongly that Rachel was not a martyr and that this whole book was a bunch of lies, quite frankly, need to find something worthwhile to be cranky about. I should think, since they go on and on about respect for the other victims, that they would have the decency of giving her parents a little break. I hardly think they wrote it to make a few bucks. For those of you who haven't read this book, it is very inspiring and quite refreshing to know that people still hold God close to their hearts, even in today's world. I was deeply affected by the Columbine Massacre and Rachel has inspired me to grow in my faith and my own relationship with God. The point of this book was not to discuss whether Rachel was a martyr or not, it was to show everyone who Rachel truly was and that she had a very unique relationship with Jesus Christ and that she felt one of her responsibilities was to share God's love with the world. Personally, I think she did a wonderful job.
Rating:  Summary: Awesome story!!! Review: I just read Rachel's Tears today, and it was such an inspiration!! It was sooo awesome how much Rachel trusted God and wanted to grow close to Him. I've read some of the other reviews and some have been as touched as I have, some have been disgusted. Some have called her a martyr, some have called her a fake. Some said her faith was real, some said it was just words. Some were inspired, some couldn't care less. But, martyr or not, Rachel was a Christian who wanted to serve her Lord with her whole, 17 year old heart. And I, for one, was deeply moved. One person said that we can't say that Rachel was a martyr based on the one person who was there, because that person doesn't remember the details now. That person is now paralyzed from their wounds and has blocked the day out of their mind, as do many people who have survived this kind of tradgedy. Also, another said she would have been killed no matter what she said. Well, that may be true, but the FACT that she said yes says more about her faith and her heart than the fact that she was killed. As a Christian myself, if I was in Rachel's shoes that April day, I would honestly have to say that I probably would have said "no". Standing up for your faith is not as easy as it should be, but to those like Cassie, Rachel and the other martyrs through history who have had enough faith to do so, I am inspired. And I want to grow to know God like they do, so if I'm in that situation, all I will be able to say is "yes, I believe in God, and I'm glad I do."
Rating:  Summary: Don't kid yourselves. Review: What happened to Rachel Scott at Columbine was a tragedy, but calling her a martyr is an insult to the memories of all the other people who died that day. The killers asked Rachel if she believed in God because they thought it sounded cool, nothing more. How do you explain why they killed everyone else? Trust me, they didn't put any thought into it, and Rachel would have been shot no matter what answer she gave them. Grieve for all of the people who died at Columbine and quit trying to make out like Rachel was better than everyone else. That would honor her memory better than this exploitive, judgmental and self-righteous book.
Rating:  Summary: The Faith, Hope & Love of Rachel Joy Scott Review: What moved this reader to tears, several times, during the course of reading this book, was the clarity and purity of mind, the unfeigned love of life (of God and of neighbour), the unsullied freshness of Christian hope, the seemingly effortless charity of this young woman, slain at Columbine. The journal entries and drawings serve to remind us that many persons between the ages of 14 and 18 are at the height of their creative powers, and write poems and draw sketches with an exuberant profusion. The intimacy of the notes and letters (the written prayers to God) will remind some readers of the saints of old, and perhaps of the psalmist -- Rachel's poems and letters are touching in their absence of artifice or guile, and moving in their honesty about struggles with doubt and other temptations. The book contains the memories and reminiscence of Rachel's parents, Darrell Scott and Beth Nimmo, and of Rachel's youth minister Lori Johnson. The ideal reader will allow the narrative to take shape as it does, not chronologically in sequence, but as the memories come. Not every reader will be familiar with the form of Christianity where the words "fellowship" and "disciple" are used as verbs, but to persons of an open mind and heart, this unfamiliarity should not prove a hindrance. The primacy of focus is not on the brutal and senseless deeds of Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold -- although their state of mind is discussed and briefly examined -- but rather of the life-affirming faith of Rachel Joy Scott, and a quite moving testament to her parents' belief that the slayings at Columbine were "a spiritual event." Highly recommended. Inspiring and even challenging -- challenging the reader to accept the invitation of grace and to recognize the certain victory of good over evil.
Rating:  Summary: The real thing Review: After hearing Darrell Scott speak at a youth event at a local collage, I was filled with awe of the life of Rachel Scott, as well as that of her parents who have dropped everything to tell the world of the great faith of their daughter. The book was fascinating to me, that one could be so deep at such an age. I was very pleased with the fact that her parents are not holding her up as a saint but as some one who stuggled just like the rest of us but in the end was faithful to her Lord, and whose prayers were answered ,she is being used for a mighty mission, a vision bigger than her life or the life of anyone else, If her story never touches another person she will not have died in vain, for her story changed my life and the lives of many who were at the youth convention in Boaz, Alabama.We will pick up the torch, the acts of kindness, we are filled with a sense of urgency now that the days are short and evil , We will claim our community for Jesus Christ. One day I will walk right up to "Queen Rachel" in heaven and thank her for listening and obeying the Lord and thank her for the souls I will touch because she has touched me.