Rating:  Summary: Touching true story of a foster child's struggles.. Review: This is an incredible autobiographical novel about a foster child's life in search of a family. This book is the second in Dave Pelzer's trilogy about his life and the power of the human spirit to triumph over adversity. The Lost Boy is written using the language of a young boy/teenager depending on the time period that is being discussed. The story is sad, but hopeful as Dave grows from a 12yr old boy into an 18 year old adult. As the story unfolds he goes through several foster homes in the search for a place to call home and a family he can finally grow attached to. It's an inspiring read and I would recommend it for anyone of any age.
Rating:  Summary: The Lost Boy Review: I found this book to be very insightful and inspiring. Dave Pelzer is an inspiration to other abused children. His story shows how important it is that we not judge others on their circumstances , but show love and compassion to all. You never know the impact that your time and interest in a child can make in their life. In spite of the horrible abuse he suffered as child, Dave Pelzer has become a loving,secure, compassionate, giving man who has touched countless lives and made them better. I know God is blessing you every day!
Rating:  Summary: The Triumph of Love and Courage Review: A heart warming tale of a young boy trying to find some one to call his fmaily. This book will make you cry and open your eyes to whole other world of a foster child. It's a true story that explains his journey from home to home in search of love. He heals from the wounds of his abusive mother and grows from a boy to a man. His courage to survive through life, alone is heart wrenching, and the love he finds warms the soul. A great sequal to A Child Called It. David Pelzer picked up where he left off. He tells a story that will make you cringe and smile, about the foster home system, that so many don't know about. Conitue on the journey fo this man's life and open your eyes to a new world, in The Lost Boy.
Rating:  Summary: From a Foster Mother's Heart... Review: Thank you, Mr. Pelzer, for writing your heart in this book. As a foster mother of three little ones, 5, 5, and 3, my heart always breaks for what they have seen and what I do not know yet that they have seen or experienced. You have let the world know that all foster parents are not monsters--and in fact, we try very hard to make our homes better and safer than some biological families' homes. The reason people become foster parents varies as widely as the reason children go into foster care. Each child is special and each child deserves the best care and the sweetest love they can receive. I could not put your book down after I bought it at the airport. My heart broke for your loss and your continued struggle to understand why your mother did those horrific things to you and your family. One could quickly blame the alchohol, but my heart ached as you continually tried to uncover what it was you could have done to make things turn out differently. Sometimes, we do not find the answers in this lifetime---your courage and honesty are appreciated. I highly recommend this book to any parent or anyone who is curious about "the system." My hat is off to you, Mr. Pelzer.
Rating:  Summary: Touching, Compeling, Definantly inspirational Review: This sequal is unlike any other. Instead of being the normal sequal to any fiction book, this biography continues the saga of the life of an abused child. In foster care, Dave had to learn about the outside world and that he wasn't alone anymore. So many people cared about him and showed him love that you just wish you could thank them in person for helping the child called It to find himself and turn out to be a man named Dave. "The Lost Boy" inspired me to become a foster parent when I am legally able to and I hope I can do as much for other children as what Dave gets in his book.
Rating:  Summary: TOTALLY INSPRIATIONAL Review: I have read all three of Dave Pelzers books, each of them left me with a warm and peaceful feeling that if a man like Dave can over come so many obstacles that so can I, and it also made me appreciate what I have in my life, Thank you Dave for opening my eyes.
Rating:  Summary: My opinion on the book The Lost Boy Review: I have recently read the book "The Lost Boy". It was very heart warming and inspirational. It shows how a boy goes from an abusive, alcoholic mother to several foster homes in search for a family that really loves him. I would recomend this book to other people because it kept my attention through the last page with all the dramatic and adventures. It made me feel thankful that I have a family that laoves me as much as they do. The character is David who movies on from foster home to foster home scared that his mother will come and get him. He also gives you a picture of the pain he was going through and I think thats one of the good points to this story. If you are looking for a book that shows self-help and inspiration I would recommend readinf " The Lost Boy".
Rating:  Summary: My opinion on the book The Lost Boy Review: I have recently read the book "The Lost Boy". It wasvery heart warming and inspirational. It shows how a boy goes from anabusive, alcoholic mother to several foster homes in search for a family that really loves him. I would recomend this book to other people because it kept my attention through the last page. It made me feel thankful that I have a family that loves me as much as they do. The character is David who movies on from foster home to foster home scared that his mother will come and get him. He also gives you a picture of the pain he was going through and I think thats one of the good points to this story. If you are looking for a book that shows self-help and inspiration i would recommend reading "The Lost Boy".
Rating:  Summary: Heart-wrenching, amazing and uplifting true stroy. Review: The Lost Boy is an absolutely amazing true story of Dave Pelzer, which chronicles his years from 12 to 18 years of age as a foster child. This is book two of three and now I must go and read the other two books in the trilogy. I could not put this book down. I would recommend this book to everyone. This will book will make you cry, it will make you mad, and at the end, you will be cheering and crying tears of joy for Dave. This book will break your heart and if you are a parent, you will be outraged at the abuse. Sadly, child abuse is so prevalent, and there are so many cunning, and devious parents out there, that some children do not get out and the abuse is "allowed" to go on and on or the child is killed. Dave's strength, determination, and unbreakable spirit shine throughout this book. How he survived the brutality can only be called a miracle. It breaks my heart to read of such incredible abuse and one does have to thank the foster parents, social works and teachers in this child's life. Dave says, "It takes a community to save a child", and I wholeheartedly agree. Dave takes you through his five different foster families during his adolescent years and his desperate determination to find the love of a family and a "home" propels him by not abandoning hope. Dave's inner strength, courage, and fortitude are a shining inspiration to us all. God bless you Dave and the work that you are doing to help other children. Thank you for opening our eyes and sharing "your" story.
Rating:  Summary: a child called it Review: i work with abused children, i thought i had become hardened to the attrocities of child abuse, i realise now i am not. What a harrowing, disturbing book. I was compelled to read it from beginning to end without putting it down. What a tribute to the strength of david pelzer and an example of courage and hope to us all. I cannot express my admiration to him as, then a child, and now an adult for his candid reporting of this period in his life.