Rating:  Summary: All The President's Children by Doug Wead Review: Outstanding book! If only I had read this book when I was in school I would have had an interest in learning history rather than just memorizing it to pass the class. This book is facinating. I love our country & am extremely interested in the people & their families who made it great. This book makes a great gift! It was very much appreciated. The content is excellent & the writing style can be enjoyed by all types of readers. You'll find that you can hardly put it down, but if you only have a few minutes to read -it has short sections that are perfect for that, too. I know you will enjoy it as much as I have.
Rating:  Summary: Jefferson-Hemings Controversy Review: Overall the book seems to be interesting. Some reviewers have cited inaccuracies and that is what I wish to address. I can vouch only for the Thomas Jefferson-Hemings remarks of Mr. Wead. Even though interviews with knowledgeable people indicated that, "closer inspections of the evidence has cast doubts on the conclusiveness of the DNA results and other theories and explanations being proposed", Mr. Wead now gives the reader the benefit of HIS research. He does not reveal to the reader that a blue ribbon panel of 13 top notch senior scholars concluded in the Scholars Commission Report that there is NO proof of the Jefferson-Hemings parenting oral history. The Monticello Association (Thomas Jefferson descendants), after three years of careful research, used this valuable research material and other research to conclude that the Hemings and Woodsons were NOT proven to be Thomas Jefferson children and thus they were ineligible to be members of that family association. Disregarding this valuable research, Mr. Wead states, "My own research of the other Jefferson children,(my note: a presumed reference to the Woodson and Hemings children), leads me to believe the president was indeed the father of Sally's children." What can we believe about the other Presidents' Children in this book?
Rating:  Summary: Compassionate history Review: The children of presidents must feel like all the eyes of the world are watching every move they make. Doug Wead tells their stories with compassion and care, and objectivity. The children grown up are often legends in their own right, and still they were children once upon a time. Mr. Wead sets the stories in the framework of history to make this a fascinating and informative book. If you like history, and real life, this is great reading.
Rating:  Summary: Too many 'W's. Review: The premise of this book was good. Wead did a nice job examining the presidential children throughout the years. He is correct in how many fall into common catagories. The problem I have with this book is the numerous references to George W. Bush and how he avoided this trap, or overcame this situation. The fact that Wead works for "W" becomes very apparent. In Wead's mind George W. Bush is the next best thing to sliced bread and can do no wrong. I have read other books on first families, and the stories are much more compeling when the author remains a 3rd party. I would give this book 6 or 7 stars if Wead had been able to stay non-partisan. Despite this problem, the book is interesting to read and I would recommended it too others, with a warning to be prepared for GWB worship.
Rating:  Summary: Untold History Review: The thing I liked about this book was that it covered the same ground, American History, but with stories and anecdotes that I had never heard before. I take that back. A few were familiar but they looked totally different from the veiwpoint of the family back home. John Adams is away arguing for the adoption of the Declaration of Independence but his wife is dealing with a housefull of kids with the flu. Kennedy is having a ball but Jackie is trying to navigate between teaching her children to respect their father and giving them a proper upbringing. All very, very fascinating.
Rating:  Summary: Deepens Understanding of Presidents and U.S. History Review: The value of this book is that it covers new territory. No matter what you have read and studied about American History or the American Presidents, there will be many surprises here. The perspective alone brings out many things and there is new information here from various presidential letters; but the greatest contribution comes from connecting the dots, putting all of these stories back to back, clearly demonstrating trends. I was riveted by Lincoln. I had thought we had pretty well exhausted him but seeing his children in light of other presidential children made him fully dimensional in a way I had never seen before. This book is fasincating!
Rating:  Summary: Story on Letty Tyler Rocks Review: These are stories that you never see and they give you a whole different picture of life in the White House, seen through the eyes of the children. The life of Letty Tyler was amazing. The same young goldigger who stole the affections of her father ends up stealing the affections of her husband. Sizzle, sizzle.
Rating:  Summary: Exciting-Can't put it down Review: This book gives you the feeling that you are personally aquainted with the Presidents and their families. The author did spend alot of time in the White House, which is what makes you feel you have been there as a part of them. I've known the author for many years, he's honest and real.
Rating:  Summary: Exceptional Read! Review: This book has something for everyone. Doug Wead offers the readers an informative and honest "peek" at the inner lives of Presidential children. Mr. Wead allows the reader to see the vulnerable side of these families, showing that even people in power have the same family issues shared by everyday people. Whether you are a history buff or just looking for a captivating read, this book has it all. A truly fascinating read, you won't want to put this book down! Buy it today, you will not be sorry.
Rating:  Summary: Doug Wead is a master storyteller in person and in print! Review: This book is an impressive contribution to history and courageous leadership. I think it is well-organized and speaks from the heart and mind of one who has the political resources to share with the world. Doug is not only a great storyteller to see in person, but also in this book. I know that he will be at the Boulder Theater on May 14-15 at the Courage in Leadership Conference and Gala Event via www.mirrorsoflove.com/leadershipevent, and for anyone that wants to experience Doug, I wouldn't miss him at this Event. You just might get an autographed copy of his book! Cheri Lutton, author of Mirrors of Love - In Acts of Courage, also available through amazon.