Rating:  Summary: A Child Called Review: Awesome Book I highly reccomend reading the book, especially if you will be working with children. This is the second time reading through, I had to read it in school and now since I am in college I am doing my speech on why to read the book.
Rating:  Summary: Gripping,outrageous Review: This book was a startling reminder of our society today. The fact that anyone would be so mean to a little boy is hard for most of us to imagine, but it does happen. The horrible torture this little boy went through is disgusting, and anyone against child abuse should read it.
Rating:  Summary: Thank you David Pelzer Review: David, if you're out there, thank you for writing this book. It has truly changed me. Thank you. This is a wonderful book, i recomend it to everyone. I sat down and read this book cover to cover. It's an amazing story of survival of one small helpless child. It will change your way of appreation the little things in life, I know it has mine. To conclud i want to remind all parents how fradile children and how much they only watn to be loved.
Rating:  Summary: "The Child Called It", a Touching Story Review: A "Child Called It" is an excellent book, but, it is extremely sad. David Pelzer, the author of the book, is the little boy in the book who has gotten beaten by his abusive mother was deeply disturbed, & only beat David. His mother seemed to find joy in beating "It." Davids mother even tried to burn him on the top of the family stove when no one else was home. Did David make it? Does he live? You will just have to read the book, to find out. David was just a little boy when he had to go through all the abuse. David learned how he could beat his mother at the "games" that she played with him. All I can say is that "It" didn't have fun with the "games." I definately recommed the book "A Child Called It" as a very good reading book.
Rating:  Summary: A Child's brave story of Survival! Review: This book was probably one of the best books that I have ever read. It is a true story about a boy named David, and his fight for life. In this story David talks about his childhood. At the beginning of the story David lives in a typical perfect family, but at the story progresses things take a turn. David's mom becomes more of an alcoholic and her attitude towards her family totally changes. She becomes an abusive mother to David and beats him. Although David does have a father and brothers it seems that he is the only one getting hurt or abused. Many of the stories that David talks about in this book made me cry. This story is very sensitive and so real. But what kept me reading the book was David's courage and strength to keep on going. In his heart he knew that some way some how he would get away from his mother, and still be alive. I decided to rate this book 5 stars because it was very interesting to read David's willingness to live and keep on going. Another reason was that it was a very sensitive book and often those types of books make you really think about how bad some people have it out there. Also I rated it five stars because it was written in great detail. If you ever get the chance to read this book, I would recommend it highly.
Rating:  Summary: you were never an "IT" in gods eyes Review: I just read David's book when I notice a girl on the job had the book and I did'nt pay it no mind.until one day i was in the store and I seen the book.something told me buy the book.and when I did I took the book to work that night and I could not put the book down.it was like an addiction.I read deeper and deeper in David's book and I begin to cry as I read his book I could'nt believe the things his mother did to him.I came home that night thinking and thinking about David as if he was still a little boy.then I started thinking about my son at home who's eight years old.that I could never do anything of that nature to him.as I sit here and write this letter I still cry...the most part that hurt me so was how she made David get in the cold water and stay there for hours and hours at a time.I just wanted to hurt her at the time as I read the book I had hate in my heart for her.but I had to realize I'm a christian and I knew that god would take good care of him sooner or later.it was just a matter of time.to god David was his child that he was going to take care of all along.He gave David the strenght to be strong and carrie on.David you are in my prayers always.
Rating:  Summary: I cried throughout the whole thing... Review: I've never read a book that has touched my soul more then this one. I was taken away by what Dave had to endure at such a young age. I read some other reviews and for those who rated the book low because they felt it was "made-up", well they are living proof of our blind society. Children are abused in horrible ways everyday and some people are just unwilling to see this. This book is an incredible eye-opening experience. I read it in one day! I was amazed and proud of Dave Pelzer who lived to tell his story. A man who now has accomplished so much; hopefully we can all learn from him.
Rating:  Summary: A Child Called it A inspiring story for struggle Review: My opinion is simple, this book is one of the most inspiring books ever. Dave the author describes the characters so well that you almost fell as if you are there. The things that he went to are so scary and I give him graditute for being able to write his story. The chilling facts that he went through, were so disturbing you had to read on so that you were sure he wouldn't die. I loved this book. I would recomend it to anyone who loves a thoughtfull and suspensful read.
Rating:  Summary: A Child Called "IT" Review: A friend of mine told me about this book. He told me that once you start reading it you can not put it down. I started to look at it a read a few pages. About a hour later he told me to go buy my own copy. I was up all night long just to finsh the book. I still can not believe that a mother can single out one of her childern and do this stuff to him. Then to have your father sit by and watch because he is afraid to say anything to her. What kind of father is that. Thank God my parnents were nonething like this. Thank God that one of your school tachers and a school nurse finally said something and got you out of a home like that. They saved your life. You would like that a child that young would block a lot of these things that happened to them. I would hate to live with the nightmares. I can hardly wait to read the other two books. I belive these books would be a must for everyone to read.
Rating:  Summary: I'd love to meet Dave in person and shake his hand. Review: And thank him for recording this incredible story. It is a hard book to read - in that the stories he tells are nightmarish and outright horrible. Yet I read the book clear through in a few hours. I had to find out what happened to this dear little boy.And then I *RAN* to the library to get the sequel and then I went back to get the third book in the series. A previous post is right - you'll never look at a child in tatters the same way. And to me - that is one of this book's big messages. Several people failed Dave as a child. How many people in school and in his neighborhood saw this sad little boy but lacked the moral courage to help him out? How many times have I seen a child like that, and went merrily on my way? Hard questions, but thank goodness for Dave's strength and willingness to bring these questions to our thought and our collective consciousness. This book is a clarion call that we are all responsible for the children in our circle or village. I think we will all be held accountable for looking the other way when we discovered a child in need. A powerful book. I highly recommend it - but be forewarned, the descriptions are graphic. And a last note - I am so grateful to hear Dave has been healed of this dreadful past. I hope his story will be a shining light to show others - full healing and restoration is possible.