Rating:  Summary: Why, Mother? Review: I count myself among the many who have loved this book. I kept reading to find out "why," only to to be faced with Dave's own question and bewilderment.
Rating:  Summary: ... Review: As I read this book, I wondered how much of this (supposedly true story) the author made up. Dave Pelzer may have been an abused child, but much of his story came across as exaggerations. Some is just "over-the-top" and is not credible.Dave's mother inflects horrendous abuse and torture on him (but not her other children), and the author does not provide a single reason, explanation, or rationalization. The story jumps from one horrid torture to another without any meaningful development (actually, there is not any development). This is hardly a book. It is more like an essay. I have no doubt that there are evil people in this world such as Dave's mother. But, his story just did not ring true to me. There are too many inconsistancies and unanswered questions. Also, the responses and reactions defy simple common sense, here are a few: For years, this skinny under-nurished child went to school without a lunch, and no teacher or school employee would see that he got a meal? For years, he went to school in rags, and smelled so bad that the odor gagged others in the room, so he had to sit near a opened window. But, no teacher asked his mother to do something about this? For years, Dave's father watched his wife beat and kick their child, make him eat vomit, stab him, poison him, burn him on a stove, starve him, and make numerous attempts at murdering him; and, the father did not interfere. But, the father cared enough to help Dave with the dishes, and asked him "how ya doin', Tiger." (Give me a break.) For years, this child is starved, and needs food so badly that he eats garbage, steals food from his classmates, steals from stores, begs for food from neighbors and complete strangers. But, he will not tell any of his teachers or classmates that his mother is starving him? His mother makes him sit outside on rocks, while she takes his brothers to the zoo, and he sits there and suffers for hours until they return. Certainly, he must have known they would be away for sometime, so why sit and suffer for hours? During the years of abuse, the author admits that concern was shown by various people: Teachers, school nurses, school administrators, neighbors, a social worker even came to his house. Yet, he never went to any of these people for help?....
Rating:  Summary: The Most Moving and Emotional Book in The World Review: I am only 15 years old and have after only just reading this book tonight felt compelled to find out more about its' author David Pelzer.The book is a story of the struggle that a young boy has to survive against the abuse of his alcoholic mother.I was in tears for almost the whole book and I can honestly say that no other book has brought me to tears.The courage and kindness of the author is brought to light in the story.In the book he thinks that it is his fault that he is beaten and abused by his mother which only makes the book more heart rending and desperatley sad.That it is a true story,shows us all what an insperation David Pelzer is,it touched me to my very soul and certainly made me realise how lucky I am. Read it,it makes you see things in a whole new light.
Rating:  Summary: Interesting and sad book Review: A Child Called "It" was a very interesting, sad, and disappointing book to read. It was interesting to me, as a fourteen year old, because I could never believe that in this world parents could beat their children. A child doesn't know that the beating is bad because he or she hasn't grown up and seen the better part of life; so he or she doesn't know that there is a better part of life. But I know why Dave Pelzer wrote the book. He wanted to tell other kids that they are not the only ones who get abused. By doing that, it makes the other kids know that they're not alone. I think that he also wrote it for the parents who are abusing their children because then they might think "maybe I should stop hurting my child who's feeling sad and lonely inside." I am looking forward to reading the next two books because I want to know what happens to the mother and to him, and I want to learn how he grows up through all of this and what kind of a person he is now.
Rating:  Summary: Opening Eyes Review: This book is the true story of a boy who was abused by his mother. She did many cruel things to him that would make anyone's skin crawl. Yet although the torment he endured he still found the will to survive and eventually escape the hell. I read the second book in this series " The Lost Boy." I liked this book as well but the drama in "A Child Called It" is much more emotionally touching. I enjoyed the book because it shows the horror of child abuse. Which many people try to avoid recognizing. This quote shows one of the many terrible thing his mother made him do or did to him. "I knew she was only doing it for her sick pleasure. Father stood lifeless as she fed me another dose of ammonia."(Pg 75) His mother would beat him for no reason. He became the house slave. Since she rarely fed David, he had to steal food. She eventually caught on and punished him severely for it. At one point in the story she even stabbed him and didn't even take him to the hospital. Many people do not know the truth of child abuse or just ignore it because they don't want it to exist. The truth is it unfortunately does. People should not turn the other cheek when they witness it but do something about it. Its societies way of making things better to pretend that child abuse doesn't exist at all. That is not what needs to happen! If one knows that the child next door is being abused behind closed doors do something about it. Silence will not stop it. David was lucky enough to escape the hell he lived in because someone stepped in. The school nurse got fed up with the excuses David's mother brainwashed into him. She called the authorities and David was free. This book may not be for people who are very faint hearted with this subject of child abuse. This book vividly describes in great detail what he dealt with. It brought tears to my eyes and at times I felt I would be sick. This book opened my eyes to reality though. That's why I treasure and love it. It is a great that is written extremely well. I will continue reading other books by David Pelzer as well.
Rating:  Summary: This is the most awesome book i ever read. Review: This book was amazing it was so good it shows the life of a boy named Dave that was abused by his mother got his face shoved into a heated stove. I read this book in 1 hour it was so sad but it was a really good book. I'm glad that my family is so kind and loving to me, i thank god for that. I recommend this book to only children. ...
Rating:  Summary: The worst story with the best "ending" Review: I devoted my life to helping children who are "at-risk" and are from abusive homes. But, even my exposure to these children couldn't prepare me for the abuse I read about in this book. I was appalled and shocked at the situations this child has gone through! It just made me more determined to help the children I have committed myself to work with; to get them out of the abusive environments into loving families and communities. This book is a terribly painful eye-opener to the severity of abuse out there; the best part about this story is that the author has grown into a wonderful man and adult which gives the reader hope. A wonderfully uplifting story. It will make you feel angry, sad, and hopeful...and hopefully change the way in which you view child abuse and it's place in our society; and put in a desire to help put an end to the abuse once and for all.
Rating:  Summary: Abuse so horrible I felt sick just reading about it Review: This book was a captivating read. Someone else commented that the descriptions were really graphic, and I agree a hundred percent. In terms of the ability to evoke the feelings of fear and even anger that the young child must have felt during the "games" and the abuse from "the mother", Dave Pelzer does a fantastic job. Just when you think the abuse can't get any worse, something else comes up which just makes you feel nauseus after reading it. However, I felt that even though Dave Pelzer was trying to write from the point of view of a child aged below 12, I personally felt that the words used and the way the "child" spoke seemed a bit too "mature". Also, there were many unanswered questions such as exactly when the discipline turned into torture and whether there were any possible reasons why that may have happened, eg was there a "breaking point"? Did something happen to cause the child's mother to suddenly drink more? Perhaps that's because the person "speaking" is a young child who just has no answers. But personally I wish there were. All in all though, it's an easy to understand book that can be read at one go. For me, once I started I just couldn't stop until I finished it. And when I did and finally went to bed, I actually had a nightmare. Hmmmmmm.... maybe this book deserves 4 stars....
Rating:  Summary: The most powerful book I have ever read Review: As a teacher, I can say that all educators MUST read this book. Its graphic detail of the horrific abuse he suffered will make you look closely at the children around you. His only lifelines in the demented world in which he lived were his teachers. After years of trying to get him removed from his terrible circumstances, his teachers and administrators were finally able to see him placed in foster care. Although our foster system is not perfect, Dave credits the system with his survival. This book will have you hooked after the first five pages. You will not be able to put it down regardless of the sickening abuse stories. The desire to see this little boy "win" will keep you reading. Do not stop here, though. Please finish his story by reading "The Lost Boy" and "A Man Named Dave." After finishing these three books, you will want to meet Dave Pelzer and give him a big hug. He is truly a testament of God's ability to turn a tragedy into a triumph! God bless you, Dave. May you always know that our Heavenly Father had a plan for your life and your willingness to fulfill that plan has been a beacon of hope to millions of others! I don't know you, but I think of you fondly and pray for you and your family. (Your son is very blessed.)